-Caveat Lector-


                  Squandered loans to China?
                        by Charles Smith

                  Newly declassified documents, forced from the
                  U.S. Commerce Department by a federal
                  lawsuit, shows that $200 million in World Bank
                  loans for a "Technology Development Project"
                  actually went to weapons research labs and
                  businesses wholly owned by the Chinese army.
                  The documents reveal that World Bank loans
                  were used to modernize the Chinese army
                  defense industry.

                  "The objective of the project is to support the
                  (Chinese) Government's continuing reforms in
                  technology policy and institutions so as to
                  promote the development of clear,
                  productivity-enhancing technologies in China's
                  industries," states a 1995 report written by the
                  Industry and Energy Operations Division of
                  the World Bank.

                  According to the World Bank report, "the
                  (Chinese) Government will pass on US$194.3
                  million of the loan proceeds through SPC (State
                  Planning Commission) to eligible
                  sub-borrowers in the form of sub-loans, with
                  the Golden China Corporation acting on its
                  behalf as a financial agent."

                  "The first component is designed to assist in
                  transforming part of the research and
                  development (R&D) establishment into
                  market-responsive technology development
                  corporations," states the World Bank report.
                  "This component would hive off the most
                  dynamic technology development and
                  service-oriented elements of existing research
                  institutions to create -- through a competitive
                  selection process -- new, market-oriented
                  entities, called Engineering Research Centers

                  "The second component comprises
                  complementary investments in improving
                  technology public services, including: (i) the
                  modernization of the National Institute of
                  Metrology and (ii) a technical assistance
                  program for a Productivity Center as well as
                  for several training activities."

                  However, according to the Defense
                  Department, "Golden China Corporation" and
                  many of the so-called "Engineering Research
                  Centers (ERCs)" supported by the World Bank
                  loans were actually owned and operated by the
                  Chinese army unit COSTIND (Chinese
                  Commission for Science, Technology, and
                  Industry for National Defense). For example,
                  the World Bank provided:

                       $5 million to the Northwest Institute for
                       Nonferrous Metal Research for "rare earth
                       materials" used in "chemical, aviation,"
                       and "nuclear power stations." The
                       Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal
                       Research is part of the China National
                       Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), producer
                       of all nuclear weapons for the Chinese

                       Over $5 million to the Harbin Research
                       Institute for "welded steel products" used
                       in "aviation" and "ship building." Harbin
                       was identified by the Department of
                       Defense as a Chinese army front used to
                       purchase Allied Signal turbo-fan engines
                       for the People's Liberation Army Air
                       Force (PLAAF) in 1996.

                       Over $4 million to the Marine Design &
                       Research Institute of China for "ship
                       design software and services." The
                       Marine Design & Research Institute is
                       part of the China National Ship Building
                       Corp. and the primary design facility for
                       all Chinese warships, including nuclear
                       powered submarines.

                       Over $4 million to the Nanjing Radio
                       Factory for "audio/visual" products used
                       in "T.V.s, satellite equip., radios, CD
                       players, etc." The Nanjing Radio Factory
                       is owned and operated by the Chinese
                       army. The factory produces a wide
                       variety of electronics for the PLA
                       including CRTs, satellite equipment, and
                       secure military radios.

                       $3 million to Xi'an Jiatong University for
                       "fluid machinery" research used in
                       "turbo-compressors." Xi'an Jiatong
                       University was identified by the Defense
                       Department as a major research center for
                       the Chinese army, sharing facilities with
                       the PLA chemical and biological
                       weapons facilities that are located nearby.

                  The Chinese army loans from the World Bank
                  also financed several money making ventures
                  for the Chinese army. For example, the World
                  Bank provided $5.5 million to the "China
                  Textile Academy" for "productivity

                  The World Bank was joined by "Foreign &
                  Domestic Partners" also seeking to improve the
                  PLA textile production such as "Toray (Japan);
                  Dupont (U.S.); Bermag (Germany), the Textile
                  Academy in Russia; and the Wool Bureau of
                  New Zealand."

                  Even the World Bank could not avoid the fact
                  that Chinese workers are being exploited
                  under harsh conditions by the Chinese army.
                  The World Bank report notes that "one-third" of
                  the "11,000" textile firms associated with the
                  China Textile Academy are small to medium
                  size enterprises (SMEs). The report noted that
                  many of the labor intensive textile "industries
                  are in urgent need of various properties" such
                  as "environmental protection" for their

                  According to a 1997 Rand Corp. report on the
                  Chinese defense industry, the profits from PLA
                  business ventures, such as textile exports, are
                  split between the PLA generals and the
                  Chinese army. The Chinese army profits are
                  used to purchase advanced weapons, build
                  new barracks for troops and provide medical
                  services for the PLA officers.

                  The Chinese generals use their slice of the
                  profits for "lavish parties," "foreign luxury
                  automobiles" and "Swiss bank accounts." Thus,
                  there is little money left to provide
                  "environmental protection" or improve
                  working conditions.

                  Of course, the Clinton administration, claims
                  that it is impossible to identify Chinese
                  army-owned companies. Despite the difficulty,
                  President Clinton is required by law to
                  perform this task.

                  Clinton signed the Fowler Amendment into
                  law Oct. 17, 1998. It requires that a list of
                  companies controlled by Communist China's
                  People's Liberation Army be published in the
                  Federal Register by Jan. 15, 1999. So far, Clinton
                  has ignored the law and refused to reveal the
                  PLA-owned businesses in America.

                  On Friday, Sept. 24, 1999, the ten top leaders in
                  the House of Representatives wrote a letter to
                  Clinton, demanding immediate compliance
                  with U.S. law requiring public disclosure of the
                  PRC's PLA-owned companies doing business
                  in the United States.

                  According to House members, the Clinton
                  White House claimed in September 1999 to
                  have assigned the task of identifying the PLA
                  companies to the Defense Intelligence Agency
                  (DIA). The DIA, however, has quietly informed
                  congressional leaders that the White House did
                  NOT ask them to prepare such a list. Thus, the
                  identity of the Chinese army front companies
                  operating inside the United States continues to
                  go unreported.

                  Many of the PLA companies that Clinton
                  refuses to identify are well known to the
                  Commerce Department. The facts show the
                  Clinton administration actively courted
                  business with the Chinese generals. In 1995,
                  General Ding Henggao sent Ron Brown a
                  partial list of PLA-owned firms, including a
                  local Chinese army contact, complete with
                  phone, fax and address.

                  "The Clinton-Gore administration's failure to
                  obey the law is knowing, willful, and
                  long-standing," said House Policy Chairman
                  Christopher Cox, who released the letter.
                  "Eight months after the deadline in the law, it is
                  essential that the president comply. By
                  violating this statutory obligation, the
                  president shows contempt not only for the law
                  but for congressional oversight and the
                  national security."

Charles Smith
  is a journalist
  and President
   a computer
     based in
  Richmond, VA.
    He writes
   on issues of
  and information

                                      © 1999 WorldNetDaily.com, Inc.

                     This page was last built 9/28/99; 11:25:20 AM
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