-Caveat Lector-

>     "One of the commanders of the Army's Special Forces Unit in
>the SOG was Dewey Owens, older brother of Rob Owens.
>     "The function of this group was to oversee the political
>assassinations of some 100,000 NONCOMBATANT CIVILIANS in Laos,
>Cambodia, and Thailand --mayors, bookkeepers, clerks, school
>teachers-- to destroy the economic-political infrastructure of
>each country, for fear its best and brightest minds might survive
>to become assets to Communist regimes in the future.
>     "As soon as Theodore Shackley became the CIA's chief of
>station in Laos, Santos Trafficante flew to Southeast Asia to
>meet with Shackley's buddy Vang Pao in a hotel in Saigon.
>     "By the end of 1968, Trafficante had become the number one
>importer of 'China white' heroin into the United States.  The
>'China-white' heroin trade grew, and commensurate profit accrued
>to Shackley's buddy Vang Pao.  Consequently, the size of
>Shackley's 'death squads' in Southeast Asia began to grow.
>     "In 1969, Shackley was transferred, becoming the CIA's chief
>of station in Vietnam, where he established the now-infamous
>'Phoenix Program,' which carried out the political assassination
>of some 60,000 noncombatant civilians in that country.

"Bo" Gritz mentions the role of "Special Forces" in the CIA cover-up of

Before they had a chance to testify before a new Congresional inquiry into
Waco, the
three (?) Special Forces officers who were supposedly involved suddenly ...

Now, think about Columbine and its several circumstantial links to the
military ...

Some people may worry about the continued existence of MK-ULTRA, "mind
I worry if there is a domestic "Phoenix Program" operating today, with two
purposes --
(1) promotion of a climate of fear, leading the American public to call for
more Draconian measures against "potentially antisocial" behavior, which in
practice means a more totalitarian government, and (2) the disarming of the
citizenry, due to greater public acceptance of gun control, which of course
would mean that only government thugs --particularly our militarized,
increasingly centralized police force-- will remain armed,
moving America that much closer to a fascist state maintained by brute force

As we see from the "Operation Orwell" postings, whenever the United States
commits itself to totalitarian methods abroad, totalitarian methods are used
AT HOME to obtain "consent" for the government's agenda -- for example, an
increased surveillance of the citizenry, used to blackmail those who question
or resist government totalitarianism.
Or outright assassination -- "KGB style," meaning deaths appear "accidental"
or from "natural" causes.  When you see that happening at the top, beware of
"trickle-down" ...

WHY the systematic murder, individually or in groups, of noncombatant
" ... to destroy the economic-political infrastructure of [a] country, for
fear its best and brightest might SURVIVE to become assets to [an OPPOSING
system] in the future."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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