In 1998, the U.S. Commerce Department denied a Freedom of
Information (FOIA) request for "any exports" to the "CAAC the
China Civil Aviation Authority."  The Clinton administration
portrays the CAAC as the friendly civilian equal to the U.S.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Yet, according to the Commerce Dept., documents on the
Chinese civilian agency "CAAC" are so secret that "such
information (may) not be disclosed unless its release is
determined to be in the national interest."

"Neither OExS (Office of Exporter Services) or EE (Export
Enforcement) can confirm or deny the existence of any records
responsive to your request," wrote Eileen Albanese, the Director
of Exporter Services in a 1998 response to the FOIA request.
"If responsive documents were to exist, they would be exempt
from disclosure."

In 1999, the wall of secrecy surrounding the Clinton
administration military connection to Beijing cracked wide open.
In response to a FOIA request, the FAA released over 500 pages
of documents including Commerce Dept. materials on military
meetings with the so-called civilian agency CAAC.

The FAA documents show the Commerce Dept. actively participated
and encouraged military technology transfers to China.  The
transfers, according to the FAA documents, started in 1994 when
Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and Defense Secretary William Perry
formed a joint "Defense" commission with Chinese General Ding

On May 21, 1997, Mr. John Hancock, civilian FAA Deputy Director
on International Aviation wrote a memo and summary report on
"China ATC (air traffic control) discussions."

Hancock wrote, "Attached is a summary of discussions held in
Beijing on Wednesday, April 16, 1997, on future civil-military
air traffic control cooperation between the United States and

"As you know, following completion of U.S. Government (USG)
policy coordination, a small delegation traveled to Beijing to
present our options for FAA-led ATC civil-military programs
under the reconfigured ATC initiative.  This activity was
previously conducted under the Joint Defense Conversion
Commission which was dissolved by then-Defense Secretary Perry
in July 1996," wrote Hancock.

The FAA documents also show People's Liberation Army Air Force
(PLAAF) officers used "civilian" cover-names through the
so-called "CAAC" civilian agency.  According to an official CAAC
memo sent to FAA representative Ms. Li Jie, one representative
at the 1997 meeting was "Mr. Li Zhong Li."  However, the
civilian "Mr. Li" had a very unusual title, that of "Deputy
Director of ATC Department of AirForce."

FAA officials, of course, knew "Mr. Li" had a different title.
"Sr. Col. Li spoke generally about good feelings among old
friends," states the 1997 summary report attached by Hancock.
"He stated an interest in pursuing additional cooperation.  We
understand informally from later discussions that Col. Li
believes there would be a positive response in about 3 months."

Other CAAC/PLAAF joint operations have been documented.  The
1999 Cox report detailed the use of the CAAC as a cover in an
intelligence operation that endangered an airliner full of
civilian passengers.

"The PRC (People's Republic of China) has used at least one
commercial air carrier to assist in its technology transfer
efforts," states the Cox report.

"In 1996, Hong Kong Customs officials intercepted air-to-air
missile parts being shipped by CATIC aboard a commercial air
carrier, Dragonair.  Dragonair is owned by China International
Trade and Investment Company (CITIC), the most powerful and
visible PRC-controlled conglomerate, and the Civil Aviation
Administration of China."

Moreover, there is evidence that President Clinton personally
approved of the military exchanges with the Chinese Air Force.
According to 1998 General Accounting Office (GAO) testimony
(NSIAD-98-176), there was a "presidential waiver for export" to
the PLAAF.

"Waivers were also granted to permit the export of encryption
equipment controlled on the Munitions List," states the GAO
testimony,  "One case involved a $4.3-million communications
export to China's Air Force."

The GAO also noted why the PLAAF needed American encryption
technology.  The GAO wrote, "China lacks command and control
capabilities needed to effectively integrate its armed forces in
the fast-moving joint offensive operations called for by its new
doctrine.  China's air force units are hampered in their ability
to communicate with air defense, naval, and ground units."

The advanced encryption technology translates into secure air
combat communications for the PLAAF.  The Chinese Army can now
use modern encryption code systems to establish secure links
with its missiles and men in combat.

In addition, U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite
navigation technology was also passed to China under the guise
of commercial airline technology.

According to the GAO, "Since 1990, over $12 million in export
licenses have been approved for Munitions List equipment
designed for inclusion in civil products.  These exports are not
prohibited under U.S. sanctions and therefore do not require a
presidential waiver.  The majority of these exports involve
navigational electronics used in commercial airliners operated
in China."

Further evidence of the GPS transfer and its military impact is
documented in a 1997 Rand Corp. report forced from the U.S.
Commerce Dept. by a Federal lawsuit.

"The most troubling potential transfer to China is Rockwell's
proposed joint venture deal with the Shanghai Broadcast
Equipment Factory and the Shanghai Avionics Corporation, the
latter of which is a key enterprise of the Aviation Industries
of China," states the 1997 Rand report.

"Rockwell Collins Navigation and Communications Equipment
Company, Ltd. will design, develop, and build Global Positioning
System (GPS) navigation receivers systems for the Chinese
market.  These components have serious dual-use applications,
since the acquisition of reliable GPS data can enhance, to
varying degrees, the capacity of militaries to field highly
accurate cruise and ballistic missiles, such as those used to
intimidate Taiwan during March 1996."

According to the Rand report, the GPS sale had great impact on
Taiwan.  "More accurate GPS systems would enhance the PLA's
ability to carry out attacks against Taiwan's military and
industrial facilities.  Potentially reducing the ability of the
Taiwanese military to defend itself against PRC coercive

"The use of GPS to enhance the accuracy of long-range Chinese
cruise missiles, coupled with long-range sensors, would raise
serious concerns for the U.S. Seventh Fleet in the Pacific,"
wrote the Rand Corp.  "And possibly circumscribe their ability
to provide an effective deterrent in a crisis over Taiwan."

The recently released FAA documents also show extensive
briefings on GPS technology given to the PLAAF officers.  One
such document describes in English and Chinese the workings of
the GPS "Space Segment" and the system's "Ground Control
Segment" including the central control location in "Colorado."
The document also details how GPS works using "triangulation
from satellites" to "measure distances using the travel time of
a radio signal" and "very accurate clocks."

Included in the detailed documents are a list of important
political milestones, labeled "GPS-Related DOD/Civilian
Cooperative Initiatives."  According to the FAA, the major
satellite navigation events include a Clinton "Presidential
Decision Directive", dated March 29, 1996, and a "Vice President
Gore" announcement of a GPS "modernization" on January 25, 1999.

The approved military technology sales to China clearly pose a
significant threat to U.S. armed forces.  Noteworthy, and
under-reported in the main-stream press, is the transfer of
American missile technology by the PRC to a number of other
nations, including solid-fuel technology for Iran, and advanced
guidance systems used in M-11 missiles sold to Pakistan and
DF-15 missiles sold to Syria.

The mountain of evidence should push the Clinton/Gore White
House away from further military contacts with the Chinese Army.
Yet, according to one national security specialist, Clinton is
courting Chinese military contacts.

"Clinton is planning to meet with General Xiong Guang Kai in
December 1999," stated William Triplett, co-author of the new
book "Red Dragon Rising", during a recent interview.

"General Xiong made the now infamous comment, during the 1996
Taiwan Straits missile exercise, concerning the willingness of
America to trade Los Angeles for Taipei," said Triplett.

Al Santoli, a national security advisor for Representative Dana
Rohrbacher (R CA), described the planned visit of General Xiong
Guang Kai as "an in-your-face move" by President Clinton.

"This is a wake up call for Congress," said Santoli.  "The
administration often talks about future threats from Bin Ladin
and Saddam Hussein.  In 1996, PLA General Xiong Guang Kai
threatened to strike the American homeland with real nuclear
missiles and all Bill Clinton can do is open the White House to

"It certainly is an 'in-your-face' move by Clinton," agreed
Triplett.  "General Xiong will soon be sipping champagne inside
the White House.  General Xiong was second in command during the
brutal massacre in Tiananmen Square.  The same Chinese General
threatened America.  He may be a friend to Bill Clinton but he
certainly is no friend to the United States."

CORRECTION: Richard Fisher, a defense analyst working for
Congressman Chistopher Cox (R CA), was incorrectly identified as
"Robert Fisher" in an article published on November 8, 1999,
entitled "Chinese Deploy 'Threatening' New Missile."  Mr. Fisher
is a former member of the American Enterprise Institute.

CLARIFICATION: In the editorial published on November 2, 1999,
the FBI documents obtained using the Freedom of Information Act
do not contain any references to "prostitutes" being used to
procure information from foreign diplomats.  The FOIA requested
FBI information on any data gathered or disseminated using such
illegal activities.  The FBI will not confirm nor deny the
allegations and has withheld several hundred pages of secret
materials.  The materials are under appeal.

UNDER DISPUTE: Congressional and defense analysts question a
recent report that the new Chinese Dong Feng DF-41 missile is a
copy of the Russian made SS-27 TOPOL M, published Oct. 28, 1999
("The New 2-against-1 arms race").  According illustrations and
statements published in Aviation Week & Space Technology, the
DF-41 is a Chinese variant of the SS-27 TOPOL M.  Some defense
specialists now disagree, citing evidence the DF-41 is actually
an improved version of the DF-31 missile.  None of the experts
dispute that the long range DF-41 will use Russian TOPOL-M
technology sold to the PRC, combined with U.S.  technology sold
by the Clinton administration.

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