-Caveat Lector-


By Judith ABR


    This article is based upon information, belief and fact.  That is to say
that scientific evidence for the phenomenas described herein is not known to
exist.  The phenomenas described herein are real, that is to say they have
been observed by numerous people, however, this information is not available
at this time to the general public through media sources.  It does appear to
be available through secret societies, cults who would rather that this
information not be made public.  Thus, this is a hypothetical, theory article
in part and evidence included here is mainly first-hand observation.  This
author warns readers that she does not consider herself the authority on
these phenomena, but an interested observerer who looks to wares victims and
syndicate spotters to edit and correct facts included herein.  Also this
article should be not be considered the be-all to end all on these described
phenomena, but simply a beginning to assist other researchers and victims
with disseminating what is occurring throughout the so-called free world
concerning the use of these highly illegal, slave-crime situations.  Judith

    The use of the term "wares game" is not documented here as the proper
term necessarily for the phenomena described herein.  It is a functional
term, as it describes fairly well these theoretical occurrences but it is not
known to be the term used colloquially to describe these situations by those
integrally involved in them.  Wares refers to the obtaining of
elements/creatures/drugs through the wares procurement process.  These games
are known to be being played mainly by crime syndicates and specialized cult
groups throughout North America. "Once a wares victim, always a wares victim"
is one adage which needs to be elminated from wares perpetrator's idiom

    Simply put, it appears that selected sub-groups of people, who are
considered by communities to be "expendable" (probably including government
dissidents, women past child-bearing ages who may have been used by cults as
breeders or who are unmarried, men who have shared too much information with
the "wrong others" about secret societies, and people who have obtained too
many political enemies in jobs or in communities) are likely candidates for
use in the wares games going on throughout the U.S. and Canada at this time.

    Once targeted, the victim will first undergo implantations – often brain
implants or implants non-consensually injected or otherwise placed into the
abdomen.  And local crime syndicates can then tell through designated crime
"spotters" in communities that a wares victim is in the local area.  Victims
cars are implanted with tracking devices and when they enter different crime
territories, the spotters are informed through their local surveillance
networks to monitor and assault the victim with rounds of psycho-poison
drugs.  If victims are recognized and tracked into areas, then more harm may
fall them.  Victims are used in rounds of specific drugs – used in
experimental testing – and assaulted on a daily basis.  But what is actually
occurring to some of these victims is something probably far more sinister
and involved, and includes the use of these victims in monitoring and
procuring creatures from the deep (crime underground).  And acceptance of the
wares game as a part of live, ongoing in nearly every community in the U.S.
means that a very hideous selection process is eliminating and torturing a
selected part of the American public and constitutes a clandestine slavery
system which may have been in use on black slaves and may pre-date the
founding of the U.S. Constitution.  Put frankly, there are those that know
and those that don't and are used in these sanctioned games of assault.
Police and medical professionals cover up evidence, rather than expose it,
because the consequences of assisting victims can mean that they are also

    These are games of torture, using high tech weapons.  Microwave frequency
and thermal heat weapons, toxic chemical assaults on bodies and property, and
use of monitoring devices including implants and remotes in surveillance
games utilizing telepathy channels and other new communication devices.
Three points appear to be the motives behind perpetrator's staging of these
set-ups – 1) make the victim appear to be deranged or actually drive them
insane for the purpose of discrediting them, 2) use the victims and their
residences in games of new transportation with supernatural elements
(creatures from the deep and others), known to have existed decades and even
centuries ago for payoffs owned by drug lords – and this includes obtaining
through the games specialized drugs, 3) use victims for community gains
including as breeders for specialized pregnancies, as victims in violent
assault scenarios which maintain in the larger spectrum a war social-economic
state in the community thereby bolstering a fascist political agenda run by
local magistrates.

    From the outside, what appears to be occurring around victims is that
once implanted, they become slaves to crime syndicates, they are owned by
drug lords and pimps in their local areas, just as prostitutes are.  The
pimps own certain territories and they organize and run these games with the
full knowledge of upper eschalon community members and police who reap
payoffs and favors if they maintain silence and use the games.  The system
then feeds itself and protects itself from within.  It obviously satisfies in
peacetime male war and hormonal tendancies, as well as bolsters economically
the community.  Put simply, a clandestine slave social system is a good hedge
against inflation, keeps resources circulating, and controls the local
population through fear.

    What is occurring actually to implanted victims, however, is another
scenario altogether.  They are thrust into a wheel of torture with the use of
high tech weapons.  Their implants aid and abed the existence of a whirlwind
of electro magnetic energy which surrounds the individual.  It is like a
small tornado which is difficult to discern with the naked eye, although
those around the victim may feel the frequency movement.  These whirlwind
phenomena carry elements also difficult to see with the naked eye –
particular kinds of creatures from the deep.  These animals spin in these
whirlwinds, so fast they are invisible.  The animals however, are drawn into
the whirlwinds, seeking the magnetic energy, they appear to survive.

    Pimps then "access" the animals, calling them up using remote controllers
which slowly increase the energy around the victim, until the animal actually
materializes through the mists and, strangely, it passes through a body
implant ever so fast.  The creatures from the deep, are then "harvested"
through the in-body implant in the victim.  They materialize after the
implants are zapped and when they arrive, they appear with a thud at the feet
or nearby the victim.  They are invisible for a period of a few minutes,
until pimps call them.  One of the commands they use in telepathy to call the
creatures is "chim-chim-cheree..ee..ee" as they loudly snap their fingers.
The creatures then, trained, they move at the speed of light, will
materialize in the pimps hand on the ground or nearby.  In residences, these
fish are captured in plumbing pipes and held in specially installed holding
tanks until pimps break into the residences to catch them.  This is often why
victims find their residences broken into daily and why surrounding neighbors
refuse to confirm the break-ins – often crime syndicates will surround
victims with perpetrators all placed there to run the games on them
intentionally.  Neighbors will take turns handling the break-ins or dealing
with the good for payoffs.

    Phenomenally, they look like glass at first – a clear spirling disk with
an almost human face on it.  When they land they often turn black and look
like black jelly, with this strange face and usually a white pearl-like
object in the middle.  These pearls are what pimps are often after.  These
creatures are often called "love fish" (term used by a NJ police officer)
because they are fairly intelligent, putting out good frequency sends which
effect people who are around it, and can be used to procure favors from
others, simply by the presence of them with someone.

    What is occurring here really, is the procurement of these unusual
creatures through the use of a high tech game of surveillance and drug
running.  Victims' every moves are tracked because pimps do not want the
scenario opened up – they have a stake in controlling the victim's medical
attention, controlling the victim's economic status (which pimps keep at a
low ebb), and in making sure that the game continues for profit.  Victims are
literally carrying around with them creatures everywhere they go in these
mostly invisible whirlwinds.  Local crime syndicates, sometimes called
curmudgeon crime couples, continue to maintain the victims setting them up
for ongoing implantations and monitoring the victim's immobility.  Victims
are kept imprisoned in their communities and in their residences by
neighbors, turned perpetrators.   Some victims wind up institutionalized,
used for procurement of wares fish on a continuing and ongoing basis in
hospitals.  Also, different implants may pick up different wares creatures,
that is to say the love fish are apparently not the only type of creature
from the deep which victims may be set-up with.  And the whirlwinds spew out
chemicals onto other people in public areas – some of these chemicals people
like and they may assist people with added youthfulness.  Some people want to
obtain these fish to use to procure a mate or obtain a new job.  And they may
purchase these creatures from pimps or drug lords in the area.  The fish are
then carried around with the owner and may last, with specialized chemical
treatments as long as several months.  Everywhere the owner goes, the fish
will eminate good feelings within a range of about 10-15 feet.  These
creatures may be more intelligent than other animals, but about this this
author does not have first-hand knowledge.  And it is assumed, but not known
by this author, that these fish exist in the natural environment and are a
part of the workings of the underground and secret societies, but that they
are not visible until they are accessed or drawn through these specialized
in-body implants, which it is also assumed for some people are quite valuable
as so much money can be made through use of the system.

    Another possible use of the frequency sends coming off of wares victims
implants are for obtaining frequency sends which can be used later, eminating
from remote control units which can capture and save the sends.  These
"sends" can be used then to effect good relationships with people.  Crime
syndicates deal, or market, "the send network" and those in the know use the
system for protection and to obtain favors or good treatment from others.

    The love fish creatures are visible in large urban areas in public seen
on the pavement as small and large spots of tar.  After pimps obtain the
creatures and the pearls (which may be a specialized pill or long-life drug
for some) they often toss the creature away.  And the creature dies usually
on the pavement.  The tar spots are visible on sidewalks throughout drug
territories and throughout all large cities in the U.S.  The spots range in
size from ˝" to 5-6" in diameter.  When dried out they stick to the pavement
like glue or epoxy and while considered by some to be thrown away gum or tar
from the streets, this is simply not the case. The Manhattan subway system is
littered with the remains of these love fish, even 3-4 levels underground
where no tar exists.

    Victims are fairly easily identified in public by the public as many
people now know the feeling of the whirlwind surrounding the victim.  And
know that the victim is implanted or targeted by the crap following the
victim around and by altered physical qualities of the victim including
heightened lilt of the voice, magnetic glistening of the eyes, and by
telepathic feeds which are audable to some in public and which eminate from
victims' physiques especially when they talk.  Dark sunglasses can help.

    Wares victims also play a part in maintaining a war society with men
primarily.  And most wares victims are single women.  How this works is more
complex than this article can deal with here.  Wares victims are often people
who wind up in criminal situations and imprisoned, driven into crime to
survive and often falsely tried.

    How many victims are in society?  Less now than in the past, it appears
as the tar spot phenomenas in cities seems to be dying back some since early
in 1998.  But, there are still enough of them in public for syndicates to sit
on corners and access people in the local area, especially if they know that
victims live in the area.  So many people get the payoffs from these victims
that the general public is silenced by its acquiessence to wanting or needing
the drugs from the system.  It should be stated here that this clandestine
economic system is lucrative and supports many a community.  Thus,
disclosures by authorities about its function in the community are rare.

    Last, the curmudgeon crime groups are unsual.  They operate very seedy,
horrible chemical businesses.  And often times the people in these groups are
part hybrids – or clones.  And as such, they have been educated in the
workings of these syndicates.  Hybrids have huge pupils, large heads for the
bodies, often wear glasses, are everyday looking and often married to real
people.  They travel in twosomes, not necessarily your usual married couples.
 They may not even be married but simply work-mates.  They specialize in
maintaining the wares games in communities.  And they also specialize in
implantations of victims.  They work with local syndicates in keeping victims
drugged so they can't function normally day-to-day.  They may maintain a host
of complex and involved microwave weapons and electronic remotely controlled
transmitters which can be set-up in wares victims residences to maintain the
day-to-day harvesting and procurement.


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