-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

--------------- TODAY'S HEADLINES ---------------

In visit to Kosovo, Clinton pleads for ethnic reconciliation
Presidential campaigns funded by special interests
Cuomo: Hillary Clinton told me she is running
NOW, former lawmaker seek to stop sale of 'Choose Life' license plate
Bradley attacks Gore fund-raising tactics
Hacker admits role in hacker attack on White House
Bush tries to regain lost ground in New Hampshire
Assisted suicide question OKd for ballot
Democrat's resignation could create all-GOP judiciary in Harris County

--------------- Netivation.com News ---------------

Listen to Netivation.com’s Nov. 18 Conference Call over the Internet through
Investor Broadcast Networks’ Vcall.com Web site, located at:
Search by ticker symbol: NTVN.
Netivation.com Completes Acquisitions of Three Internet Political Companies

------------------CapitolWatch Insider--------------------

A Web site that's chock full of interesting information is
www.opensecrets.org, the site of the Center for Responsive Politics.
Information on it includes the following, all of which is regularly updated:
* Members' and candidates' Personal Financial Disclosures:  Members of and
candidates for Congress must file each year forms that itemize their assets
(except their principal residences), liabilities (except mortgages on their
principal residences), financial transactions, outside income and positions
held.  Does the chairman of the Armed Services Committee hold stock in
defense contractors?  The PFDs will tell you.
* Congressional travel:  Has your congressman been taking junkets, flying on
the taxpayers' credit card to exotic locations like Rome for
Easter or Australia in December?  Has he been wined and dined by lobbyists in
Palm Beach? This site tells you.
* Detailed analyses of Members' and candidates' campaign contributions. The
Center analyzes federal candidates' (including Presidential candidates')
sources of campaign funds.  How much, and what percent of the total, came
from small donors? large individual donors? PACs?
What was the geographical breakdown?  This site answers those questions, and
many others.
* PACs:  To what candidates has a given PAC contributed?  Who are the major
bankrollers of a particular PAC?  Answers found here.
* Lobbyists:  For whom does Haley Barbour lobby?  How much did they pay him?
Which former Members are now lobbyists?
* Major individual donors:  Want to know which federal candidates and PACs
Donald Trump has supported?  Ask here, and the answer is spewed out almost
* Soft money:  Who gives it and to whom?
Then there are other titillating reports, like who were the guests at the
infamous White House coffees and Lincoln Bedroom sleepovers.
Check this site!


CapitolWatch Insider provides news from the inner workings of our nation's
capital, including upcoming legislation, what's happening behind the scenes,
and how the actions of Congress really affect you. The first person to
correctly identify the author of the Tiresias column will receive a copy of
Congressional Quarterly's "Politics in America - 2000," due to be published
this summer.

------------------CapitolWatch Insider--------------------


NOVEMBER 24, 1999

NOVEMBER 24, 1999

NOVEMBER 23, 1999

NOVEMBER 23, 1999

U.S. House of Representatives

E-mail your Representative:

House Roll Call Vote: 596
Description: Making further continuing appropriations for FY 2000
Date: 11/17/99  Bill: H.J.RES.80
Action: On Passage
Result: PASSED
Yea = 403  Nay = 8  Not Voted = 23
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 597
Description: To provide support for certain institutes and schools.
Date: 11/17/99  Bill: S.440
Action: Suspend the Rules and Pass
Result: failed
Yea = 128  Nay = 291  Not Voted = 14
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 598
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: ADJOURN
Action: On Motion to Adjourn
Result: failed
Yea = 14  Nay = 375  Not Voted = 44
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 599
Description: Providing for consideration of H.J. Res 82  making further
continuing           appropriations for FY 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.RES.385
Action: On Ordering the Previous Question
Result: PASSED
Yea = 375  Nay = 45  Not Voted = 13
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 600
Description: Providing for consideration of H.J. Res 82  making further
continuing           appropriations for FY 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.RES.385
Action: Table Motion to Reconsider
Result: PASSED
Yea = 316  Nay = 101  Not Voted = 16
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 601
Description: Providing for consideration of H.J. Res 82  making further
continuing           appropriations for FY 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.RES.385
Action: On Agreeing to the Resolution
Result: PASSED
Yea = 352  Nay = 63  Not Voted = 18
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 602
Description: Providing for consideration of H.J. Res 82  making further
continuing           appropriations for FY 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: MOTION
Action: Table Motion to Reconsider
Result: PASSED
Yea = 294  Nay = 123  Not Voted = 16
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 603
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: ADJOURN
Action: On Motion to Adjourn
Result: failed
Yea = 25  Nay = 395  Not Voted = 13
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 604
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: ADJOURN
Action: On Motion to Adjourn
Result: failed
Yea = 24  Nay = 378  Not Voted = 31
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 605
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: ADJOURN
Action: On Motion to Adjourn
Result: failed
Yea = 24  Nay = 379  Not Voted = 31
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 606
Description: Making further continuing appropriations for F.Y. 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.J.RES.82
Action: On Motion to Recommit
Result: failed
Yea = 1  Nay = 420  Not Voted = 13
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 607
Description: Making further continuing appropriations for F.Y. 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.J.RES.82
Action: On Passage
Result: PASSED
Yea = 403  Nay = 16  Not Voted = 15
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 608
Description: Waiving points of order against the conference report on
                H.R. 3194, D.C. Appropriations, FY 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.RES.386
Action: On Agreeing to the Resolution
Result: PASSED
Yea = 226  Nay = 204  Not Voted = 4
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 609
Description: District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.R.3194
Action: On Motion to Recommit Conference Report
Result: failed
Yea = 212  Nay = 219  Not Voted = 4
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 610
Description: District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.R.3194
Action: On Agreeing to the Conference Report
Result: PASSED
Yea = 296  Nay = 135  Not Voted = 4
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 611
Description: Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.R.1180
Action: On Agreeing to the Conference Report
Result: PASSED
Yea = 418  Nay = 2  Not Voted = 15
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

U.S. Senate

E-mail your Senator:

Senate Vote Number: 365
Description: Dodd Amdt. No. 2532 As Modified
Date: 11/10/99  Bill: S.625
Result: failed
Yea = 45  Nay = 50  Not Voted = 3
Edward M. Kennedy voted Yes.
John F. Kerry voted Yes. Senate Vote Number: 364Description: Kohl Amdt. No.
2516 As ModifiedDate: 11/10/99  Bill: S.625Action: Result: PASSEDYea = 75
Nay = 22  Not Voted = 1Edward M. Kennedy voted Yes.
John F. Kerry voted Yes. Senate Vote Number: 363Description: Hutchison Amdt.
No. 2778Date: 11/10/99  Bill: S.625Action: Result: failedYea = 29  Nay = 68
Not Voted = 1Edward M. Kennedy voted No.
John F. Kerry voted No. Senate Vote Number: 360Description: Hatch Amdt. No.
2771Date: 11/10/99  Bill: S.625Action: Result: PASSEDYea = 50  Nay = 48  Not
Voted = 1Edward M. Kennedy voted No.
John F. Kerry voted No. Senate Vote Number: 359Description: Motion to Table
Dodd Amendment No.2754Date: 11/9/99  Bill: S.625Action: Result: PASSEDYea =
58  Nay = 38  Not Voted = 2Edward M. Kennedy voted No.
John F. Kerry voted No. Senate Vote Number: 358Description: Motion to table
Durbin Amdt No. 2521Date: 11/9/99  Bill: S.625Action: Result: PASSEDYea = 50
Nay = 46  Not Voted = 2Edward M. Kennedy voted No.
John F. Kerry voted No. Senate Vote Number: 357Description: Domenici
Amendment No.2547Date: 11/9/99  Bill: S.625Action: Result: PASSEDYea = 53
Nay = 44  Not Voted = 2Edward M. Kennedy voted No.
John F. Kerry voted No. Senate Vote Number: 356Description: Motion to table
Kennedy Amendment No.2751Date: 11/9/99  Bill: S.625Action: Result: PASSEDYea
= 50  Nay = 47  Not Voted = 2Edward M. Kennedy voted No.
John F. Kerry voted No. In visit to Kosovo, Clinton pleads for ethnic
reconciliationUROSEVAC, Yugoslavia (AP) - Five months after NATO bombs broke
Serbia's grip on Kosovo, President Clinton urged Kosovo's schoolchildren to
forgive oppression and told U.S. peacekeeping soldiers their example can help
overcome the sectarian violence that still grips the province.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_24story10.htmlPresidential campaigns
funded by special interestsDespite the presence in the presidential race of
three advocates of campaign finance reform, all of the major candidates have
raised money from groups and individuals with issues before the federal
government. http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_24story1.htmlCuomo: Hillary
Clinton told me she is runningALBANY, New York (AP) - Trying to end
speculation that she is having second thoughts, Hillary Rodham Clinton was
making it clear Tuesday that she will run for the U.S. Senate seat from New
York. http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_24story11.htmlNOW, former lawmaker
seek to stop sale of 'Choose Life' license plateWEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) -
The National Organization for Women is seeking to block Florida's planned
sales of ``Choose Life'' license plates, arguing the plates
unconstitutionally promote an anti-abortion slogan.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_24story2.htmlBradley attacks Gore
fund-raising tactics MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) - Facing a tight primary battle
here with Al Gore, Democratic presidential candidate Bill Bradley is
reminding voters of some of the darkest days of the Clinton administration -
its questionable fund-raising practices.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_24story12.htmlHacker admits role in
hacker attack on White HouseWASHINGTON (AP) - Hacker Eric Burns wandered on
the Web where few had gone before him, even making an illicit electronic
visit inside the computers at the White House earlier this spring.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_24story3.htmlBush tries to regain lost
ground in New Hampshire STRATHAM, N.H. (AP) - Forget holding babies.
Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush fed a cow and grabbed a
lobster as he continued his campaign to convince New Hampshire voters he has
what it takes to lead the country.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_24story4.htmlAssisted suicide question
OKd for ballot AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) - A question on whether to permit
doctor-assisted suicide can appear on Maine's referendum ballot next year,
state election officials ruled Tuesday.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_24story5.htmlDemocrat's resignation
could create all-GOP judiciary in Harris County HOUSTON (AP) - The pending
resignation of Harris County's only Democratic judge could mean Republicans
will fill all 59 of its state district benches.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_24story6.htmlAP content Copyright (c)
1999 The Associated Press*************************Copyright 1999 Netivation,
Inc.  All rights reserved.  CapitolWatch News services are for personal use
only.  Commercialuse or distribution in any form, printed or
electronic,requires prior written consent of Netivation,
Inc.*************************Contact CapitolWatch Customer
Servicehttp://www.capitolwatch.com/contactus.htmlor E-mail CapitolWatch
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**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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