-Caveat Lector-



Release of the FALN Terrorists or Who is sabotaging Gore's
Campaign, Anyway?

What harm can clinton do? He has less than two years left.

------F.O.B. Bumpers

We should think about a meeting soon with Reps. Gutierrez,
Velazquez, and Serrano on the Puerto Rico independence crimes
prisoners issue. They have requested one with the POTUS but the
options include the VP and John as well.  The issue should be
resolved soon -- the petitions have been before us for a long
time. The VP's Puerto Rican position would be helped: The issue
is Gutierrez's [sic] top priority as well as of high constituent
importance to Serrano and Velazquez.

-----e-mail of Jeffrey Farrow, a key Presidential adviser on this
issue <A
Government Reform Committee Summary of FALN Case</A>

The documented perjurer and obstructor of justice in the Oval
Office is not known for his voluntary and timely release
incriminating documents. So why did he sanction the release of
the above e-mail?    My theory: It should be increasingly clear
to all that the clintons are cognitively as well as morally
disabled, that the clintons' I.Q. is all P.R, that these two
backwoods, backroom buffoons cannot think on their feet. Do not
be misled. The occasional semblance of ratiocination is
preprogrammed, pre-polled spin from their handlers.    The FALN
fiasco was supposed to be (among other things) a political plum
for the wronged wife. But the brilliant clintons miscalculated.
As usual.    All was not lost, however. Bradley, former Knicks
star and a New York favorite, had coattails long enough to carry
the bottom-heavy hillary. If Bradley rather than Gore were
running for president, they would still accomplish their goal.
(Note: As Gore increasinglly distances himself from clinton, the
idea that a Gore victory would be viewed by historians as a
vindication of clinton is becoming correspondingly increasingly
remote.)    So the clintons began sabotaging Gore's campaign,
releasing willingly and expeditiously the above e-mail that
incriminated Gore in the FALN outrage.  (And Oxymoronic
AlGoreRhythm predictably played right into their hand, giving one
of his infamous "No controlling legal authority" explanations for
the e-mail.) And, as if this weren't enough, (criminal overkill
is always the clinton style), they leaked the Naomi Wolf
alpha-beta stuff as the coup de grâce.

Mia T

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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