-Caveat Lector-

Subj:   Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Inteligence / Occult ??
Date:   97-06-10 19:23:10 EDT

In a message dated 97-06-10 16:49:23 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Acacia
Press, Inc.) writes:

>IF you approach it from the perspective of 'control' it makes a lot of
>sense for intellegence services to be interested in the occult.
>Intelligence services are always looking for ways to influence and control
>people/populations. Pathways for social control and manipulation include
>the media, drugs, and cultural/social institutions.

Excellent observations on the subject from a different angle, very relevant

There are abundant examples of exactly this kind of relationship between the
CIA and "occultism" or "mysticism" from the mid-70s, when (from what I'd
observed when this was a subject of great concern to me) our intelligence
agencies apparently launched upon a whole program of studying, infiltrating
and co-opting authoritarian "cult" structures as avenues of COLLECTIVE rather
than individual "mind control."  (I'd heard repeated references to a
study of increased suggestibility due to the lowered thresholds of
in such settings, supposedly the inspiration for the program, although I've
actually encountered any concrete documentation on it.)

Examples are the CIA influence, through the KCIA (CIA's S. Korean
equivalent), in the Unification Church of Rev. Moon; the CIA's alleged
co-optation of leadership in Scientology during the mid-70s; suspected CIA
influence on the upper echelons of Werner Erhard's EST [see a recent CTRL
posting of Jack Sarfatti's memoirs re "New Age" players during this period];
evidence of CIA involvement in Jim Jones' Peoples Temple and the Jonestown
affair; alleged CIA involvement [reported to me personally by a PI working
local law enforcement] in the Bay Area's Symbionese Liberation Army
"provocateur" action, in which Patricia Hearst played some role; and the
ambiguous role played by both the CIA and Interpol in Anton Szandor LaVey's
international Church of Satan [admitted to me by no less than LaVey himself,
with whom I was acquainted prior to 1965] and most likely in associated "
Satanic" orders to which I hesitate to refer any more clearly from fear of
litigation (Alex Constantine will know exactly what I mean).

In fact, from what I've observed and/or learned directly from private
conversations with law enforcement officials, other investigative journalists
and even some principals in the groups named, I don't think there was a
single "cult" of any significance during the 70s that WASN'T being influenced
or controlled by CIA operatives to one degree or another, and in all
instances toward the same goal: studying the effectiveness of "mind control"
techniques within a "true believer" group setting, with some "harvesting"
going on.

I'm not sure what our intelligence agencies learned, but I have no doubt that
they learned quite a deal that could be useful toward their own ends.  Also,
one must assume that whatever was learned was put into practice and further
refined under experimental conditions, under tighter control, in the "true
believer" groups that succeeded or evolved out of the embryonic cults of the
'70s noted above.

That, however, is a subject about which I have considerably less information,
having by then chosen to withdraw from investigation into the subject as a
result of several hairy episodes which I have no intention of describing
here.  For a better-informed perspective on "mind control" from the '80s
onward, I will have yield the floor to [CTRL subscriber]
Alex Constantine, should he care to deal further with this topic ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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