'ERROR' In EgyptAir Cockpit Translation, Say Feds!!

Incredibly... a mainstream media article in which a smidgen or two of
truth can be glimpsed through the cracks.

Remember what momma used to say: "if you tell too many lies you just end
up getting caught in them."

Speaking of which--WHERE ARE THE 217 BODIES????

NewsHawk® Inc.
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US Concedes
'Error' In EgyptAir
Pilot Translation!
By Tim Dobbyn
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/19991120/ts/crash_egyptair_156.html 11-20-99

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some of the words originally attributed to a
crewman of EgyptAir Flight 990, which bolstered a U.S. theory that the
plane was deliberately crashed, were in fact never spoken, a government
official said on Friday.

The embarrassing admission strengthens Egyptian opinion that U.S. media
and officials are rushing to judgement on the cause of the crash and
will further delay any decision to transfer leadership of the accident
probe to the FBI as a criminal matter.

Closer review of the tape showed that the first sentence of a widely
published quote from the cockpit voice recorder was in fact not uttered,
the U.S. official said.

``I made my decision now. I put my faith in God's hands,'' was the
incorrect translation from Arabic reported by Reuters and many other
news organizations from sources.

But the official said there was only a reference to faith in God prior
to the autopilot being disconnected and the plane beginning an unusually
steep but controlled plunge toward the ocean.

The Boeing 767 aircraft crashed on Oct. 31 into the sea off
Massachusetts less than an hour after taking off from New York for
Cairo, killing all 217 people on board.

EgyptAir said Friday it had begun offering cash advances in cases of
financial hardship to the families of those who died.

National Transportation Safety Safety Board Chairman Jim Hall on Friday
said the accident might have been the result of a deliberate act but he
scolded the media and government officials for fueling irresponsible speculation.

``Over the last few days we have seen a virtual cyclone of speculation
about the course of this investigation,'' Hall told a news conference.

``We have not released specific information from the cockpit voice
recorder,'' Hall said of the NTSB. ``I find it difficult to believe that
responsible public servants would engage in this type of conduct.''

Hall, questioned by reporters, said he did not back away from safety
board statements on the crash, including when he said Tuesday: ``We have
so far found no sign of a mechanical or weather related event that could
have caused this accident.''

The NTSB has said the engines were turned off during the dive. There are
also indications on the flight data recorder that the captain and the
co-pilot were in a contest over the controls, with the captain wanting
to pull the nose up and the person in the co-pilot's seat commanding the
nose to go down.

It was Hall who raised the possibility that EgyptAir 990 might have
crashed due to a criminal act, when he told reporters Monday the safety
board might yield leadership of the probe.

But it was not until the briefing Friday that Hall said he had met with
FBI Director Louis Freeh ``to inform him this accident might be the
result of a deliberate act.''

In the intervening days, news outlets, including Reuters, obtained
information from sources about information on the cockpit voice recorder
that officials said backed theories of a suicide plunge.

The U.S. official described the translation error as an ''innocent
mistake'' but was unsure how it had happened. The official said it may
have been the difference between an early interpretation of Arabic on
the tape and a later listening.

U.S. Rep. Jack Metcalf, a Republican from Washington state, said he
would switch to EgyptAir for a Nov. 30 flight from New York to Cairo for
meetings with Egyptian officials as a protest at the ``premature and
irresponsible speculation.''

``There are family members who are needlessly being anguished by these
stories that are being splashed across newspaper headlines,'' said
Metcalf, who sits on the House of Representatives Aviation Subcommittee
and in whose district Boeing 777, 747, and 767 planes are built.

U.S. theories that the crash may have been deliberate have sparked anger
in Egypt.

After a day of diplomatic meetings and phone calls Tuesday, Washington
agreed with Cairo to delay letting the FBI control the probe until
additional Egyptian experts examine the evidence.

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NTSB's Hall Re: 990 - Things Said So Far Were Lies!

© 1999 NewsHawk® Inc.

On Friday, Nov.19, NTSB head honcho Jim Hall said publicly that
everything that's been claimed thus far by government officials about
what's been heard on Fl. 990's cockpit voice recorder--as reported in
the mainstream press--has been "LIES"!

Eh? LIES?? Well, isn't THAT a shocker (NOT)!

And who's responsible for these "lies", we'd dearly like to know? Hall
seems to be trying hard to make it look as though the media has been
taking things out of context and misinterpreting information, but the
funny thing is the press been relying solely on little snippets and
hints which came right from the mouths of government hacks! So, it's
these government mouthpieces who are spinning the tales.

THESE are the kind of tactics now used by the criminals who've assumed
control of our government to such a great extent at this point.

They leak these little tidbits ("lies") here and there using lower-level
government flunkies (we've totally LOST COUNT by now how MANY different
scenarios the feds have tried to put over regarding Fl. 990), to see
which lies have the best chance of staying afloat. Then, if some
particular scenario seems to be holding, they'll dig in and stay with it.

So far, EVERYTHING they've said about Fl. 990 in nearly 3 weeks has been
going over like a lead balloon.

Their approach could best be summed up as follows. Throw enough shit at
the wall, and SOME of it has GOT to stick. Pee-YEW! What you end up with
is a wall covered in crap and the WHOLE THING STINKS!!!

Exactly HOW STUPID do these criminally insane vermin think we are? How
stupid do they think the Egyptians are?

ENOUGH! Somebody... change the channel... PLEASE!

And, by the way.... WHERE ARE THE BODIES!! Pieces, even? It's against
the laws of physics for absolutely no bodies or parts of bodies to have
floated to the surface by now. It's utterly ludicrous to suggest that
just because the jet hit the water at supersonic speeds, every single
body was pulverized into nothingness--an "explanation" which is
apparently being surreptitiously propagated and encouraged... by SOME
agency or other.

Something is definitely totally "wrong" with this aspect and it's not
even being MENTIONED by the mainstream media.

3 Weeks and Counting re: Fl. 990--NO BODIES, NO ANSWERS!

Yes folks, it's 3 weeks and counting now regarding the Fl. 990 crash,
and what do we have? NO BODIES, and NO ANSWERS! What else is there to
say? How 'bout this.... We have NOTHING BUT LIES!!!

At this point, the craftiest, most surreptitious of the government's
spin-meisters are busily at work carefully sowing the seeds of still
another wild, wacked-out tale; a yet-deeper level of official,
disinformative Nazi-style "Big Lie", which attempts to explain the
torrent of hopelessly pathetic and obvious lies issued by the feds
continually since the crash of Fl. 990 as a coverup implemented by feds
to cover for the fact that Boeing's 767s suffer from a catastrophic
design flaw, which could result in untold billions of dollars in ruinous
lawsuits being directed against the vitally important giant American
aircraft manufacturer and defense contractor.

For one thing, this new fable shows precisely how DESPERATE feds have
become regarding the massive uproar the Fl. 990 crash has incurred
worldwide; that feds are actually willing to take a full body HIT on
running a full-on coverup on the air disaster; AND that they are willing
to let Boeing get saddled with the worst, most negative global public
image one could ever imagine.  Tough luck, Boeing. Of course, this
"rumor"-intelligence" fable will almost certainly never get to point
where it gets mouthed publicly in unmistakable terms by any prominent
government figure(head)s like Jim Hall or Klinton... because if it DOES,
Boeing is likely to file the biggest lawsuit in the history of Western
civilization. BUT, the tall tale WILL be allowed to simmer and bubble
around the fringes of international political circles and "polite
society" as long as possible, to further muddy the waters swirling
around the causes of the Fl. 990 crash.

That the feds would be willing to cause such severe harm to Boeing and
to even admit to running a coverup indeed shows to what incredible
lengths these government factions are going to prevent the REAL TRUTH
from ever seeing the light of full public disclosure.

The real truth is that covert, fascistic factions of the U.S.
government--which for all practical purposes can most easily be
described as "PRO-New World Order"--were directly responsible for
causing Fl. 990 to crash. NewsHawk, as we've noted, does not have
definitive information on WHY the jet was brought down.

This latest tall tale is a pretty serious effort, spooks. Except for one
thing--it's complete hogwash of the most serious kind, and the Boeing
767 is one the finest commercial aircraft around. 

Oh yeah... and by the way; WHERE ARE THE 217 BODIES?????

© 1999 NewsHawk® Inc.

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