-Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

 From: "J.M. Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Seattle City-Wide Walkout In Mass Media
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 1999 14:58:43 -0800 (PST)

PGA Action at WTO Seattle - http://members.aol.com/mwmorrill/pga.htm

*please forward widely*

Fellow Anti-WTOers,

The walkout for November 30 is picking up steam. There are decent,
non-oppositional articles in Saturday's Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
as pasted below, and in the Sunday Seattle Times. When this happens,
it will happen spontaneously. It will be self-organization of people
who hear about through mass media, through flyers, posters, stickers,
banners etc. This is an invaluable action for our movement that
people can, and are, organizing themselves.

-Jason Adams Seattle IWW / Direct Action Network


Walk out on summit, Seattleites urged


Imagine a day when the assembly lines at Boeing plants are silent.
When the Seattle Police Department is missing a third of its
officers. When local high schools have more students absent then

This is Jason Adams' dream. If it happens on Nov. 30,then Adams, who
works with the Puget Sound chapter of the Industrial Workers of the
World, has played his role in organizing against the World Trade
Organization to perfection.

A citywide walkout is part of the WTO protesters'strategy to put as
many people downtown on Nov. 30 as possible, the better to clog up
the area around the Convention Center, where the conference on
international trade will be held Nov. 30-Dec. 3.

Labor is the key to a successful walkout. If the work force departs
en masse, then it strikes a double blow for the protesters: Vital
parts of the area's economy are shut down, and downtown is covered in

Students from at least four local colleges and eight area high
schools will be walking out, organizers say, in addition to all the
other protesters.

"Even if only the people who are organizing this in the schools walk
out, with labor, we should have at least 25,000 people not being
where they should be on the 30th," Adams says.

The city is already thinking of giving its employees a "snow day" on
Nov. 30, in anticipation of the downtown gridlock. Another, less
vocalized, fear of the city's governors, however, is a possible
employee sickout.

Posters have appeared in city offices -- including locker rooms of
the Seattle police precincts -- urging city employees not to report
to work. But it is in the schools where Adams hopes to make a big

"When I was a freshman in high school, the U.S. started bombing
Iraq," Adams says. "And some guy tapped me on the shoulder and asked
me if I was going to go to the walkout to protest it. It was a
totally spontaneous thing. When I looked out the window of my social
studies class, it was really amazing to see people streaming out of
classes to protest the war.

Teal Emery is a sophomore at Mercer Island High School. He's been
involved in planning a walkout from the high school. He's been doing
legwork since the summer, but after this weekend's scheduled WTO
teach-in at Seattle Central Community College from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.,
he plans to step up his efforts. "I don't know how successful it will
be at my school," Emery comments dryly about his affluent suburban
high school. "But I've convinced all my freinds to come to a teach-in
this weekend. After that I'll really start recruiting."

The idea for a citywide walkout came from King County Labor Council
Executive Director Ron Judd's summer suggestion that organized labor
hold a citywide strike to protest the WTO.

But the national AFL-CIO organization prevailed upon Judd to call for
a walkout instead, so that members' no-strike clauses in contracts
were not violated. Local activists, such as Adams, have taken over
the Labor Council's role of inciting local workers to walk out Nov.

To that end, Adams and his cohorts have been covering the city --
especially the University District -- with pamphlets and have even
adopted telemarketing practices aimed at getting workers off the job.
The IWW has also been calling for other unions to hold walkouts, with
the support of the Labor Council.

The Newspaper Guild Local No. 37082, which represents some members of
both the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and The Seattle Times newsrooms
as well as the papers' circulation and advertising departments, asked
its members last month to take Nov. 30 off and march in a planned
labor march against the WTO. Guild officers have since backed off
that request.

While some people are talking about actually striking for the day,
others are soft-pedaling and are planning on calling in sick, Adams

P-I reporter Judd Slivka can be reached at 206-448-8127 or


Start Your Own FREE Email L[Print command completed].com/
N30 Central Website http://www.seattlewto.org/n30
N30 Website http://www.n30.org
N30 Seattle Walkout http://walkout.listbot.com
N30 Call by the IWW
Melungeon Heritage Hub Site http://www.melungeons.org

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