-Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

-----Original Message-----
Date: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 2:09 AM
Subject: [sn-vesti 26330] NATO "Peacekeepers" - the worst savages of all !!!
(# 3 out of 3)

>Send far and wide:
>  (Part 3)
>  The continued story about the medieval Christian
>  churches that survived years of Mussolini
>  and Hitler but could not survive a few MONTHS
>  of Bill Clinton and his "humanitarians."
>The HUGE project of the eradication of the Serbian
>heritage in Kosovo is an important element in the
>overall planned destruction and GENOCIDE the NATO/KLA
>forces are perpertrating on the Kosovo Serbs. Burning,
>looting and dynamiting of the medieval Serb churces
>and monasteries started IMMEDIATELY as NATO occupation
>force and their KLA narco-trafficker proxies entered
>the sacred Christian lands of Kosovo.
>Knowing full well what savages the "humanitarians"
>are - the Yugoslav goverment demanded that at least
>token Yugoslav forces should be alowed to guard
>the sacred places. The demand was respected and
>it was included in the U.N. document signed by all
>the parties involved.
>But, NATO did not respect ANY part of the document
>anyhow - including the part about letting Yugoslav
>forces protect the monuments.
>Here we are presenting a couple of Western news
>articles that dared even mention the wanton
>destruction of the Serbian heritage. Such articles
>are rare in countries that engineered the Kosovo
>The first article describes the events only two weeks
>after NATO "humanitarians in military boots" arrived
>in Kosovo.
>I have deleted the blunt, often repeated NATO
>propaganda labelling the planned destruction as a
>simple "revenge".
>I left only the facts the articles mustered to
>[My comments are in square brackets.]
>1)  === Chicago Tribune, June 21, 1999 ===
>        Vandals take revenge on Serb shrines
>By Paul Salopek
>Tribune Foreign Correspondent
>VUCITERN, Yugoslavia--The 13th Century Orthodox
>monastery in this small Kosovar town must have been
>beautiful once.
>An open, tree-shaded courtyard with fountains leads
>to a tiny chapel decorated with spectacular medieval
>frescoes. The paintings, done in the Byzantine style,
>depict a stunning parade of Orthodox saints and
>angels--almond-eyed figures in flowing robes who
>stare out serenely from a bygone age.
>The six-century-old patina of candle soot can't dim
>their glory--nor, unfortunately, does it protect them
>from the bullets that have gouged knuckle-size holes
>in their surfaces.
>Today, the interior of the monastery is a gutted ruin,
>the victim of a mob of enraged ethnic Albanians who
>sought to wreak revenge on a cultural symbol of their
>hated Yugoslav oppressors. The saints gaze down on a
>scab of shattered glass, stomped crosses, censers and
>soiled vestments littering the chapel floor.
>[Here the author gives a fee room to an Albanian to
>spill the usual propaganda about Albanian "revenge".
>The Albanian says that the Serbs "deserve it. They're
>all war criminals, even the priests." ]
>Friday's assault on the monastery at Vucitern was one
>of several attacks against Serbian Orthodox religious
>sites in Kosovo in recent days, as ethnic Albanians
>-- who are nominally Muslim -- react [sic!] with growing
>outrage to the devastation unleashed on their homeland
>by Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's soldiers.
>[Non-stop bombing by 1,400 NATO planes for 78 days
>was exclusively - humanitarian - and brought no
>Vandalism attacks were reported at 13th Century
>Samadraxha monastery, the oldest in Kosovo. At
>Vucitern, an Orthodox priest who struggled to stop the
>frenzied crowd was roughed up and had to be rescued by
>French NATO forces. At Devic, an Orthodox nunnery,
>NUNS WERE THREATENED WITH RAPE and expelled by armed
>men who may have been guerrillas with the separatist
>Kosovo Liberation Army [KLA].
>NATO peacekeeping [sic!] troops intervened there as
>well, stationing troops around the building to ensure
>the nuns' safety.
>This grubby spasm of violence in the final phase of
>the Yugoslav army pullout from Kosovo was long
>expected, according to experts in the region...
>[The article continues with an idiotic and astonishing
>propaganda excuse that some guy, Milosevic has somehow
>"used the Serbian monasteries" for a "crackdown" on
>DOZENS of Orthodox monasteries in Kosovo, many of them
>PRICELESS ARCHITECTURAL GEMS built at the peak of the
>Serb kingdom's power in the 14th Century [... but in
>continuation of this sentence - another senseless
>attack - not on vandals - but on Milosevic.]
>[I]n a nod to Serb sensibilities, the recent peace deal
>that brought an end to NATO's [savage] bombing campaign
>against Yugoslavia PERMITS a token number of Yugoslav
>police to return to Kosovo and guard the Serbs' sacred
>[It was not "a nod to Serb sensibilities" - as said
>above the Yugoslav government *DEMANDED* that some,
>at least token troops should be let in to protect the
>monasteries. NATO troops were NOT let in until
>they signed that this condition would be fulfilled.]
>That move may prove a hard sell to Kosovo's Albanians,
>who see more than mere symbolism in the Serbian
>Orthodox monasteries here.
>"This was not senseless revenge," [it is a well
>planned one] said Nyseret Lapashtica, 49, who said he
>watched but did not participate in the sacking of the
>Vucitern monastery. "We wouldn't have touched the
>monastery if the priests had stayed neutral. They
>were hoarding food -- flour, cooking oil, sugar --
>while we were starving. They let Serb snipers take
>up positions on their roof. [To snipe whom!? NATO!?]
>[I left the above lie as an ilustration of the level
>of propaganda practiced in the West.]
>[T]he abbot of the Serbs' most famous shrine in Kosovo,
>the beautiful Visoki Decani monastery [said]... "Both
>the  surrounding Serbs and Albanians have protected
>this monastery for 650 years. We pray they continue to
>do so."...
>(End quote)
>We are let to believe that 40,000 troops of the most
>equipped and most vicious force on Earth could not
>deal with street gang that wants to rape nuns and
>burn churches. But they are the same force that
>INSISTED; that have bombed for 78 days DEMANDING that
>they bring law and order to Kosovo.
>During the summer of the last year the Yugoslav
>government under threat of bombing had to reduce
>its 40,000 troop contingent in Kosovo. With NATO
>bombers "monitoring" the place from above Yugoslavs
>were able to keep some calm. They were able to keep
>all the monuments intact. Even during 11 weeks of
>vicious NATO bombing - the religious shrines (other
>than ones that were destroyed by NATO) were preserved.
>Are NATO troops, in larger numbers, under better
>conditions not able to repeat the same? Or is it
>all done purposely?
>2) === Los Angeles Times two months later,
>(round September 22, 1999). "The DOZENS of Orthodox
>Christian monasteries destroyed" from above turned
>into 60 (+20)!!!
>     Christian Sites Being Decimated in Kosovo
>     Balkans: Serbs accuse ethnic Albanian rebels of
>              systematically destroying places sacred
>              to Orthodox.
>By PAUL WATSON, Times Staff Writer
>ZOCISTE, Yugoslavia--The church was built of stones
>quarried six centuries ago from the rock of Kosovo,
>and before last week's blast it had the power to make
>people believe in miracles.
>For generations, through endless cycles of war and
>foreign occupation, people came to the small Serbian
>Orthodox shrine behind monastery walls and asked the
>spirits of saints to heal them.
>Pilgrims reached out to touch caskets said to contain
>relics of St. Cosma and St. Damian, or lay down
>beside them and whispered a prayer before closing
>their eyes and waiting to be healed. Even ethnic
>Albanian Muslims were known to come.
>But the saints' power was as nothing against the
>explosion Sept. 13 that collapsed the 14th century
>The charges that destroyed it were placed at just the
>right spot to bring the whole medieval building down
>and make certain there was NOTHING left to rebuild.
>The Church of Saints Cosma and Damian was built in
>1327. It is now a ruin of broken stone, yellowed by
>the centuries that the sanctuary endured.
>Four other, newer buildings where the monks lived and
>worked were not blown up. They were gutted by fire
>instead, and scorched pieces of religious icons lie
>among the ruins.
>     A Painted Acronym Suggests Complicity
>The letters UCK, the Albanian acronym for the
>guerrilla Kosovo Liberation Army [KLA], were painted
>neatly in white on the wooden doors at the monastery's
>front gate.
>The Zociste monastery is one of at least 60 [SIXTY!!!]
>Serbian Orthodox churches and other religious sites
>that have been looted, burned or, in at least 21 cases,
>blown up since the NATO-led peacekeeping force, known
>as KFOR, began to take control of Kosovo--a province
>of Serbia, the dominant of Yugoslavia's two republics
>-- from retreating Serbian forces in mid-June. The
>Serbs say they were promised that several hundred of
>their soldiers and police would be permitted to return
>to guard Orthodox churches and sites in the province
>as well as to secure border posts, but so far that
>hasn't happened.
>[Did you notice "The Serbs say they were promised..."?
>It is not what the Serbs SAY - it is simply - the fact.]
>The list of sites destroyed by explosives includes
>several dating back to the Middle Ages, such as the
>Dormition of Mother of God parish church, built near
>Suva Reka in 1315.
>Orthodox leaders have received reports that 20 MORE
>churches and monasteries have been destroyed, but it
>is too dangerous for Serbs to check their condition,
>Father Sava Janjic, an Orthodox cleric, said in an
>interview. Orthodox churches, religious offices and
>schools have also been targeted with grenades and
>rockets but not seriously damaged, KFOR reports
>The skilled execution of the attacks leaves Janjic
>and most other Serbs convinced that well-trained KLA
>guerrilla units are secretly trying to wipe out
>historical Serbian links to the territory.
>"It is more than obvious that these churches were
>destroyed by people with military training, people
>who still have not just ordinary weapons but hundreds
>of kilos of the best explosives," Janjic said.
>"We are completely sure that the perpetrators of
>these crimes are from the ranks of the KLA," he said.
>"It is now only a question whether these groups are
>under the control of the highest KLA officials or not."
>Dutch troops are posted just over a mile from Zociste,
>guarding Velika Hoca, a Serbian village of vineyards
>and churches dating back to the Middle Ages.
>The village is outside the city of Orahovac...
>...Agim Hesku... leads a protest blockade that has
>been keeping Russian peacekeepers out of Orahovac
>since Aug. 23... [Just another prove that KLA and
>KFOR work together].
>        Hazards Hamper Search for Evidence
>Peacekeeping troops have not found any suspects in
>the attack on the monastery in Zociste, and two Dutch
>army officers said troops hadn't gone in to examine
>the ruins for fear of land mines.
>The officers, who would not speak on the record,
>said Dutch troops were ordered after the blast to
>block the wooden gate of the walled monastery with
>coils of razor wire.
>"I'm afraid KFOR is not prepared to get in serious
>conflict with the KLA because KFOR countries don't
>want the coffins of their soldiers coming home,"
>Janjic said...
>The KLA signed itself out of existence as of midnight
>Tuesday, but mounting evidence of systematic,
>clandestine attacks and the discovery of arms caches
>suggest that Kosovo's ethnic violence might not end
>so quickly...
>The peacekeepers also have accused Serbs of trying to
>destabilize Kosovo. They say paramilitary units appear
>to be infiltrating from Serbia proper. [A blunt lie -
>never repeated again.]
>At the height of Kosovo's civil war, KLA guerrillas
>attacked the Zociste monastery with grenades and
>light artillery on July 21, 1998, as the rebels seized
>nearby Orahovac.
>After taking control of the monastery, the guerrillas
>took seven monks, an elderly nun and 30 elderly
>Serbian refugees prisoner. They were later released
>But the KLA also captured an estimated 85 Serbs in
>Orahovac, according to New York-based Human Rights
>Watch. By August 1998, 40 Serbs were still unaccounted
>for, the rights group said. Serbian officials reported
>the missing Serbs to the Red Cross, but none of them
>have been found. Serbs continue to disappear in Kosovo
>despite... repeated calls for an end to ethnic
>[The Albanian hearsay about supposed Serbian
>destruction of Albanian mosques - deleted here.
>The author equates the true destruction of the
>Serbian sacred places with empty accusations
>from KLA terrorists.]
>While the NATO-led peacekeeping force tries to stop
>the attacks on Serbs [sic!], it calls them acts of
>Janjic, who has repeatedly condemned Yugoslav
>President Slobodan Milosevic and his Serbian
>security forces [said] " [T]here has been a
>systematic attempt [by KLA/KFOR] to push the Serbs
>out of Kosovo in order to create a fait accompli"...
>More than three months after NATO's bombing campaign
>drove Serbian security forces out of Kosovo, a
>NATO-led peacekeeping force of at least 40,000 troops
>has failed to stop the ethnic violence.
>While the victims have come from different ethnic
>groups, the heaviest attacks since the peacekeepers
>arrived have been against Serbian targets. They have
>included at least three separate attacks that killed
>four Serbs and wounded 12 in recent weeks in the
>U.S.-patrolled zone in the southeast...
>(End quote)
>The "peacekeeping" force did NOTHING to keep peace.
>Quite the opposite.
>The same place: Orahovac - mentioned above - where
>(Dutch and German) KFOR did nothing to stop Albanians
>from burning and destroying the Serbian heritage is
>the place where KFOR (with help of KLA) have created
>a true WWII-like ghetto for the Serbian civillians:
>young and old. You see the town of Orahovac is the
>"war criminals" factory. The women and children will
>be let go only if men "admit" a fabricated war crime.
>To learn more take a look at interviews we organized
>with witnesses of the ghetto:
>And again, be sure to look at destroyed Christian
>shrines at:
>Spread the three files I have sent you to all your
>friends. Do not let NATO fascists continue their
>savage work.
>Do not let NATO-fascism win!
>Petar Makara  (Makarov)
>Thank you for your interest in http://www.srpska-mreza.com
>Please, take a look at our new pages concerning the
>illegal NATO attack on sovereign Yugoslavia. The pages
>are at address:

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