>But like just about every chapter in your book on the Staten Island Project,
>I can't for the life of me figure out what the hell the title has to do with
>the text that follows.

Okay--scroll back to Feb/March 1981. While Howard Lotsof  engages in
the first library search for ibogaine material, I'm working on "A New
Heroin Conspiracy," which substantially contains the same info as the
article I just forwarded. But as we publish it (in OVERTHROW), a bomb
mysteriously goes off in front of #9 Bleecker--blinding a bombsquad
detective--which anonymous callers tell the press "the yippies
planted  themselves to regain their notoriety." Within days the SOHO
WEEKLY NEWS--with which OVERTHROW is feuding over "heroin chic"--runs
"Jonestown on Bleecker St," which is intended to send me off to jail
for seven years for SETTING OFF A FIRECRACKER 6 mos. earlier, and
which the author, Doug Ireland, had not been able to persuade the
SOHO to publish prior to the real bomb.

The cops, ever eager to discredit the folks who put on the annual
cannabis parade by making us out to be organized crime instead of
radical activists, insist the bombing was the result of a "drug deal
gone bad," which makes us responsible, instead of victims. The other
yippies think it was the cops who planted it. I at first believe it
was the work of Doug Ireland associate, Secret Service informer and
Jewish Defense Organization leader Mordechai Levy, because only
Ireland and a handful of associates knew, prior to the bombing on
March 17th, that the lab report on my firecracker showed it WASN'T A
BOMB, and that I couldn't be convicted unless there was somehow a

But Mordechai is in L.A. that morning. Who planted the bomb for him?
Ireland is not the bomb-planting type. Only two other people are
"regulars" in their scene, one of who, Hank Neuslein, has an modus
operandi of inserting himself into, and lending advice to, one group
after another over the years that somehow gets into a dispute with 9
Bleecker/the yippies. People dismiss him as a humorous crank, but
harmless (later he's a regular on Howard Stern as "Hank the Bopp"),
never suspecting he has a bomb factory.

Wm Kunstler goes on to get me off on the firecracker with 35 days on
Rikers, where I write my first book, an anthology which contains "A
New Heroin Conspiracy?". But an echo is left, of mistrust between the
pot movement and those who claim to speak for the junkies, such that
even a decade later, some reject Ibogaine as "poisoned koolaid".
Joyce Hartwell, who keeps "Jonestown on Bleecker St" in her dossier
on me, coordinates opposition to Ibogaine in ACT UP, eventually
stopping the NIDA protocol.

Lost in confusion is the salient point of my article--that the old
model of direct collaboration between heroin dealing gangsters and
fascist politicians is too direct, too susceptible to being found
out; that the system has recognized they need a "third pillar" in the
so-called "parents' groups," and the Partnership for a Drug Free
America, which can vociferously push to maintain the criminalization
which is the sine non qua of the system precisely because they are
blissfully ignorant of what is really going on.

Last year they made the Partnership a government agency, with $175
million budget; last week the Magazine Publishers of America agreed
to makes "matching, in-kind" contributions on the editorial side to
match their government-sponsored ads. In other words, total
censorship of all media in the U.S.

But even as early as 1993, according to Howard, the N.Y.Times
magazine reporter was told to focus her whole article around the
Krebus death, and to leave the impression it was an Ibogaine death,
even though Dutch police straight-away ruled it a routine heroin

Poisoned koolaid.

Bob Sisco has a videotape in which Deborah Mash says her NIDA handler
told her to "slowtrack" Ibogaine. The figure of 10 -11 mgs/kg. for
heroin withdrawal is based on letting them cold-turkey for 48 hrs.
before administration. The nephew of one of my friends went to St.
Kitts, was given an inadequate dose of Ibo, and put on trexan when
that didn't work. After 4 mos. he went off the trexan, did heroin, &
promptly overdosed and died. Another Ibogaine death! [Mash was
already quite aware of the case of Ann Ardolino, currently running
around the lower east side  with support from Joyce Hartwell and Hank
factotum Big Joe claiming "Ibogaine doesn't work" because 10 mgs/kg.
is simply insufficient for methadone withdrawal. Ann Ardolino was
trained in phone cranking by Hank while he was living at Linda
Twigg's prior to his imprisonment (see Linda T., chap. 6, the book),
and conducted a three year campaign of harassment leading up to the
New York Press article claiming "Ibogaine doesn't work."]

Paul DiRienzo says Carlo Contoreggi told him: "I can't do anything.
You don't understand. These people really are the Nazis. I have
children." Note that Dr. David Smith, a huge medical marijuana
opponent, has just gotten almost a million dollars from NIDA to
develop a longacting trexan injection, so they won't NEED the
implant. Trexan is a DuPont pharmaceutical. The DuPonts supported
Franco in 1936, but Roosevelt "turned" them in late 1937 by promising
to buy all the nylon they could produce for the war effort. Gatewood
Gailbraith (who just took 15 % of the vote for gov. running as Reform
in Ky.) and other hempsters think the suppression of hemp was part of
the trade-off. Check it out in THE DUPONT DYNASTY.

So Hank is an anachronism, even though it was gratifying to have the
mystery of the 1981 St. Patrick Day bombing cleared up. Partnership
chairman Jim Burke is far more dangerous, as are people who oppose
Ibogaine because any beneficial medical use of a "psychedelic"
(especially to stop addiction!) undermines the so-called Gateway

Imagine America is being run by Nazis with amnesia. They forgot their
swastikas, they forgot their uniforms, but spiritually they're still

Even though Hank was the only person involved ever nailed with a bomb
factory, the NYPD stubbornly refused to consider him a suspect. The
Court refused to prosecute him as a hate criminal. The case of the
1981 bombing is still officially "open."

There's supposed to be an Ibogaine article in U.S. News & World
Report on Monday.

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