-Caveat Lector-

 They changed 'new world order' to 'globalization'. The elections are done by
computer. Read vote scam.  We aren't at war so why have a peace march?  If it's
American platform, why call it global? This is straight out of un agenda 21.


Dave wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Dave Hartley
> http://www.Asheville-Computer.com/dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Crockett Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 2:56 PM
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Friends of Free Cannabis; FoodNotBombs List;
> BayAreaActivistList; Activist Mailing List; InTheShadows; CIA-Drugs
> List; a RainbowList agr
> Cc: Brian Murphy; NORMLFNDTN; Allen Saint-Pierre; CANORML, (Dale
> Gieringer); Steven Kubby; *Global Peace Walk Project; =Trilight - SF
> GPW2000 HQ
> Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] 2000 Election: stategy, planning
> From: "David Crockett Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> With this recent result continuing the Congress' opposition to cannabis
> medicine by prohibiting the DC I-59 implementation, the harassment and
> cruelty of Federal courts actions against Todd McCormick and Peter
> McWilliams, case of CA Gubernatorial candidate Steve Kubby, etc., and the
> persecution across the nation on this issue the time seems right in context
> of Elections 2000 campaign to push for a national legalization issue which
> all candidates must address in their electioneering.  That is, a campaign so
> strong that by next summer everyone running for national office knows that
> they will not get elected unless they publicly and strongly support
> relegalization of medical cannabis as well as other important progressive
> issues such as environmental preservation, ameliorating global climate
> changes, etc.
> How can this be done?
> By creating an American Platform uniting this with other progressive issues
> all of which warrant such endorsements as key changes that need to take
> place, eg, also, industrial hemp, abolition of nuclear weapons (see HR2545
> the global Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act of 1999
> http://www.prop1.org ), stop nuclear testing and waste dumping, overall drug
> law reform, stop CIA drug smuggling ( see http://www.copvcia.com ), adequate
> funding for new energy  technologies development to replace nuclear and
> fossil fuel power and neutralize radioactive wastes (some background and
> links at http://www.angelfire.com/on/GEAR2000 ), indigenous peoples issues,
> Free Leonard Peltier, etc.
> How to publicize and mobilize and unite the various issue group
> constituencies to combine their strength to promote such a global peace
> platform, (American Platform?)?
> Global Peace Walk 2000 is an ideal vehicle to help accomplish this by all
> progressive issues uniting together in its support and efforts walking,
> publicizing and carrying these messages across country next year from San
> Francisco (departing January 15th in context of second largest MLK birthday
> events nationally then down the coast to Los Angeles, nuclear test site, Big
> Mountain, etc) to Washington DC (for Oct9 Millennial Peace Ceremony at
> Washington Monument with perhaps over one million people on that date which
> is Columbus Day holiday coincident with, according to Smithsonian Institute,
> 1000 year anniversary observance of Vikings coming to America, and also John
> Lennon's birthday) and ending in New York City for the United Nations 55th
> anniversary to help inaugurate the UN Year and Decade of creating a Culture
> of Peace for the 21st Century.
> This Global Peace Walk project was initiated with the 1995 walk from NYC to
> SF for the UN50th anniversary by a zen buddhist monk, Rev. Yusen Yamato, who
> will be conducting Global Peace Walk 2000 to mobilize American Citizens to
> help fulfill President Clinton's offering to the 1995 walk, his UN50th
> message calling on Americans to help fulfill the original goals of the UN
> charter to remove the scourge of war from the future generations.  This
> project has received many letters/messages and proclamations of support
> since 1995 including recently from the mayors of San Francisco, Berkeley,
> Oakland CA, and onstage at Woodstock'99 from the mayor of Rome NY.   In 1995
> we received proclamations and letters from New Mexico officials including
> Taos and Santa Fe Mayors, both Senators, and Gov. Gary Johnson whose letter
> of support text is reproduced at end of this post.  We expect Gov. Johnson's
> participation and support for GPW2000 in Santa Fe in April.
> Your letter of support with your "survival issue messages" will also be
> carried by the walk and we ask PLEASE for their submission with your
> commitment to help ASAP so they can be publicized before the walk begins and
> carried by the walk across country from the beginning.
> The hemp/cannabis movement has been fragmented and needs to be united with
> all other survival issue messages in such an American Platform to solve
> critical social and environmental problems before it is too late.  In the
> 60's pot was associate with Peace and Love.  Now it is primarily identified
> in the public mind with medical issues such as AIDS and cancer, or
> industrial hemp, or with "drugs".   We need to put the Peace and Love
> message back into the hemp/cannabis movement and Global Peace Walk 2000 is
> an ideal vehicle whose performance and success depends on the amount of
> support from activists across country which will fuel it.
> Rev. Yamato's primary function on the Global Peace Walk 2000 will be to
> oversee with his peacewalk experience the overall logistics and to conduct
> prayers and ceremonies along the way.  Although he is very familiar with
> these issues, and the uses of hemp/cannabis in his buddhist and Japanese
> cultures over centuries until it was outlawed in 1945 by the US (all Shinto
> shrines are also hemp shrines), he must rely on American citizens to take
> the lead of this Global Peace Walk 2000 and bring these survival issues out
> to the people and local,regional, national media along the way; or as he
> says "the survivor is the leader" and "everybody must be 'Living on The
> Globe with All Our Friends' or soon nobody can live in this world"
> I have been asking for support on this project all year and now time is
> growing short for the walk to begin.  Please recognize the importance and
> value of this project to help fulfill "Global Peace Now!" and resolve these
> survival issues by supporting Global Peace Walk 2000 in any way you can.
> see http://www.globalpeacenow.org
> For those of you in the SF Bay area please come to the December 4th benefit
> concert and gathering to offer your support, food and gas donations, recruit
> more walkers/speakers, etc., at the Berkeley Community Center 6-11PM.  For
> recorded hotline info on this GPW2000 gathering and benefit concert event
> call 415-267-1877.  To reach the Global Peace Walk 2000 office
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED] ) call 415-863-2084.
> See http://www.globalpeacenow.org and
> http://www.angelfire.com/on/GEAR2000/gpw.html for details on GPW2000.
> Please let me know off list your interest and ideas to support GPW2000 in
> your area.
> Thanks,
> David Crockett Williams  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Global Emergency Alert Response
> http://www.angelfire.com/on/GEAR2000
> Global Peace Walk 2000
> http://www.globalpeacenow.org
> http://www.angelfire.com/on/GEAR2000/gpw.html
> -----Original Message-----
> Date: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 5:42 AM
> Subject: Re: [mayday] 2000 Election: stategy, planning
> >From: "RLRoot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >>From: Ann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>
> >>Four months of bickering over the District's budget ended yesterday when
> >>the Senate approved the city's $4.7 billion spending plan for the
> >>current fiscal year and sent it to President Clinton, who has said he
> >>would sign.
> >>
> >>> >* Prohibits District from legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes.
> >>
> >>THIS is why they didn't want Clinton to have the line item veto.
> >>
> >
> >
> >Has there ever been any indication that Clinton in any way supports MMJ?
> >The only indications I have seen show that he supports the drug war
> industry
> >and the special interests behind it.   Many elected officials know the drug
> >war is wrong, and that MMJ is right (not that they will publicly say so),
> >but to change course on either would be a betrayal to the industry itself.
> >
> >Maybe Clinton's best issue for repairing his legacy would be to publicly
> >support MMJ.  I personally despise the man for his foreign interventions
> and
> >war policies, but if he were to come out publicly in favor of MMJ he could
> >do a lot of repair to his image.
> >
> >Gary Johnson continues to be the lone brave leader.
> >
> >Rick
> >~The War on Drugs breeds contempt within law enforcement for citizen's
> civil
> >rights with disregard for individual privacy, right to property, right to
> >self-defense, and many other rights defined and declared as inalienable by
> >our Bill of Rights.  Even the most basic right, the right to life, has been
> >deemed to be forfeitable by the anti-drug lords that wage this war.
> >
> >
> >>The other appropriations in the bill involve necessary funding, putting
> >>the President in a tight spot. The DC voters will be punished one way or
> >>the other. Voinovitch and BARR must be stopped. We need a strategy to
> >>target these seats for the 2000 elections.
> >>
> >>Voinovitch was Gov of Ohio in '95 when Todd was being held on a bogus
> >>profile stop ("Well.. If they look Mexican or have out of state
> >>plates..")
> >>
> >>We need a House/Senate 'Nazi' list. Those will be the candidates we will
> >>target from now through next November.
> >>
> >>There was a talk show host in RI a few years back, Moe Lauzier. He used
> >>the catch line "REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER". Let's adopt that and saturate
> >>every voting district with it over the next 11 months. There was even a
> >>song he used to play, "Remember in November" - I'll call WHJJ and see if
> >>that was theirs (copywrite) or taken from the public domain. If it's
> >>available, maybe one of our talented musician/activists could work on
> >>updating the arrangement, etc (hint.. hint.. ;-) It was an old scratchy
> >>record by a male singer when Lauzier played it. It had a Souza march air
> >>about it.
> >>
> >>Another catchy phrase I read tonight was from the Harper's article.
> >>> Bill Clinton's legacy is not the drug-free zone he wanted
> >>
> >>People understand 'moth-eaten' Any talented artists out there who could
> >>make a graphic we could all use of a 'moth-eaten Bill of Rights'?
> >>
> >>C'mon, folks - let's brainstorm and develop a nation-wide strategy.
> >>
> >>peace.
> >>ann   [Ann McCormick, Todd McCormick's mother]
> >>
> From: David Crockett Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: NM Gov. Gary Johnson's GPW support letter
> Date: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 11:31 AM
> Text of New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson's support letter for
> Global Peace Walk Project:
> [Great Seal of The State of New Mexico 1912]
> Office of The Governor
> State Capitol
> Santa Fe, New Mexico 87503
> (505) 827-3000
> Gary E. Johnson
> Governor
> June 14, 1995  [Flag Day]--dcw
> Global Peace Walk Participants
> 1827 Haight Street Suite 85
> San Francisco, CA 94117
> Dear Participants:
> Greetings from the Land of Enchantment!  I was pleased that you routed the
> state of New Mexico as a stopping point for the United Nations 50th
> Anniversary Global Peace Walk 95.
> I commend you for your dedication and vision towards providing a positive
> and peaceful world for our future generations.  The efforts of this group
> are an excellent example that people of all races, tribes, religions and
> nations can come together in a nonviolent manner in order to resolve
> disputes and conflict.
> The prayers and best wishes of New Mexico are with you as you continue
> spreading your message of global peace.
> Sincerely,
> [signed]
> Gary E. Johnson
> Governor of New Mexico
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gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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