-Caveat Lector-

Date: Mon Nov 15 21:43:44 1999
Subject: Foreign Aid/UN Vote - JBS Alert Network

The John Birch Society Email Alert Network - November 15, 1999

Stop the Abomination! The total sellout to the UN and abortion lobbies

Key Development: The Clinton Administration and the House Republican
leadership have sketched out a complete cave-in to the UN/abortion lobbies
on the Fiscal 2000 Foreign Operations Appropriations bill, H.R. 3196. This
compromise will be voted upon this week in the House and Senate before
Congress goes out of session for the holidays.

Recommendation: E-mail, fax, or call (it's too late to write) your
representative and senators expressing your outrage and horror at the
cave-in to the abortion and United Nations lobbies! Tell your congressmen
to oppose H.R. 3196!

Contact Congress:
Email - http://www.jbs.org/congress/
Phone - (202) 224-3121

Basic Facts: (1) The "compromise" deal on H.R. 3196 would pay all of the
$926 million in alleged "back dues" to the United Nations without
restricting the global body's support of China's forced abortion and
infanticide policies. Remember, the United Nations has called for total
confiscation of civilian-owned firearms, global taxation without
representation, a world central bank, world financial controls with a
redistributive mechanism, an unlimited ability to intervene in a nation's
internal affairs, and installation of a global criminal court without the
habeas corpus guarantee and other rights Americans are accustomed to in our
courts. And those are just proposals from this year!

(2) Not only would the bill renew all of the $385 million of the U.S.
foreign aid program devoted to family planning last year, but it would also
give President Clinton, for the first time, the option to waive the 1984
Mexico City regulations banning the funding of abortions and abortion
providers (in exchange for a mere 3 percent cut in the family planning
allotment). Under provisions of the Republican-led compromise, Americans
could be financing elective abortions abroad with this marginally reduced
family planning kitty of $372 million. Three percent is not worth the life
of one innocent life!

Additional Resources: For more information on the United Nations and its
tyrannical proposals please go to:

Note: To subscribe or unsubscribe from the JBS Email Alert Network please
go to:

The John Birch Society
"... when the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world
social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments
before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless
people ... will hate the new world order ... and will die protesting
against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in
mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite
gallant and graceful-looking people."
- H. G. Wells, in his book entitled "The New World Order" (1939)
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