-Caveat Lector-


Most Americans who are in the Militia don't even know it.  However, the
laws of the states
and of the union are often quite specific in defining the word "militia."
For example:

United Sates Code, Title 10, Chapter 13-The Militia, Section 311 "Militia:
composition and
classes-(a)The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied
males at least 17
years of age and except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45
years of age who
are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the
United States
and of female citizens of the United States who are commissioned officers
of the National
Guard. (b) The classes of the militia are- (1) the organized militia, which
consists of the
National Guard and the Naval Militia; and (2) the unorganized militia,
which consists of the
members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the
Naval Militia."

Note that the section quoted above does not say that people can "join" the
simply states that the people defined in the section are IN the Militia!

Definitions of the Militia may also be found in various state constitutions
and statutes.
Reference will need to be made to the constitution and statutes of your
particular state in
order to determine your status regarding the Militia. Remember...you may
already be in the
Militia, and not even know it!

The Constitution for the united States of America is the Supreme Law of the
land.  It
recognizes the Militia as an already existing force outside the control of
the federal
government but allows for the Congress to call forth the Militia for only
three very
specific occurrences.  The Militia cannot be called up to perform any other
acts outside of
the three specifically stated in the Constitution. The Militia cannot be
called upon to do
anything un-Constitutional, illegal, or unlawful.  Indeed, Militia
commanders must refuse
any un-Constitutional, illegal, or unlawful order.  The Constitution for
the united States
of America states in Article 1, Section 8:

"To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union,
Insurrections and repel Invasions; to provide for organizing, arming, and
disciplining the
Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the
Service of the United
States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the
Officers, and the
Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by

The Preamble of the Bill of Rights and Article 2 are of particular note:

"Preamble - The conventions of a number of the States having at the time of
their adopting
the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction
or abuse of its
powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added;
And as extending
the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the
beneficent ends of
its institution."

"Article II - A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of
a free State, the
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The active clause in the second Article in amendment is "the right of the
people to keep and
bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  "A well regulated Militia, being
necessary to the
security of a free State," is the descriptive clause.  The meaning is
clear.  Honest study
of the Constitution for the united States of America, laws of the Union,
constitutions of
the several States, state statutes, and writings of the Founders of our
Republic reveals
clearly that the Militia is a "citizens army" made up of the "whole of the
people," for the
purpose of guarding against "betrayal by their representatives," to "afford
security against the invasions of public liberty by the national
authority," and if either
occurs it is their right, their duty, "to throw off such government, and to
provide new
guards for their future security."

A militiaman is simply any citizen in his capacity as a defender of the
community, who is
obliged to do so within his or her ability.  Militiahood is a role which
citizens may play
as the situation requires.  It is not a permanent condition. But just as
each citizen has a
duty to defend the community, he also has the duty to prepare himself to
play that role
effectively, and to join with others in his community to train and to
function as organized
forces, and the elected officials of his community have the duty to
facilitate that
organization and training.  If those officials fail in their duty the
Militiaman must carry
on without their participation.

What follows are selections from the constitutions of the several States
pertaining to the
maintenance and defense of freedom.

State Constitutions which do NOT define "militia" (refer to state statutes)

Alabama   Maryland   New York  Alaska   Massachusetts   North Carolina
California   Michigan
Oklahoma  Connecticut   Minnesota  Oregon  Delaware   Missouri Rhode
Island  Georgia
Montana   Tennessee  Hawaii   Nebraska   Texas   Nevada West
Virginia  Indiana   New
Hampshire   Wisconsin  Louisiana   New Jersey   Wyoming

State Constitutions which DO define "militia"

Arizona   New Mexico  Arkansas   North
Dakota  Colorado   Ohio  Florida   Pennsylvania Idaho
South Carolina  Illinois  Iowa   South
Dakota  Kansas   Utah  Kentucky   Vermont Maine
Virginia  Mississippi   Washington

ALABAMA [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1, Sec. 26 - That every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of
himself and the

Art. 15 - MILITIA - Sec. 271 - The legislature shall have power to declare
who shall
constitute the militia of the state, and to provide for organizing, arming,
and disciplining
the same; and the legislature may provide for the organization of a state
and naval militia.

Sec. 274 - Voluntary organization of infantry, cavalry, and artillery and
naval militia may
be formed in such manner and under such restrictions and with such
privileges as may be
provided by law.

Sec. 276 - The governor shall, with the advice and consent of the senate,
appoint all
general officers, whose terms of office shall be four years. The governor,
the generals and
regimental and battalion commanders shall appoint their own staffs, as may
be provided by

Sec. 277 - The legislature shall provide for the safe keeping of the arms,
ammunition, and
accoutrements, and military records, banners, and relics of the state.

ALASKA [No Militia Definition]

Preamble - Section 19 - A well-regulated militia being necessary to the
security of a free
state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Section 20 - The governor may declare martial law when the public safety
requires it in case
of rebellion or actual or imminent invasion. Martial law shall not continue
for longer than
20 days without the approval of a majority of the members of the
legislature in joint


Sec. 26 - The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of
himself or the
State shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed
as authorizing
individuals or corporations to organize, maintain, or employ an armed body
of men.

Sec. 32 - The provisions of this Constitution are mandatory, unless by
express words they
are declared to be otherwise.

Art. 16 - Sec. 1 - The militia of the State of Arizona shall consist of all
able-bodied male
citizens of the State between the ages of 18 and 45 years, and of those
between said ages
who shall have declared their intention to become citizens of the United
States, residing
therein, subject to such exemptions as now exist, or as may hereafter be
created by the laws
of the United States or of this State.


Sec. 5 - The citizens of this state shall have the right to keep and bear
arms for their
common defense.

Art. 11 - Sec. 1 - The militia shall consist of all able-bodied male
persons, residents of
the State between the ages of 18 and 45 years, except such as may be
exempted by the laws of
the United States or this State, and shall be organized, officered, armed
and equipped and
trained in such manner as may be provided by law.

Sec. 2 - Volunteer companies of infantry, cavalry or artillery may be
formed in such manner
and with such restrictions as may be provided by law.

Sec. 4 - The Governor shall, when the General Assembly is not in session,
have power to call
out the volunteers or militia, or both, to execute the laws, repel
invasion, repress
insurrection and preserve the public peace in such manner as may be
authorized by law.

CALIFORNIA [No Militia Definition] [No Right to Bear Arms Provision, but
the California
Constitution does guarantee that its citizens have the "Right to Fish" (no

Art. 1 - Sec. 24 - Rights guaranteed by this Constitution are not dependent
on those
guaranteed by the United States Constitution.

Sec. 7 - Commander of Militia - The governor is commander in chief of a
militia that shall
be provided by statute. The governor may call it forth to execute the law.


The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person
and property, or
in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in
question; but
nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of
carrying concealed

Art. 17 - Sec. 1 - The militia of the state shall consist of all
able-bodied male residents
of the state between the ages of 18 and 45 years; except, such persons as
may be exempted by
the laws of the United States, or of the State.

Art. 17 - Sec. 4 - The general assembly shall provide for the safekeeping
of the public
arms, military records, relics and banners of the state.

CONNECTICUT [No Militia definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 15 - Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of
himself and the

Art. 4 - Sec. 8 - The governor shall be captain general of the militia of
the state, except
when called into the service of the United States.

DELAWARE [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 20 - A person has the right to keep and bear arms for the
defense of self,
family, home and state, and for hunting and recreational use.

Art. 3 - Sec. 8 - He [the governor] shall be the commander in chief of the
army and navy of
this State, and of the militia, except when they shall be called into the
service of the
United States.


Art. 1 - Sec. 8 - Subsec. (a) - The right of the people to keep and bear
arms in defense of
themselves and of this lawful authority of the state shall not be
infringed, except that the
manner of bearing arms may be regulated by law.

Subsec. (b) - There shall be a mandatory period of three days, excluding
weekends and legal
holidays, between the purchase and delivery at retail of any handgun. For
the purposes of
this section, "purchase" means the transfer of money or other valuable
consideration to the
retailer and "handgun" means a firearm capable of being carried and used by
one hand, such
as a pistol or revolver. Holders of a concealed weapon permit as prescribed
in Florida law
shall not be subject to the provisions of this paragraph.

Subsec. (d) - This restriction shall not apply to a trade-in of another

Art 10 - Sec. 2 - Subsec. (a) - The militia shall be composed of all
able-bodied inhabitants
of the state who are or have declared their intention to become citizens of
the United
States; and no person because of religious creed or opinion shall be
exempted from military
duty except upon conditions provided by law.

Subsec. (b) - The organizing, equipping, housing, maintaining, and
disciplining of the
militia, and the safekeeping of public arms may be provided for by law.

GEORGIA [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 1 - Para. 8 - The right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be
infringed, but the General Assembly shall have power to prescribe the
manner in which arms
may be borne.

Art. 2 - Sec. 6 - Para. 2 - subpara. 2 - The general assembly shall have
the power to
provide by law for a militia and of the trial by court martial and
nonjudicial punishment of
its members....

Art. 5 - Sec. 2 - Para. 3 - The governor shall be the commander in chief of
the military
forces of this state.

HAWAII [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 17 - A well regulated militia being necessary to the security
of a free state,
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Art. 5 - Sec. 5 - ...The governor shall be commander in chief of the armed
forces of the
state and may call out such forces to execute the laws, suppress or prevent
insurrection or
lawless violence or repel invasion.


Art. 1 - Sec. 11 - The people have the right to keep and bear arms, which
right shall not be
abridged; but this provision shall not prevent the passage of laws to
govern the carrying of
weapons concealed on the person nor prevent the passage of any legislation
penalties for the possession of firearms by a convicted felon, nor prevent
the passage of
any legislation punishing the use of a firearm. No law shall impose
licensure, registration
or special taxation on the ownership or possession of firearms or
ammunition. Nor shall any
law permit the confiscation of firearms, except those actually used in the
commission of a

Art. 14 - Sec. 1 - All able bodied male persons, residents of this state,
between the ages
of 18 and 45 years, shall be enrolled in the militia, and perform such
military duty as may
be required by law, but no person having conscientious scruples against
bearing arms shall
be compelled to perform such duty in time of peace. Every person claiming
such exemption
from service, shall, in lieu thereof, pay into the school fund of the
county of which he may
be a resident, an equivalent in money, the amount and manner of payment to
be fixed by law.

Art. 14 - Sec. 2 -The legislature shall provide by law for the enrollment,
equipment and
discipline of the militia, to conform as nearly as practicable to the
regulations for the
government of the armies of the United States and pass such laws to promote
organizations as may afford them effectual encouragement.

Art. 14 - Sec. 5 - All military organizations under the laws of this state
shall carry no
other device, banner, or flag, than that of the United States or the State
of Idaho.

Art. 14 - Sec. 6 - No armed police force, or detective agency, or armed
body of men, shall
ever be brought into this state for the suppression of domestic violence,
except upon the
application of the legislature, or the executive when the legislature
cannot be convened.


Art. 1 - Sec. 22 - Subject only to the police power, the right of the
individual citizen to
keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Art. 12 - Sec. 1 - The state militia consists of all able-bodied persons
residing in the
state except those exempted by law.

Art. 12 - Sec. 3 - The general assembly shall provide by law for the
organization, equipment
and discipline of the militia in conformity with the laws governing the
armed forces of the
United States.

INDIANA [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 32 - The people shall have a right to bear arms, for the
defense of themselves
and the State.

Art. 12 - Sec. 2 - The governor is commander in chief of the militia and
other military
forces of this state.


Art. 6 - Sec. 1 - The militia of this state shall be composed of all able
bodied male
citizens, between the ages of 18 and 45 years, except such as are or may
hereafter be exempt
by the laws of the United States, or of this State, and shall be armed,
equipped, and
trained, as the general assembly may provide by law.


Bill of Rights - Sec. 4 - The people have the right to bear arms for their
defense and
security; but standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty,
and shall not be
tolerated, and the military shall be in strict subordination to the civil

Art. 8 - Sec. 1 - The militia shall be composed of all able bodied male
citizens between the
ages of 21 and 45 years, except such as are exempted by the laws of the
United States or of
this state; but all citizens of any religious denomination whatever who
from scruples of
conscience may be averse to bearing arms shall be exempted therefrom, upon
such conditions
as may be prescribed by law.

Art. 8 - Sec. 2 - The legislature shall provide for organizing, equipping
and disciplining
the militia....


Bill of Rights - Sec. 1 - para. 7 - All men are by nature free and equal,
and have certain
inherent and inalienable rights, among which may be reckoned the right to
bear arms in
defense of themselves and of the State, subject to the power of the General
Assembly to
enact laws to prevent persons from carrying concealed weapons.

The Militia - Sec. 219 - The militia of the Commonwealth of Kentucky shall
consist of all
able-bodied male residents of the State between the ages of 18 and 45
years, except such
persons as may be exempted by the laws of the State or of the United States.

Sec. 220 - The General Assembly shall provide for maintaining an organized

LOUISIANA [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 11 - The right of each citizen to keep and bear arms shall
not be abridged,
but this provision shall not prevent the passage of laws to prohibit the
carrying of weapons
concealed on the person.


Art. 1 - Sec. 16 - Every citizen has a right to keep and bear arms and this
right shall
never be questioned.

Art. 7 - Sec. 5 - Persons of the denominations of Quakers and Shakers,
Justices of the
Supreme Judicial Court, Ministers of the Gospel and persons exempted by the
laws of the
United States may be exempted from military duty, but no other able bodied
person of the age
of 18 and under the age of 45 years, excepting officers of the militia who
have been
honorably discharged, shall be so exempted.

Art. 7 - Sec. 2 - The legislature shall, by law, designate the
qualifications necessary for
holding a commission in the militia and shall prescribe the mode of
selection of officers
for the several grades.

MARYLAND [No Militia Definition]

Declaration of Rights - Art. 28 - That a well regulated militia is the
proper and natural
defense of a free government.

Art. 2 - Sec. 8 - The governor shall be the commander in chief of the land
and naval forces
of the state and may call out the militia to repel invasions, suppress
insurrections, and
enforce the execution of the laws, but shall not take the command in
person, without the
consent of the legislature.

Art. 9 - Sec. 1 - The general assembly shall make, from time to time, such
provisions for
organizing, equipping and disciplining the militia, as the exigency may
require, and pass
such laws to promote volunteer militia organizations as may afford them

MASSACHUSETTS [No Militia Definition]

Part the First, Declaration of Rights - Section 17 - The people have a
right to keep and to
bear arms for the common defense. And as, in time of peace, armies are
dangerous to liberty,
they ought not to be maintained without the consent of the legislature, and
the military
power shall always be held in an exact subordination to the civil authority
and be governed
by it.

Articles 7 and 10 which deal with the militia of the commonwealth were
annulled. For further
information, see Amendments, Article 54.

MICHIGAN [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 6 - Every person has a right to keep and bear arms for the
defense of himself
and the state.

Art. 3 - Sec. 4 - The militia shall be organized, equipped, and disciplined
as provided by

MINNESOTA [No Militia Definition]

Art. 13 - Sec. 9 - The legislature shall pass laws necessary for the
discipline and service of the militia of the state.

MISSISSIPPI [Yes, Militia Definition]

Art. 3 - Sec. 12 - The right of every citizen to keep and bear arms in
defense of his home,
person or property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally
summoned, shall not be
called in question, but the legislature may regulate or forbid carrying
concealed weapons.

Art. 9 - Sec. 214 - All able-bodied male citizens of the state between the
ages of 18 and 45
years shall be liable to military duty in the militia of this state, in
such manner as the
legislature may provide.

Sec. 215 - The legislature shall provide for the organizing, arming,
equipping, and
discipline of the militia, and for paying the same when called into active

MISSOURI [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 23 - The right of every citizen to keep and bear arms in
defense of his home,
person and property, or when lawfully summoned in aid of the civil power,
shall not be
questioned; but this shall not justify the wearing of concealed weapons.

Art. 3 - Sec. 46 - The general assembly shall provide for the organization,
regulations and functions of an adequate militia, and shall conform the
same as nearly as
practicable to the regulations for the government of the armed forces of
the United States.

MONTANA [No Militia Definition]

Art. 2 - Sec. 12 - The right of any person to keep or bear arms in defense
of his own home,
person, and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally
summoned shall not
be called in question, but nothing herein contained shall be held to permit
the carrying of
concealed weapons.

Art. 2 - Sec. 33 - No armed person or persons or armed body of men shall be
brought into
this state for the preservation of the peace, or the suppression of
domestic violence,
except upon the application of the legislature, or of the governor when the
cannot be convened.

NEBRASKA [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 1 - All persons are by nature free and independent, and have
certain inherent
and inalienable rights; among these are life, liberty, the pursuit of
happiness, and the
right to keep and bear arms for security or defense of self, family, home,
and others, and
for lawful common defense, hunting, recreational sue, and all other lawful
purposes, and
such rights shall not be denied or infringed by the state or any
subdivision thereof....

Art. 14 - Sec. 1 - The legislature may provide for the personnel,
organization, and
discipline of the militia of the state.

NEVADA [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 11 - Para. 1 - Every citizen has the right to keep and bear
arms for security
and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful

Art. 12 - Sec. 1 - The legislature shall provide by law for organizing and
disciplining the
militia of this state, for the effectual encouragement of volunteer corps
and the safe
keeping of the public arms.

NEW HAMPSHIRE [No Militia Definition]

Part the First, Bill of Rights, Art. 2-a - All persons have the right to
keep and bear arms
in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the state.

Part the First, Bill of Rights, Art. 10 - Right of Revolution - Government
being instituted
for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community,
and not for the
private interest of emolument of any one man, family, or class of men,
therefore, whenever
the ends of government are perverted and public liberty manifestly
endangered, and all other
means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right out to
reform the old, or
establish a new government. The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary
power, and
oppression is absurd, slavish and destruction of the good and happiness of

Part the First, Art. 24 - A well regulated militia is the proper, natural,
and sure defense
of a state.

NEW JERSEY [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 1 - All persons are by nature free and independent, and have
certain natural
and unalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying AND DEFENDING
life and liberty, of
acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and of pursuing and
obtaining safety and

Art. 5 - Sec. 3 - Para. 1 - Provision for organizing, inducting, training,
disciplining, and regulating a militia shall be made by law, which shall
conform to
applicable standards established for the armed forces of the United States.


Art. 2 - Sec. 6 - No law shall abridge the right of the citizen to keep and
bear arms for
security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other
lawful purposes,
but nothing herein shall be held to permit the carrying of concealed
weapons. No
municipality or county shall regulate, in any way, an incident of the right
to keep and bear

Art. 18 - Sec. 1 - The militia of this state shall consist of all able
bodied male citizens
between the ages of 18 and 45, except such as are exempt by laws of the
United States or of
this state....

NEW YORK [No Militia Definition]

Art. 12 - Sec. 1 - The defense and protection of the state and of the
United States is an
obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide
for the discharge
of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized

NORTH CAROLINA [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 30 - A well regulated militia being necessary to the security
of a free state,
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, and,
as standing
armies in time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they shall not be
maintained, and the
military shall be kept under strict subordination to, and governed by, the
civil power.
Nothing herein shall justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons, or
prevent the
general assembly from enacting penal statutes against that practice.


Art. 1 - Sec. 1 - All individuals are by nature equally free and
independent and have
certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying AND DEFENDING
life and
liberty; acquiring, possessing AND PROTECTING property and reputation;
pursuing and
obtaining safety and happiness; and to keep and bear arms for the defense
of their person,
family, property and the state, and for lawful hunting, recreation, and
other lawful
purposes, which shall not be infringed.

Art. 11 - Sec. 16 - The militia of this state shall consist of all able
bodied male persons
residing in the state between the ages of 18 and 45 years, except such as
may be exempted by
the laws of the United States, or of this state. Persons who religious
tenets or
conscientious scruples forbid them to bear arms shall not be compelled to
do so in times of
peace, but shall pay an equivalent for a personal service.

Art. 11 - Sec. 18 - The legislative assembly shall provide by law for the
establishment of
volunteer organizations of several arms of the service, which shall be
classed as active
militia, and no other organized body of armed men shall be permitted to
perform military
duty in t his state except the army of the United States without the
proclamation of the
governor of the state.


Art. 1 - Sec. 4 - The people have the right to bear arms for their defense
and security, but
standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and shall not
be kept up, and
the military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power.

Art. 9 - Sec. 1 - All citizens, residents of this state, being 17 years of
age, and under
the age of 67 years, shall be subject to enrollment in the militia and the
performance of
military duty, in such manner, not incompatible with the Constitution and
laws of the United
States, as may be prescribed by law.

Art. 9 - Sec. 5 - The general assembly shall provide, by law, for the
protection and safe
keeping of the public arms.

OKLAHOMA [No Militia Definition]

Art. 2 - Sec. 26 - The right of a citizen to keep and bear arms in defense
of his home,
person, or property, or in aid of the civil power, when thereunto legally
summoned, shall
never be prohibited, but nothing herein contained shall prevent the
legislature from
regulating the carrying of weapons.

Art. 5 - Sec. 40 - The legislature shall provide for organizing,
disciplining, arming,
maintaining, and equipping the militia of the state.

OREGON [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 27 - The people shall have the right to bear arms for the
defense of
themselves and the state, but the military shall be kept in strict
subordination to the
civil power.

Art. 10 - Sec. 1 - The legislative assembly shall provide by law for the
maintenance and discipline of a state militia for the defense and
protection of the state.


Art. 1 - Sec. 21 - The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of
themselves and the
state shall not be questioned.

Art. 3 - Sec. 16 - The citizens of this commonwealth shall be armed,
organized and
disciplined for its defense when and in such manner as may be directed by

RHODE ISLAND [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 22 - The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not
be infringed.


Art. 1 - Sec. 20 - A well regulated militia being necessary to the security
of a free state,
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. As,
in time of peace,
armies are dangerous to liberty, they shall not be maintained without the
consent of the
general assembly....

Art. 13 - Sec. 1 - The militia of this state shall consist of all able
bodied male citizens
of the state between the ages of 18 and 45 years, except such persons as
are now or may be
exempted by the laws of the United States or this State, or who from
religious scruples may
be adverse to bearing arms, and shall be organized, officered, armed,
equipped, and
disciplined as the general assembly may by law direct.

SOUTH DAKOTA [Yes, Militia Definition]

Art. 6 - Sec. 24 - The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of
themselves and the
state shall not be denied.

Art. 15 - Sec. 1 - The militia of the state of South Dakota shall consist
of all able bodied
male persons residing in the state, between the ages of 18 and 45 years,
except such persons
as now are, or hereafter may be, exempted by the laws of the United States
or of this state.

Art. 15 - Sec. 2 - The legislature shall provide by law for the enrollment,
equipment and discipline of the militia and the establishment of volunteer
and such other
organizations or both as may be deemed necessary for the protection of the
state, the
preservation of order and the efficiency and good of the service.

TENNESSEE [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 24 - The sure and certain defense of a free people is a well
militia; and as standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to freedom,
they ought to be
avoided as far as the circumstances and safety of the community will admit;
and that in all
cases the military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil

Art. 8 - Sec. 1 - All militia officers shall be elected by persons subject
to military duty,
within the bounds of their several companies, battalions, regiments,
brigades and divisions,
under such rules and regulations as the legislature may from time to time
direct and

TEXAS [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 23 - Every citizen shall have the right to keep and bear arms
in the lawful
defense of himself or the state; but the legislature shall have power, by
law, to regulate
the wearing of arms, with a view to prevent crime.

Art. 16 - Sec. 46 - which dealt with the militia of Texas was repealed on
Aug. 5, 1969.


Art. 1 - Sec. 6 - The individual right of the people to keep and bear arms
for security and
defense of self, family, others, property, or the state, as well as for
other lawful
purposes shall not be infringed, but nothing herein shall prevent the
legislature from
defining the lawful use of arms.

Art. 15 - Sec. 1 - The militia shall consist of all able bodied male
inhabitants of the
state, between the ages of 18 and 45 years, except such as are exempted by law.


Chapter 1 - Art. 16 - That the people have a right to bear arms for the
defense of
themselves and the state -- and as standing armies in time of peace are
dangerous to
liberty, they ought not to be kept up, and that the military should be kept
under strict
subordination to and governed by the civil power.

Chapter 2 - Sec. 59 - Militia: The inhabitants of this State shall be
trained and armed for
its defense, under such regulations, restrictions, and exceptions, as
Congress, agreeably to
the Constitution of the United States and the legislature of this state
shall direct.


Art. 1 - Sec. 13 - A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the
people, trained to
arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state, therefore,
the right of the
people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed....


Art. 1 - Sec. 24 - The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in
defense of himself,
or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be
construed as
authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an
armed body of

Art. 10 - Sec. 1 - Militia - All able bodied male citizens of this state
between the ages of
18 and 45 years except such as are exempt by laws of the United States or
by the laws of
this state, shall be liable to military duty.

Art. 10 - Sec. 4 - The legislature shall provide by law for the protection
and safe keeping
of the public arms.

WEST VIRGINIA [No Militia Definition]

Art. 3 - Sec. 22 - A person has the right to keep and bear arms for the
defense of self,
family, home and state, and for lawful hunting and recreational use.

WISCONSIN [No Militia Definition]

Art. 4 - Sec. 29 - The legislature shall determine what persons shall
constitute the militia
of the state, and may provide for organizing and disciplining the same in
such manner as
shall be prescribed by law.

WYOMING [No Militia Definition]

Art. 1 - Sec. 24 - The right of citizens to bear arms in defense of
themselves and of the
state shall not be denied.

Art. 19 - Sec. 6 - No armed police force or detective agency or armed body,
or unarmed body
of men, shall ever be brought into this state for the suppression of
domestic violence,
except upon the application of the legislature or executive when the
legislature cannot be
Blessed be the LORD, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers
for battle; my
rock and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield and he in
whom I take
refuge, who subdues the peoples under him.
-Psalm 144:1,2
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