-Caveat Lector-

The Electronic Telegraph
Friday 19 November 1999

THE author of the notorious anti-Semitic forgery, Protocols of the
Elders of Zion, has been identified as a Russian propagandist who served
both the Tsar and the Bolsheviks.

The Protocols have proved an inspiration for generations of anti-Semites
all over the world, despite having proved to be fake within a few
decades of their appearance at the beginning of the century. They
purport to reveal a secret Jewish-Masonic conspiracy to overthrow
monarchy and Christian civilisation through the manipulation of wars,
revolutions and capitalism, paving the way for world Jewish domination.

Research by a leading Russian historian, Mikhail Lepekhine, in recently
opened archives has found the forgery to be the work of Mathieu
Golovinski, opportunistic scion of an aristocratic but rebellious family
who drifted into a life of espionage and propaganda work. After working
for the Tsarist secret service he later changed sides and joined the

Mr Lepekhine's findings, published yesterday in the French magazine
L'Express, would appear to clear up the last remaining mystery
surrounding the Protocols. Though banned in Europe, copies are still to
be found in Middle Eastern bookshops.

Golovinski was born in 1865 in Ivachevka in the Simbirsk region. His
father, a friend of Dostoyevsky who was condemned to death for his part
in a plot then pardoned, died when he was 10 leaving him to be brought
up by his mother and a French governess. His subsequent career evokes
the world of assassination and intrigue described in Joseph Conrad's
Under Western Eyes, as revolutionaries and reactionaries struggled for
the soul of Russia.

He briefly studied law before drifting into the Holy Brotherhood, an
anti-Semitic secret society which used forgery as a tool against the
revolutionaries, publishing phoney newspapers and tracts. His contacts
there found him a job in the government press department where he acted
as a Tsarist spin doctor, placing articles in compliant newspapers and
paying the salaries of certain journalists.

When his chief protector died and he was publicly denounced by Maxim
Gorky as an informer he was forced to look for work abroad and chose
Paris. There he made contact with the head of the Russian secret police,
Pierre Ratchkovski, who put him to work writing pro-Russian stories to
be planted in the French press.

Later he was charged with a more important mission. Reactionary circles
in Moscow, dismayed at the progress being made by modernisers in the
court of Nicolas II, hit on the idea of a forgery that would demonstrate
to the tsar that the rising tide of capitalism in Russia was really a
Jewish conspiracy aimed at overthrowing him and the old order.

At the end of 1900 or the beginning of 1901 Golovinski was set to work.
He leant heavily on a pamphlet written in 1864 by an anti-Bonapartist
lawyer who claimed Napoleon III was engaged in a plot to usurp all the
powers of the French people.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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