-Caveat Lector-

 Dear Glancebak,

 I am sending you the following article because it is another slant on
Dunblane that I feel you might find interesting. I would like your opinion
please if you have time to reply.

 Peace be upon you,


 The article:-

 I sent the following info. to USCMike1 but decided to send it to you too.

 Please repost to your own mailing lists and newsgroups - Thanks

 Dear Citizens, Patriots, Veterans, et al,

 It should be of very great interest to you and your readers, who probably
are not aware of the very similar events that took place, in order to disarm
the law-abiding public in Britain, to know how it was successfully

Dr. John Coleman, in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the
Committee of 300", has stated that in 1968 the Committee of 300, which he
says is run from England and headed by Elizabeth 2, established the "Club of
Rome" and planned its strategy for total world domination; the future
mass-reduction by 95% of the world's population and the need to disarm the
law-abiding public in order to be able to bring that about. It should also
be of interest to the God-fearing American people, who REALLY trust in Him,
(In God we trust) that God says that Rome is the new Babylon, that He
intends to make war against and destroy, as Christ explains in the Book of
Revelation, chapters 17; 18 and19 in The Holy Bible (the last book in The

Accordingly, the British Parliament brought into law "The Firearms Act"
Note well, that it was in 1968 - the exact same year Coleman quotes, for the
establishment of the Committee of 300's "Club of Rome", in the country ruled
by the head of the Committee of 300 - Elizabeth 2.

The pretext used, as always, was to prevent armed crime. The Firearms Act
was only the first stage in their devious evil plot to totally disarm the
British public. They always do it in stages, because it's easier that way.
It generates less resistance when done a little at a time - Fabianism; the
preferred method of the 300 Club. Under the 1968 Act they disarmed the
law-abiding British public and allowed sporting shooters, who had to become
members of registered gun clubs, to apply for Firearms Certificates, on
which it specified the serial number; type and calibre of each weapon; the
amount of each calibre of ammunition that could be purchased and held at any
one time and limiting the number of weapons held by each individual, who had
to justify why he wanted each individual weapon. No fully-automatic weapons
could be held by the law-abiding public.

Once the "Firearms Act 1968" was firmly in place and the public could not
hold automatic weapons, succeeding governments gave increasing power to
police-authorities to tighten their criteria about who could be granted a
Firearms Certificate and they gradually tightened the criteria to disarm
more and more law-abiding citizens, using financial means.  Increasing the
necessary home-security measures needed, in order to get a certificate
granted or renewed, with more and more expensive security measures being
required, made it so that only the wealthy could afford these measures and
the poorer people were gradually deprived of their weapons, because they
could not afford the necessary home-security devices required by chief

Once this had been completed, the next phase of the operation came into
force after a "crazed" gunman called Michael Ryan ran amok with a
semi-automatic Kalashnikov AK47 and murdered 14 people in Hungerford,
England, because he knew that, as a direct result of the "Firearms Act",
no-one else had a gun with which to stop him. The next phase, resulting from
this multiple-shooting, was for the government to completely ban private
ownership of all semi-automatic rifles and shotguns.

I wrote to British shooting magazines at that time and spoke to friends and
told them that if they didn't get together and act "as one" to fight any
further moves by the government to control firearms, they would all end up
with no guns. They all decided to "keep their heads down" and hope for the
best, without being willing to stand up and fight, peacefully, for their
rights. Today those people I warned, way back then, have no guns, and all
admit that I was right. Of course I was, but now it's too late.

Allowing a short, but long enough break, so as to not make it too obvious;
the next phase was put into operation, after Thomas Hamilton, another
"crazed" gunman shot some school-children at Dunblane in Scotland, because
he also knew that, as a direct result of the "Firearms Act", no-one else
would have a gun with which to stop him. The result of this was the total
banning of the law-abiding sports-shooting gun-club members of the public
from owning any handgun of any type and calibre.

One has to ask oneself, whether these two people were "crazed" or
mind-controlled, as has been suggested about their American counterparts, to
"appear" crazed and commit these crimes, in order to enable the 300 Club to
be able to move to the next phase of their dastardly and devious, evil plan
of total world ownership and total domination.

If, as Coleman suggests, this is an orchestrated and extremely well-planned
operation by the Committee of 300, then because Scotland has a separate
legal-system from the rest of the United Kingdom, the second phase involving
a "crazed" gunman, this time using a handgun, would have to take place in
Scotland, in a suitable location, whose elected politicians, spanning the
political spectrum (all parties), could exert maximum pressure for a United
Kingdom wide ban, on all hand-guns being held by the law-abiding public.

Dunblane in Scotland would be perfect, with local elected politicians being
"heavy-weights" spanning the political divide, in order to bridge the divide
and present a cross-party concensus, of all politicians, to ban all private
ownership of handguns, in one fell swoop. A "crazed" gunman, shooting little
children would give the maximum effect possible, to get all the Dunblane
mothers on television and forming pressure-groups, with maximum coverage,
persuading everyone to vote for a ban on all guns, in order to get the guns
banned and taken off the law-abiding public, as quickly and as soon as

The Firearms Act was supposed to prevent armed crime, but, of course,
criminals don't obey the law and they keep their guns, so the Firearms Act
only disarms the law-abiding public, so that they are then at the mercy of
armed criminals. In London and other major cities in the United Kingdom,
there are criminals with fully automatic weapons like Ingram Mac 10s, etc.
and the public has no means of defending itself. The same is especially true
in Northern Ireland, where people have walked into bars and opened-fire,
because they knew that because of the "Firearms Act" no-one could shoot back
at them. Instead of re-arming the public, which is the only way the public
will be able to defend themselves, Senator George Mitchell, who Coleman says
works for the 300 Club and is a close friend of President Clinton "their
blue-eyed boy", is trying to disarm the para-military militias, presumably
so that no-one can defend themself against the New World Order.

If what I am told about Colt Firearms buckling under threat of legal-action
for compensation is correct, then Samuel Colt must be furiously turning in
his grave. His slogan was:- "God created man (to be equal); Colt made them

Cars kill far more people than guns do; so by the same logic (illogic
actually) does that mean that the public can sue the car manufacturers for
causing death on the roads? I hope so, then we might get rid of the
pollution that is choking everyone.

It would appear that Britain was only the first on the hit-list, followed by
Australia and New Zealand, where they appear to have used similar tactics.

Remember the "crazed" gunman in Tasmania who shot approximately 35 unarmed
people in a cafe, in a popular tourist area? Followed by almost immediate
gun-control. Read a very extensive article on Geoff Muirden's site (I've
been told, I hope correctly), an Australian - which PROVES that the Port
Arthur massacre was not the act of a lone deranged person.

Well my friends it seems that now it is YOUR turn and that they are using
exactly the same, now well-proven strategy, in America. If the American
people allow the puppet government to take even ONE inch, the door will be
permanently wedged-opened, if not totally removed, for the taking of the
next inch and then, inch by inch, or more likely a hundred yards by a
hundred yards, they will take a "statute" mile and achieve their desired
aim, of totally disarming the American people, as they have done to the
British and Commonwealth people, already. I cannot use that lovely word
which is used as extremely deceptive terminology to hide the truth; without
being forced to point out the lie it attempts to cover up; that there is
absolutely nothing common about the wealth.  It is all owned by the 300

Take the British example as a clear warning of what they intend to do and
how they intend to bring it about. The recent multiple-shooting in Texas was
entirely PREDICTABLE because, in order to disarm the whole nation, they
would have to manipulate and change public opinion in Texas first. Then
California, as they are the two states that would be the hardest to

 The only way to stop them, as I told you in my last email, is to use the
Internet to inform the world about the world-wide threat from the 300 Club
and then I will show you how to stop them; forever.

 If they are prepared to murder dozens of little children in schools and
churches to achieve their aims of disarming the law-abiding people, they
will not hesitate to exterminate millions of adults once they have

Knowledge is power. God said, "My people are destroyed for lack of My
Knowledge." Please get everyone you can to access and browse and study my


and publicise the facts about who the British and American people REALLY
are; who Elizabeth 2 is and that what the puppet-governments are doing is
illegal under The Covenant and only by publicising The Perfect Laws of
Liberty in The Covenant, in The Bible, ratified and upheld by Jesus in
Matthew 5:17-18*, that PROHIBIT, in Deuteronomy 4:2**, governments from
legislating and thereby from disarming; ripping-off and enslaving the
people, and they also PROHIBIT the British monarch, who is descended from
David and is the richest woman on Earth, from using her/their position for
personal gain of any kind, so that they can not impoverish and enslave their
people, as God warned you would happen if you allowed them to legislate -
read Deuteronomy 17:14-20 and reread it, and study it, until you understand
it, and what God means by returning to Egypt. He doesn't mean to return to
the country of Egypt, He means to what you were doing in Egypt - being
slaves under man-made laws.

 * Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy The Law, or the
Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one
 tittle shall in no way pass from The Law, till all be fulfilled.
 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least COMMANDments, and
shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of heaven:
but whosoever shall do and teach [them], the same shall be called great in
the Kingdom of heaven.
 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall EXCEED [the
righteousness] of the lawyers and politicians, ye shall in no case enter
into the Kingdom of heaven.

 Jesus also said, as is written in the Gospel of Luke:-
 11:21 When a strong man ARMED keepeth his castle, his goods
 are in peace:
 11:22 But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and
  overcome him, he taketh from him all his WEAPONS wherein he
  trusted, and divideth his spoils.
 11:23 He that is not WITH me is AGAINST me: and he that
  gathereth not with me scattereth.
 22:36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let
  him take [it], and likewise [his] scrip: and he that hath no
  SWORD (weapon), let him sell his garment, and buy one.

 So don't let them use their lying priests to deceive you into giving up
weapons in Jesus' name.

 ** Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not ADD unto the word which I command you,
neither shall ye diminish [ought] from it, that ye may keep the Commandments
(The Covenant) of the "I AM" your God which I COMMAND you.
 Deuteronomy 17:14 When thou art come unto the land which the "I AM" thy God
giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and shalt say, I
will set a king over me, like as all the nations that [are] about me;
 17:15 Thou shalt in any wise set [him] king over thee, whom the "I AM" thy
God shall choose: [one] from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over
thee: thou mayest not set a stranger (a gentile) over thee, which [is] not
thy brother.
 17:16 But he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor cause the people to
 return to Egypt (slavery under man-made laws), to the end that he should
multiply horses: forasmuch as the "I AM" hath said unto you, Ye shall
henceforth return no more that way.
 17:17 Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not
 away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold.
 17:18 And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom, that
he shall write him a copy of this Law in a book out of [that which is]
before the priests the Levites:
 17:19 And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of
 his life: that he may learn to fear the "I AM" his God, to keep all the
 words of this Law and these Statutes, to DO them:
 17:20 That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren, and that he turn
 not aside from the Commandment - Covenant, [to] the right hand (politics),
or [to] the left (politics): to the end that he may prolong [his] days in
his kingdom, he, and his children, in the midst of Israel.

 I will explain and show you how Elizabeth and her family can and MUST be
deposed for God, and will be because God says so and He wants them to be,
according to His prophecies through Nostradamus and Ezekiel 21:27 (on my
site), and their and the 300 Club's laws abolished and their obscene wealth
fairly redistributed, if you are willing to help me to do it, peacefully,
without the need to fire even one shot. Remember that these 300 people,
according to Coleman's VERY believable book, own approximately 70% of the
world's wealth, that can be proved; but the real figure, by now, is probably
nearer to 90%.

That will bring about the Second American Revolution and a bloodless victory
against the forces of evil and make it really the "Land of the Free".
According to God's prophecies, if we do this and follow His instructions, we
will be successful. If we don't, then we will not 'be'.

Once the 300 Club's wealth is fairly redistributed, everyone would be
middle-class and comfortably-off, thereby alleviating all poverty; resulting
in no crime or wars. Please read "The New Song" on my website.

We cannot do this without massive public support, so we need everyone to
repost THIS letter to their own mailing-lists and EVERYONE to do their bit,
by informing as many people as possible, by email; regular post and word of

How about the rest of you out there?  If you don't take this opportunity,
you will NOT get another.  Are you going to return to God's Laws and serving
only Him, or are you going to allow the Conspirators to continue making up
their own illegal laws and serve them - as their slaves? The choice is

As Moses said to YOUR ancestors at Horeb in Sinai and it is my duty to say
it again now, "Those who are on the Lord's side; come to me." Those who did,
when Moses said it, survived, the rest went into the fiery pit and if you
read Malachi 4, which is the last page of the Old Covenant/Testament, it
says it is due to happen again very soon.  So, for your own sakes, please
believe me and take this call to action, life or death seriously.

Luke 11:23 He that is not WITH me is AGAINST me: and he that
 gathereth not with me scattereth.

Love; Light; Peace and Freedom,


P.S. If you are on God's side you all need to get a copy of; digest and then
Live:- "The Way home or face The Fire". It is the ONLY survival-plan that
will work, for the called; chosen and FAITHFULL 144,000 'Elect'. For the
rest it is the Times of Noah again.

 ----- Original Message -----
 From: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sent: Monday, November 15, 1999 4:35 PM
 Subject: [CTRL] Dunblane / Masonic Cover up or HMG cover up?

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