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I did  search using Altavista with the keywords.. +hidden +code +copier
and found this document at

I quote one part of it...
"Industry manufacturers are also partnering together, incorporating enhanced
security printing features, such as watermarks and holograms, into financial
documents. They are also expanding the use of authorization codes and
verification processes and producing state-of-the-art (snipped out line
security devices that imbed hidden identification numbers in duplicated
documents produced on a color copier or printer. This resulting
can then be used to trace the duplicated document and identify the specific
machine it was created on. Law enforcement officials can then track and
the offending machine and users. Some color copiers have even been designed
shut off when the machine recognizes the presence of a coded message in the
original document being duplicated."

This is a Press Release that is on the web site of the National Association
Quick Printers (NAQP) which is the official trade association of the quick

I added +counterfeit to my keyword and found this at
It deals with destop publishing being used by counterfieters. The quote
below is
at the end of the section called "Safeguarding Currency" and deals with
"Meanwhile, would-be counterfeiters may also find themselves stymied by
devices that appear on some of the equipment used to print fakes. For more
a year Canon Corp., the leading manufacturer of color copiers and a producer
printers and scanners, has quietly incorporated two anti-counterfeiting
into its business products, says David Farr, senior vice- president and
manager of Canon USA, Inc. The copiers include a specially programmed
that recognizes the currencies of several countries, including the United
and Japan. If someone attempts to copy the currency, the copier will print a
black sheet of paper instead.

"A more subtle deterrent imprints a code of the machine's serial number on
copy it produces. The number is encoded in ``microdots'' that can be printed
anywhere on the page. ``Nobody even knows these features are in there,''
says. The serial number can be decoded only with special equipment that he
declined to identify, which the company provides to the Secret Service and
federal agencies solely for tracing counterfeits to the copier on which they
were made."
The resources page at this site.. http://www.sgrm.com/Resources.htm  has
interesting looking links but I haven't had time to check them out.

While these still aren't "proof" it is does tend to endicate that there is
to this than I thought when I first read the copier encoding post.


Michael wrote:

 > From: "Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > One thing I have discovered as I have researched some of these items, is
 > there is no 'law' requiring implementation.  What happens seems to be,
 > the Pres or some other figure, makes a speech, scaring the bejeeesus out
 > people and some companies follow like sheep.  They immediately enact
 > freedom removing policies that become the norm for society and since most
 > Americans are more interested in what's on TV then they are on what's
 > happening in life, they just accept anything and everything.
 > Michael
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