-Caveat Lector-

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Uri geller Article
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 99 12:00:08 +1300
From: harryo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Believe it or not, every word of what you are about to read is for real.
Uri Geller

Let's start with something that seems fairly down to earth: a microchip.
Ah, but the new transfer capacitor made by the American Computer Company
in New Jersey is no ordinary microchip: it's capable of storing 300Gb of
information - enough for 15 Hollywood blockbusters. ACC chief Jack
Shulman claims his chip runs at 12,OOOGHz: around 20,000 times faster
than the fastest Intel Pentium II chip you can buy. About the size of a
casino baccarat chip, the TCAP takes millionths of a billionth of a
second to implement a calculation.

Shulman comments that, "The implications are staggering. If I were Bill
Gates, I'd be jumping for joy. There is no longer an upper limit to the
performance possible for the common, everyday personal computer."

Which is all well and good, but while it's very impressive, there's
nothing odd about it. Or there wasn't, until ACC cancelled its patent
application on July 4th last year. Shulman issued press releases
insisting he could not legally keep TCAP technology to himself, because
that would violate the Outer Space Treaty, breaching international law.

His logic is that the TCAP, apparently, was backwards-engineered from a
crashed alien spaceship recovered at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.
According to UFOlogists, the US Government has been working on secret
projects at the Nellis Air Force Range at Groom Lake, 90 miles
north-west of Las Vegas, Nevada - the 'above-top-secret' facility
codenamed 'Area 51' or 'Dreamland'. Here scientists are said to unravel
extra terrestrial technology in search of elements they can understand.
The Roswell ship was fifty times more advanced than anything on post-war
earth, believes Shulman - and the development of transistors in 1949 was
the first direct result. In 1998, the TCAP was another.

"We realise that the TCAP was designed by a superior intelligence so as
to overcome the problems either with super-cooling or over-complicated
device designs," says Shulman. "It's quite fascinating."


Sticking with the Roswell craft for a moment, nuclear physicist Jack
Sarfatti has suggested it may have been piloted by thought control - its
occupants setting the co-ordinates by visualising their destination.
This technology now appears to be within human reach, after astonishing
research carried out not on alien spaceships but on human paralysis
victims. Roy Bakay heads a neurology team at Emory University in
Atlanta, Georgia, which has developed an implant that sends thought
signals from the brain to a computer.

Bakay buried glass cones the size of a ball point tip in the motor
cortexes of two paraplegic patients, using a magnetic resonance imaging
scanner to home in on the most active regions. The glass had been
impregnated with neurotrophic chemicals taken from the patients' own
knees, to stimulate nerve growth. Neurons colonised the cones, attaching
themselves like limpets to minute electrodes, and their signals were
transmitted to a receiver-transmitter worn in a metal skull-cap.

By imagining body movements, the paralysed users were able to control
the transmissions and move an on-screen cursor across a simple menu.
'Lift left leg' might translate to an upward scroll - 'stamp right foot'
could click on a choice. The menu offers limited options, and one of the
volunteers has since died of her sclerosis, but prototype Emory implants
now enable one 57-year-old stroke victim to switch lights on or request
food and water.

Bakay's team, which started by experimenting on monkeys, has taken eight
years to reach this point, and faces several more years of testing
before more detailed commands can be processed. The aim is to control
artificial limbs, giving paraplegics new hope of walking, he told the
Congress of Neurological Surgeons in Seattle. Linking to the Internet is
another short-term aim: "if you can run a computer, you can talk to the
world," says Bakay.

The possible non-medical uses are truly mind-boggling. Operating
computers, TVs and household appliances by thought-power is just the
beginning: Emory implant wearers will be able to communicate by
electronic telepathy, firing impulses between their transmitter caps.
And if TCAP processing power takes hold, virtual reality will be
significantly more convincing, and with thought control, humans will be
able to mould their surroundings in the flash of a synapse. You want to
be on a sunny beach? just think about it for a second...


Dr Fred Alan Wolf, award-winning theoretical physicist, believes the
human mind can do more than just create a universe - it can leap around
the future, too. In a paper presented at the Vigier conference, called
The Timing of the Conscious Experience, Wolf declared: "We are all
psychic, whether we like it or not. Our brains operate more like time
machines, and information from the future must influence choices that we
have made in the past. This is an evolutionary transformation, and
species which didn't pick up this very important capability died out."

Wolf is talking about quantum physics, the revolutionary spin-off from
sub-atomics where particles can exist simultaneously in two places. Just
observing quantum particles affects the way they behave. In his book
Hyperspace, New York professor of physics Michio Kaku combines Wolfs
quantum theories with Einstein's relativity equations to design a time
machine: 'It consists of two chambers, each containing two parallel
metal plates. Intense electric fields created between each pair of
plates rip the fabric of space-time, creating a hole in space that links
the two chambers." Kaku admits the technology to create such powerful
electro-magnetic circuitry doesn't yet exist - but then he was writing
before the advent of TCAPs. If one of the chambers is moving at an
immense speed - in space, for example - Einstein's laws dictate there
will be a time-lag, with the clock ticking more slowly in space than on
Earth. Anything stepping through the door here will emerge at the other
end in the past.

And if the spaceship is piloted by Emory implants, it will be back home
in the twinkling of a thought. The practical applications are currently
slim, but the theoretical implications are massive. The time-traveller
could reach Earth in time to meet himself and order himself not to step
through the doorway. So now what?

Kaku's answer is simple - and convincing enough to make time travel an
even more mind-shaking possibility. When the traveller steps back in
time, he also steps into another universe. All those two-timing quantum
particles making up all the incalculable trillions of atoms in the
universe cannot behave the same way twice. Something different happens
to the universe every time the traveller heads backwards, effectively
creating another universe running parallel to this one. So he might
arrive in a world where unicorns roam on Hampstead Heath, and Chateau
Petrus is only four pence a bottle. Or he might vanish in a scenario
where life never evolved at all.


If you're sceptical about Back To The Future, how about Fantastic
Voyage? Can you imagine travelling through your own body? Israeli
scientist Gavriel Iddan, of the Rafael Arms Development Authority, has
devised a disposable capsule the size of a vitamin pill containing a
camera no bigger than a microchip, a miniscule light source,
transmitters and a power cell. During its seven-hour passage through the
digestive tract, the camera broadcasts to a receiver on a belt.
Currently, the belt is removed after the capsule is 'expelled', and the
receiver then downloads to a workstation where real-time video of the
intestine can be viewed. But soon, live transmissions will be available.

On the split-screen display, images of the gut appear beside a map
pinpointing the capsule's location. Current endoscopic imaging
techniques, where the camera is inserted down the throat on a tube,
can't be nearly so accurate - all the surgeon can know is how much
tubing has been paid out.

The implications for medicine are massive. Gavriel Meron, Chief
Executive of the Rafael subsidiary which is testing the capsule, points
out that endoscopy and other methods such as X-rays miss around 20 per
cent of gastrointestinal ailments, including malignant cancers. "With
that kind of failure rate," he says, "you can't talk about early
detection". Iddan's capsule isn't expected to reach the market until
after the year 2000, but Meron is confident it is only the first in a
family of internal cameras.

The future may be bright, but the past is somewhat more murky: Rafael,
where Iddan is head of electro-optics research, is after all a military
establishment. Rumours are circulating that the initial technology was
part of a missile head, but Meron denies it: "It's not part, as far as I
know, of any defence system". But then he would say that, wouldn't he?


While your mind's still happily boggling away, let's go back to quantum
mechanics. That idea of particles being affected by observation is known
as Heizenberg's Uncertainty Principle. Formulated in 1927, it cuts both
ways - if a particle is not observed, it exists in every possible state.
It does not settle down and make its choice until it is measured. So a
particle of matter could also be a wave of energy, and a radioactive
atom may be decayed or it may be whole. Until we look, nothing is

Existing in one known, static condition requires no energy. But existing
in two oscillating conditions simultaneously isn't so economical. Energy
is required. Even a vacuum frozen to absolute zero will require energy.
And a vacuum at absolute zero is a succinct description of most regions
in outer space.

Physicists have argued for decades whether spaceships could convert this
energy. The debate got hot in 1948, when the Dutch scientist HBG Casimir
used a pair of gold-coated quartz plates and a torsion pendulum to
demonstrate zero-point energy did exist. The motion of the pendulum,
twisting one of the plates, could not be explained unless the zero-point
was built into calculations.

Russian researchers, in an attempt to make up for their lack of alien
craft, tried bombarding water with sound to create air pockets which
imploded, creating energy flashes. Nobel Prize-winner Julian Schwinger
pointed to zero-point energy as the cause, but the trail went cold with
the advent of perestroika.

Hal Puthoff, Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin,
Texas, has reopened the controversy with an outrageous claim: that
zero-point energy is the force that holds electrons in orbit round an
atom's nucleus. "It implies that hydrogen injected into cavities might
produce excess energy," he said. With the energy taken out, atoms would
shrink. Imagine a device that reduces a potato to powder - but instead
of merely dehydrating it, you are extracting enough power to run your
central heating for a week.


But enough of the theories and the physics, you can already get hold of
a product that is just as mind-boggling in its nature and its functions:
a mere key-ring. The Bulgarian Osa, or Wasp not only keeps your doorkey
safe, but also detects radiation, fires .32 calibre bullets and evades
airport security systems. The £12.50 device was designed by Viktor
Staef, who proudly declares: "This is the latest descendant of the
Bulgarian poison-tipped umbrella".

First conceived as a pistol to fire tear-gas capsules, the gadget is
aimed at the Indian and Pakistani market, mainly as a women's
self-defence weapon. "Women shy away from guns," said Staef, "so it gave
me the idea to make it look like something they would find sympathetic.
It comes in 99 different shades, so you can match it with the colour of
your eyes, clothes, lipstick or your car." With nuclear tests underway
in the sub-continent, the Geiger counter is an added attraction.

But Staef isn't stopping there. At his workshop in Pazardzik, south-east
of Sofia, he has also created an air rifle which converts to an
underwater harpoon and a drinks cooler. Sounds ideal for serving
martinis - shaken, not stirred.

A raindrop, dripping from a cloud,
Was ashamed when it saw the sea.
`Who am I where there is a sea?' it said.
When it saw itself with the eye of humility,
A shell nurtured it in its embrace.

-Saadi of Shiraz (c. 1200 AD)

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