-Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 04:11:02 PST Blagovesta  Doncheva

The Atittude to Clinton - a Measure for Mental Health

In Bulgaria there is a new way to estimate if a person is
healthy or is suffering by a heavy form of a mental disorder.
If you go into raptures over the century greatest event for
Bulgaria - the Visit of Clinton the Globe Butcher - it means
that you enjoy radiant mental health.

If you do not give outward signs of joyful expectation, but
choose to stay silently in your kitchen like a cornered cockroach
- you are healthy: at least there is nothing wrong with you.

If you demonstrate your anger at the visit of the US Warmonger - then
you behave inadequately, i.e. you are suffering of a heavy form of mental
disorder and should be isolated as a very dangerous person!

That is how Sofia Mayor, Mr. Stefan Sofianski, member of the pro US
ruling party, the Union of Democratic Forces, has chosen to think.
That is how his private municipal dogs, the police officers from the
Sofia Police Station, First Department ,have chosen to think.
They have even diligently worked out the details of inadequate
behaviour. First sign:

If they order to a protesting citizen; Get out of that area! (the area
being the pavement by the US Embassy in Sofia), and the addressed
person dares to say: No, I will not. You are trying to infringe on
my constitutional right to protest according Article 39, paragraph 1
of the Bulgarian Constitution -  that is "inadequate behaviour".

Another, more serious sign of  inadequate behaviour (i.e. mental
disorder): You choose to resist their attempts to push you into the
police jeep but your possibilities for resistance are deplorably
limited: you are a woman in your fifties, and they are healthy and
strong young men. So you throw yourself on the ground and make them
carry you - from the Sacred Area around the Sacred US Embassy to the
police jeep - then from the jeep to the Police Station where they
leave you on the floor because you reject their invitation to stand
and sit - you have sensed how uncomfortable they feel and are tempted
to punish them and all the others around a little longer.

(And it worked! I have managed to anger satisfactorily a sleek bossing
person in plain clothes!) Third even more serious sign of mental disorder:
They ask for your pass and you answer: You should not change the line:
you have forcibly taken me here, take what you need in the same way.
They try to stare you down - you stare back. They go inside to confer in
private. They come out and announce they will take you to the psychiatry.
It seems their table for inadequate behaviour is filled to the brim. You
look them into the eye, smile and say; You know how I am transported,
dont you? And then slip on the floor, enjoying for some moments their
confusion, and trying to relax as much as possible (to  make the pending
physical exercise more difficult for them).

They transport you to the psychiatry and there you get locked in an
isolator (?) with an aggressive young woman with real and very serious
problems. She threatens you several times with physical assaults but you
manage to live through the ordeal unscathed with good humour and lots of
patience. Then the doctor (at last) let you go home warning you kindly
that the police officers have demanded from her to keep you there till
the end of the US World Killers visit (!?!)

Do you like the Bulgarian Democracy?
Do you see any great difference from the recent totalitarian past?
We have rejected a living standard and social privileges for rights
a quotation from an interview with one of the so called dissidents
in 1989. The question is : Where are the rights?

Friends, we need you support; Please, express your indignation
to Mr. Stefan Sofianski, the Sofia Mayor, Sofia Town Hall,
33, Moskovska Str. Sofia 1000, Bulgaria.
Maybe he will withdraw then his forces and let us peacefully express
our attitude to his Master and Sovereign, Clinton, the World Emperor!


Blagovesta Doncheva,
Sofia, Bulgaria
the Balkans

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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