-Caveat Lector-

     "A US Navy psychologist claims that the ONI (Office of Naval
Intelligence) has taken convicts from prisons, used behavior
modification techniques on them, and then relocated them ...
     "Lt. Commander Thomas Narut of the US Regional Medical
Center in Naples divulged that information at a [late '70s] Oslo
conference of 120 NATO psychologists.
     "Dr. Narut revealed to reporters from many nations how the
ONI was secretly programming large numbers of assassins
for commando-type operations as well as covert operations ...
     "He described the subjects who went through his program at
two Navy programming centers (one located in San Diego) as 'hit
men' who would automatically kill anyone on command."

from: http://www.freeamerica.com/gvcon8.html


     by Harry V. Martin and David Caul
     from Napa Sentinel, Oct. 22, 1991

     In man's quest to control the behavior of humans, there was
a great breakthrough established by Pavlov, who devised a way to
make dogssalivate on cue. He perfected his conditioning response
technique by cutting holes in the cheeks of dogs and measured the
amount they salivated in response to different stimuli. Pavlov
verified that "quality, rate and frequency of the salivation
changed depending upon the quality, rate and frequency of the

Though Pavlov's work falls far short of human mind control, it
did lay the groundwork for future studies in mind and behavior
control of humans. John B. Watson conducted experiments in the
United States on an 11-month-old infant. After allowing the
infant to establish a rapport with a white rat, Watson began to
beat on the floor with an iron bar every time the infant came in
contact with the rat. After a time, the infant made the
association between the appearance of the rat and the
frightening sound, and began to cry every time the rat came into
view.  Eventually, the infant developed a fear of any type of
small animal.  Watson was the founder of the behaviorist school
of psychology.

"Give me the baby, and I'll make it climb and use its hands in
constructing buildings or stone or wood. I'll make it a thief, a
gunman or a dope fiend. The possibilities of shaping in any
direction are almost endless. Even gross differences in
anatomical structure limits are far less than you may think. Make
him a deaf mute, and I will build you a Helen Keller. Men are
built, not born," Watson proclaimed. His psychology did not
recognize inner feelings and thoughts as legitimate objects of
scientific study, he was only interested in overt behavior.

Though Watson's work was the beginning of mans attempts to
control human actions, the real work was done by B.F. Skinner,
the high priest of the behaviorist movement. The key to Skinner's
work was the concept of operant conditioning, which relied on the
notion of reinforcement, all behavior which is learned is rooted
in either a positive or negative response to that action. There
are two corollaries of operant conditioning" Aversion therapy and

Aversion therapy uses unpleasant reinforcement to a response
which is undesirable. This can take the form of electric shock,
exposing the subject to fear producing situations, and the
infliction of pain in general. It has been used as a way of
"curing" homosexuality, alcoholism and stuttering.
Desensitization involves forcing the subject to view
disturbing images over and over again until they no longer
produce any anxiety, then moving on to more extreme images, and
repeating the process over again until no anxiety is produced.
Eventually, the subject becomes immune to even the most extreme
images. This technique is typically used to treat people's
phobias. Thus, the violence shown on T.V. could be said to have
the unsystematic and unintended effect of desensitization.

Skinnerian behaviorism has been accused of attempting to deprive
man of his free will, his dignity and his autonomy. It is said to
be intolerant of uncertainty in human behavior, and refuses to
recognize the private, the ineffable, and the unpredictable. It
sees the individual merely as a medical, chemical and mechanistic
entity which has no comprehension of its real interests.

Skinner believed that people are going to be manipulated. "I just
want them to be manipulated effectively," he said. He measured
his success by the absence of resistance and counter control on
the part of the person he was manipulating. He thought that his
techniques could be perfected to the point that the subject would
not even suspect that he was being manipulated.

Dr. James V. McConnel, head of the Department of Mental Health
Research at the University of Michigan, said, "The day has come
when we can combine sensory deprivation with the use of drugs,
hypnosis, and the astute manipulation of reward and punishment to
gain almost absolute control over an individual's behavior. We
want to reshape our society drastically."

A U.S. Navy psychologist, who claims that the Office of Naval
Intelligence had taken convicted murderers from military prisons,
used behavior modification techniques on them, and then relocated
them in American embassies throughout the world.  Just prior to
that time, the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee had censured
the CIA for its global political assassination plots, including
plots against Fidel Castro.  The Navy psychologist was Lt.
Commander Thomas Narut of the U.S. Regional Medical Center in
Naples, Italy. The information was divulged at an Oslo NATO
conference of 120 psychologists from the eleven nation alliance.
According to Dr. Narut, the U.S. Navy was an excellent place for
a researcher to find "captive personnel" whom they could could
use as guinea pigs in experiments.  The Navy provided all the
funding necessary, according to Narut.

Dr. Narut, in a question and answer session with reporters from
many nations, revealed how the Navy was secretly programming
large numbers of assassins.  He said that the men he had worked
with for the Navy were being prepared for commando-type
operations, as well as covert operations in U.S. embassies
worldwide. He described the men who went through his program
as "hit men and assassins" who could kill on command.

Careful screening of the subjects was accomplished by Navy
psychologists through the military records, and those who
actually received assignments where their training could be
utilized, were drawn mainly from submarine crews, the paratroops,
and many were convicted murderers serving military prison
sentences. Several men who had been awarded medals for bravery
were drafted into the program.

The assassins were conditioned through "audio-visual
desensitization". The process involved the showing of films of
people being injured or killed in a variety of ways, starting
with very mild depictions, leading up to the more extreme forms
of mayhem. Eventually, the subjects would be able to detach their
feelings even when viewing the most horrible of films. The
conditioning was most successful when applied to
"passive-aggressive" types, and most of these ended up being able
to kill without any regrets. The prime indicator of violent
tendencies was the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.
Dr. Narut knew of two Navy programming centers, the
neuropsychiatric laboratory in San Diego and the U.S. Regional
Medical Center in Italy, where he worked.

During the audio-visual desensitization programming, restraints
were used to force the subject to view the films. A device was
used on the subjects eyelids to prevent him from blinking.
Typically, the preliminary film was on an African youth being
ritualistically circumcised with a dull knife and without any
anesthetic. The second film showed a sawmill scene in which a man
accidentally cut off his fingers.

In addition to the desensitization films, the potential assassins
underwent programming to create prejudicial attitude in the men,
to think of their future enemies, especially the leaders of these
countries, as sub-human. Films and lectures were presented
demeaning the culture and habits of the people of the countries
where it had been decided they would be sent.

After his NATO lecture, Dr. Narut disappeared. He could not be
located.  Within a week of so after the lecture, the Pentagon
issued an emphatic denial that the U.S. Navy had "engaged in
psychological training or other types of training of personnel as
assassins." They disavowed the programming centers in San Diego
and Naples and stated they were unable to locate Narut, but did
provide confirmation that he was a staff member of the U.S.
Regional Medical Center in Naples.

Dr. Alfred Zitani, an American delegate to the Oslo conference,
did verify Narut's remarks and they were published in the Sunday

Sometime later, Dr. Narut surfaced again in London and recanted
his remarks, stating that he was "talking in theoretical and not
practical terms." Shortly thereafter, the U.S. Naval headquarters
in London issued a statement indicating that Dr. Narut's remarks
at the NATO conference should be discounted because he had
"personal problems". Dr. Narut never made any further public
statements about the program.

During the NATO conference in Oslo, Dr. Narut had remarked that
the reason he was divulging the information was because he
believed that the information was coming out anyway. The doctor
was referring to the disclosure by a Congressional subcommittee
which were then appearing in the press concerning various CIA
assassination plots. However, what Dr. Narut had failed to
realize at the time, was that the Navy's assassination plots were
not destined to be revealed to the public at that time.


Mind control origins found in Nazi Germany

by Harry V. Martin and David Caul
Napa Sentinel, Nov. 19, 1991

At the conclusion of World War Two, American investigators
learned that Nazi doctors at the Dachau concentration camp in
Germany had been conducting mind control experiments on inmates.
They experimented with hypnosis and with the drug mescaline.

Mescaline is a quasi-synthetic extract of the peyote cactus, and
is very similar to LSD in the hallucinations which it produces.
Though they did not achieve the degree of success they had
desired, the SS interrogators in conjunction with the Dachau
doctors were able to extract the most intimate secrets from the
prisoners when the inmates were given very high doses of

There were fatal mind control experiments conducted at Auschwitz.
The experiments there were described by one informant as
"brainwashing with chemicals". The informant said the Gestapo
wasn't satisfied with extracting information by torture. "So the
next question was, why don't we do it like the Russians, who have
been able to get confessions of guilt at their show trials?" They
tried various barbiturates and morphine derivatives. After
prisoners were fed a coffee-like substance, two of them died in
the night and others died later.

The Dachau mescaline experiments were written up in a lengthy
report issued by the U.S. Naval Technical Mission, whose job it
was at the conclusion of the war to scour all of Europe for every
shred of industrial and scientific material that had been
produced by the Third Reich. It was as a result of this report
that the U.S. Navy became interested in mescaline as an
interrogation tool.  The Navy initiated Project Chatter in 1947,
the same year the Central Intelligence Agency was formed.  The
Chatter format included developing methods for acquiring
information from people against their will.

     <cont'd in part 2>

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