-Caveat Lector-

News Release
U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
Address 6006 Schroeder Road Madison, WI 53711
Release November 17, 1999
Contact Paul Slota Robert McLean
Phone 608-270-2420
Fax 608-270-2401

USGS Reports That West Nile Virus Goes Beyond Crows

NOTE TO EDITORS: Dr. Robert G. McLean, Director of the USGS National
Wildlife Health Center, Madison, Wis., will testify at a congressional field
hearing on the West Nile virus, slated for December 14, at Fairfield
University, Fairfield, Conn. The hearing will be in the School of Business
Dining Hall. Dr. McLean will be available following the hearing. For more
information on the hearing, call Olivia Ferriter, 703-648-4054.

The virus that can cause West Nile encephalitis in humans is not only found
in crows, according to scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey's National
Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wis. USGS has recently released a list of
18 bird species that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) in
Fort Collins, Colo. confirmed as having tested positive for the West Nile
virus, including:

American crow
Ring-billed gull
Yellow-billed cuckoo
Rock dove
Sandhill crane
Blue jay
Bald eagle
Laughing gull
Black-crowned night-heron
American robin
Fish crow
Red-tailed hawk
Broad-winged hawk
Cooper's hawk
Belted kingfisher
American kestrel
Herring gull

"Although the cause of death has not been determined in all cases, we can
assume that these birds were exposed to the virus in the tri-state area of
New York, New Jersey and Connecticut," said Dr. Robert McLean, USGS wildlife
biologist and director of the Madison Center. "Some of these species could
play a significant role as we track the spread of this disease."

McLean added, "The variety of birds is disturbing because many of these
species migrate to other areas and could potentially disseminate the disease
elsewhere. The good news is, with the exception of American crows, there
were only a few individual birds from each respective species thattested
positive. It is still too early to tell if this is because they are not as
susceptible or they were not as readily observed as crows."

Monitoring mortality in American crows is especially important because crows
appear to be highly sensitive to the virus. Since many crows normally travel
less than 200 miles they can act as sentinels for local transmission of the

"At this time it is difficult to assess how many birds have died from this
disease. While some of the affected areas have reported very high bird
mortality, especially in crows, a number of the birds have died from other
causes," said USGS wildlife disease specialist Linda Glaser. "About
49percent of the 392 birds tested by the USGS and CDC have tested positive
for West Nile virus."

McLean and his team of USGS biologists have been taking blood samples from
migratory and non-migratory birds in the New York area to get a sense of the
extent that bird populations and various species were exposed to thevirus.
"This information, in addition to being shared with the CDC, will be used in
establishing an effective surveillance network to track the virus and
ultimately learn how it could impact our native bird populations,"

There is still much that is unknown about the ecology of the virus and how
it will respond to its new environment in the United States. "Once a bird is
infected, the virus can be transmitted to mosquitoes only for about 4 to 5
days. Although this appears to be a short time, many birds can migrate
hundreds of miles within that time. It will be important to find out what
species are involved in the transmission of the virus and if migratory
birds, including crows, are capable of moving the virus to new
locations,"said McLean.

The USGS will continue to focus on collecting information that will help
determine the extent of the wildlife species involved, the geographic and
temporal distribution of the virus, and whether the disease is continuing to
expand to new sites.

McLean emphasized that with so many state and federal agencies involved in
the West Nile investigation, he is optimistic that scientists will learn
what role migratory birds may play in determining if the West Nile viruswill
find a permanent home in the western hemisphere and what impact it will have
on our native species.

Periodically, the USGS issues Wildlife Health Alerts to keep natural
resource agencies appraised of wildlife health or disease issues that may
threaten free-ranging and captive wildlife. USGS, along with several state
and federal and local natural resource, public and animal health agencies,is
diligently monitoring the spread of the virus by conducting field
investigations, processing wildlife specimens, and keeping these agencies
informed through the USGS Wildlife Health Alerts.

The USGS is also developing digital maps to monitor the expansion and range
of the disease. The maps can be quickly updated and allow scientists to
electronically overlay maps showing other pertinent information such as
climate, vegetation, bird and mosquito species range for the area being

West Nile virus is closely related to St. Louis encephalitis virus, but
generally causes a milder disease in humans, according to information from
the CDC. The West Nile virus is transmitted by a mosquito, which acquires
the virus when it bites an infected bird for the blood meal needed toproduce
mosquito eggs. If the same mosquito subsequently bites a human, it can pass
the virus to a human host. Like St. Louis encephalitis, West Nile virus is
not transmitted directly from person to person or from birds to persons.
This is the first time West Nile virus has been recognized in the United
States or any other area of the Western Hemisphere.

For more information on West Nile virus, see the following webpages:

USGS Wildlife Health Alert
USGS National Wildlife Health Center http://www.umesc.usgs.gov/nwhchome.html

USGS Biological Resources Page on West Nile Encephalitis
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

As the nation's largest water, earth and biological science and civilian
mapping agency the USGS works in cooperation with more than 2000
organizations across the country to provide reliable, impartial, scientific
information to resource managers, planners, and other customers.
Thisinformation is gathered in every state by USGS scientists to minimize
the loss of life and property from natural disasters, contribute to sound
economic and physical development of the nation's natural resources,
andenhance the quality of life by monitoring water, biological, energy, and
mineral resources.


In-depth information about USGS programs may be found on the USGS home page
at <http://www.usgs.gov> To receive the latest USGS news releases
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U.S. Geological Survey, MS119 National Center, Reston, VA 20192, USA
Last Modification: 11-17-99@11:24am(KRW)

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