-Caveat Lector-

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By Kenn Thomas
Conspiracy Columnist
I recently went on an infotainment program called Extra, on the Fox Network,
to again call for an investigation into the death of Jim Keith, my former
writing partner and the person who started this column for Nitro News.

It occurred to me that an extraordinary lack of attention remains about this
story in the mainstream media. The Reno coroner issued a denial of the
possibility of conspiracy, but Extra was the first national program to bring
it up.

This stands as quite a contrast to Danny Casolaro, a relatively unknown
writer whose death made many national headlines. Why is it that Keith, a
well-known and popular writer on conspiracy subjects, has not yet ranked such

For the sake of trying to enourage more media attention, I tapped another
friend of his, Robert Sterling. Sterling publishes the e-newsletter Konformist
. He provides the following review and closer examination of the story that
may have led to Jim Keith's demise - the mysterious death of Princess Diana:

On August 31, 1997, Lady Diana died in a car crash (along with her boyfriend,
Egyptian playboy Dodi Fayed). Officially, the accident was caused by the
couple's chauffeur, who allegedly was drunk behind the wheel, driving their
Mercedes over 100mph while being chased by photographers.

Over the internet, other versions of what happened traveled quickly,
including the most popular one: Her "car accident" was caused by British
Intelligence agents (working in league with the CIA) in retaliation for her
alleged plans to marry Dodi.

Whatever merits such conspiracy theories have, the dissemination of them is a
milestone event in the history of conspiracy and the internet, an Alvin
Toffler-esque moment of Future Shock where the alternative reality was
promoted as fast as the official one.

Compare it to the lag time between the kill shot of JFK and the Oliver Stone
film on the subject 28 years later, and the death of Lady Di represents a
significant moment in information distribution.
The Diana conspiracy was widely distributed (and believed) for one simple
reason: it was quite plausible, and it certainly fit the circumstances of the
accident. Though the British Establishment would prefer people to believe
otherwise, there is little doubt it is inherently racist, and would've been
offended if Diana had married a dark-skinned Arab Muslim.

The fact that Dodi Fayed came from a rich and powerful Arabic family made him
a dangerous outsider as well (his father was billionaire Mohamed al-Fayed,
and his cousin was Syrian arms merchant and Iran-Contra player Adnan
Khashoggi, both of whom have lots of dirt on many British bigwigs).

Besides that, Diana had long been an annoyance to the British Monarchy, and
was starting to become more politicized with her call for an international
ban on land mines. Enough was enough.

Then there's the whole official "drunk driver" explanation, which under any
examination makes little sense. In the September 22, 1997 issue of Time
Magazine, they reported on a Time-CNN investigation of Henri Paul's sobriety,
published under the neutral title "Drunk And Drugged."
Despite the title, right before 10pm, he was at a bar, where he didn't drink,
and according to the bartender, "If he'd been drunk, we would have known
about it." He soon received a call to go to work. There, Time and CNN could
only report that an "unnamed Ritz employee" stated he drank pastis until he
got up to go, and then he "staggered" and "knocked into a customer."

Yet, if he did get drunk as is claimed, why did Diana, Dodi, or Dodi's
bodyguard not notice? And why, even if he could feign sobriety while
supposedly being four times over the legally intoxicated limit, did he not
inform them of his situation? And how come he looked so perfectly normal on
the Ritz Carlton video of him walking to the car? Time tried to dismiss this
evidence by describing it as a "jerky, heavily edited tape." Considering all
these questions, another plausible explanation for the drunk driver evidence
appears: the blood samples in the autopsy were spiked. This wouldn't be any
more difficult than to contract the killing itself.

This year, Rayelan Allen published a wild and fascinating book called Diana,
Queen of Heaven: The New World Religion. In it, she further details her
theory, namely that the purported murder was a Masonic occult ritual, and
thus the beginning steps of turning Di into a religious icon for the New
World Order, a modern day Moon Goddess for the Aquarian Age.

Moon Goddess or not, there should be little surprise that even two years
after the tragic deaths in France, Diana conspiracy theories are popular,
arguably more accepted and believed by the public than the official story
itself - except, of course, by the corporate media mouthpieces, who, as
usual, promote the status quo party line rather than ask important and
serious questions about a high-profile death.

If one believes there is a media cover-up going on with the Diana story, the
cover-up got a big name participant of late. In the September, 1999 debut
issue of Tina Brown's Talk Magazine, among an embarrassing kiss-ass interview
with Hillary Macbeth and a pathetic puff piece for George Jr.'s presidential
run, was an article by Gerald Posner on Lady Di conspiracy theories.
Posner, for those unfamiliar with his work, is the author of Case Closed, a
heavily-promoted book which proclaims that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone nut
killer after all. Posner is widely viewed in the information underground as
the Darth Maul of conspiracy theorists, and any subject that he slashes his
saber at deserves extra suspicion. Posner's article, in his usual snide, smug
and smarmy style, describes how Dodi's father has apparently been suckered in
by all this wacky conspiracy talk, and is convinced it is true.

Not that first-rank hatchet writers like Posner are needed to show the
mainstream media is slow to critically examine the Diana death: On August 6,
Wired reported on its website that the United States has secret files on Lady
Di, but refuses to release the material because of "exceptionally grave
damage to the national security," quoting the National Security Agency.
Rather than question the secrecy surrounding the information, Wired (better
known for its cheerleading of hi-tech corporate globalism than investigative
reporting) glibly commented, "That's OK. We don't need to see any more photos
of Diana romping on a nude beach in southern France anyway."

Of course, all great media cover-ups have a suspicious death of a journalist
involved to put the icing on the conspiracy cake. The Diana conspiracy got
precisely that when famed underground conspiracy author Jim Keith passed
away. Keith, the author of many popular conspiracy books on subjects ranging
from black helicopters, Men In Black, and the Oklahoma City bombing, had
recently begun writing articles for Nitro News.

His final article, published just before his death, claimed not only that
Diana and Dodi were getting married (which would explain Dodi's purchase of a
$250,000 diamond ring for her), but also the bombshell that, according to
Dodi Fayed's personal physician, Diana was pregnant with Dodi's child. Soon
after this, on September 7, 1999, Jim Keith was dead.

Some may argue his death wasn't too suspicious, but it certainly was odd: in
surgery from a broken leg (caused by jumping off a three foot stage at the
Burning Man festival), allegedly a blood clot was released and entered a
lung. And like that, one of the greatest names in conspiracy literature was

Conspiracy theorists are by nature a jumpy bunch, but the timing of these two
events has left many in the underground information community scratching
their heads, wondering if Keith had ended up like Danny Casolaro, the
journalist Jim wrote about in the Octopus. If Keith had been killed, it may
have been (like the murder of Diana) a lifetime achievement award. The Diana
story could have just been the final straw: over his career, Keith had
written enough exposes of corruption and deceit to earn a lengthy list of
worthy enemies.

To some, this is enough to raise questions and suspicions on Keith's death.
To others, it is the usual jumping of the gun and drawing conclusions which
simply aren't there, behavior that they insist pushed along the Diana and
John-John theories. Perhaps it is jumping the gun to state any firm
conclusions of foul play in Keith's death, but as the saying goes, an
enlightened man is one who can contemplate a notion without embracing it.

*   Read last week's Kenn Thomas column
Kenn Thomas is one of America's best known conspiracy writers, with seven
published books, a regular magazine called Steamshovel Press ($22/four
issues; POB 23715, St. Louis, MO 63121) and a frequently updated website.
Thomas lectures widely and appears regularly on television and radio
programs, including Rob McConnell's X-Zone, Sightings on the Radio, Strange
Daze and Coast To Coast AM with Art Bell (listen). His column is published
exclusively in Nitro News every week.


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