-Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: jean hudon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 11:11 PM
To: Jean Hudon
Subject: The U.S. Navy is jeopardizing all marine life with their Low
Frequency ActiveSonar (LFAS). Other NATO countries also involved! "It's
time to save thewhales. Again!" + The true "Rational Explanation" for

Hello everyone

Here is an excellent article published recently in the Maui Free Press
about the LFAS issue - which I have repeatedly covered in previous emails
to you.

Cheryl A. Magill - who very much liked this article - had this comment on

"I think the idea of "now prowling" subs is a matter trusting to the Navy's
spin on that portion of their sales pitch. From what I can make out they
are "now dismantled" at a US tax payer cost of 2.3 billion dollars."

I also include more material that will shed some light on the possible real
target of the US Navy...

Despite widespread protests, the US Navy still carry on undeterred with
their plans...

Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator

The Navy's plans for Maui's waters - "stupid technology"

Draft Environmental Impact Statement "is creating waves of controversy."
By Jessica Ferracane

Forget Cousteau's notion of the "silent world." The oceans haven't been
silent since technology became amphibious, and they may get noisier - and
more dangerous - in the interest of national security. The US Navy plans
to ensonify the world's oceans with loud, high-intensity SURTASS LFA
(Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active)
sonar to detect the latest in super-silent nuclear and electric-diesel
submarines now prowling the high seas. Unlike passive sonar which listens
for sound, active sonar waves can pierce hundreds of thousands of miles of
ocean with loud, low frequency noise in the range of 100 to 500 Hz to
locate enemy submarines. The sound reflects off objects in its path and
returns in the form of an echo, enabling the navy to detect subs too quiet
to be found with passive sonar.

But scientists and environmentalists believe the loud, low-frequency
resonations from LFA sonar will endanger marine life. Marine mammals,
especially baleen whales like the humpback whale, are particularly
sensitive to low-frequency sound and use it to communicate, navigate, and

After being threatened with litigation by the National Resources Defense
Council, and under scrutiny from the Marine Mammal Commission, the navy
agreed to suspend its LFA sonar project in 1996 until more was known about
its effects on marine mammals. The navy recruited an independent scientific
team specialized in marine mammal acoustics to help test and interpret the
effects of LFA sonar on whales in the wild. The research team, led by Dr.
Chris Clark of Cornell University's Bioacoustic Research Program and Dr.
Peter Tyack of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, targeted humpbacks off
Hawai'i for one month in 1998, and blue, fin and gray whales off
California in 1997.

The findings of those studies, along with hundreds of pages of other
mitigation, were released this summer in a draft Environmental Impact
Statement that is creating waves of controversy.

The navy concludes in the draft EIS that it will not deploy LFA sonar in a
way that will harm marine life, but what is harmful -  and at what ranges
- is anyone's guess. Data gathered for the draft EIS and published in
preliminary scientific reports indicates about half of all the whales
targeted for the study displayed clear and detectable behavior changes at
relatively low sound levels. The changes included silencing, behavioral
disruption and movement away from the research vessel Cory Chouest, the
navy ship which houses the LFA sonar apparatus.

Other scientists - without the navy's considerable financial backing (it
has spent more than $10 million on the draft EIS effort alone) -
documented graver disturbances.

Dr. Marsha Green, of the Ocean Mammal Institute, said OMI biologists and
other individuals observed three cetacean calves separated from their
mothers during or immediately after the LFA sonar testing north of Kona.
In one instance, naturalists observed an abandoned humpback whale calf
more than 200 times and slap its pectoral fin 671 times in four hours
during the spring 1998 tests. A lone spinner dolphin calf was sited and
later a very dehydrated melon-headed whale calf was observed by tourists
to be near death. Marine mammal calf abandonment is a rare occurrence.
"The sightings of three abandoned calves in the LFA Sonar testing area and
nowhere else is a very serious warning about the possible effects of LFA
sonar that needs further investigation," Green stated.

Although the navy denounces OMI's data, both of the draft EIS project's
chief scientists, Tyack and Clark, have commented in preliminary reports
that more research is needed before the long-term effects of LFA sonar on
the marine environment can be adequately interpreted.

"My biggest concern for LFA sonar was not that it would injure an animal
that happened to be near and exposed to a very low frequency, but that if
exposure to sound like this disrupted behavior of animals at great
ranges," Tyack said.

>From long ranges is exactly how the navy plans to use the anti-submarine
warfare (ASW) technology. Passive sonar, with its short-range detection
ability, allows only a few minutes to react to an enemy sub. Low Frequency
Active sonar, with its state-of-the-art, long-range detection, would allow
many hours to react. The navy estimates 21 nations currently operate
stealthy submarines "that could be used in the future to disrupt peace and
stability by interrupting transportation and commerce, thus impacting the
world economy," states its LFA sonar website.

Not included on the website is the possibility that seals, sea lions, sea
turtles, certain types of fish, including sharks and rays, and even the
viability of fish eggs could also be impacted by low-frequency noise.
Critics of LFA sonar also fear the navy will deploy the sound at much
louder levels than was tested on the whales. Although the actual
deployment level is classified, NRDC attorney Joel Reynolds saw
documentation that deployment levels will be in the vicinity of 240 dB. A
whale 1,000 yards
away from the sound source of 240 dB would receive 180 dB (imagine a
low-key rock concert), a sound level scientists believe will harm them.
Whales are not the only creatures effected by the low-frequency,
high-intensity noise. Humans can suffer, too.

In August 1994, scuba diver Jay Murray had just slipped beneath the surface
for a pleasure dive with two friends near Carmel, CA when he immediately
noticed a loud, booming vibration throughout his body. "Not only could I
hear it, I could feel my lungs vibrating. It's impossible to describe.
Imagine a boom-box in somebody's car," Murray said. Murray guessed the navy
was testing some kind of underwater device, but he didn't know what. No
navy vessels were in sight. Disoriented and in pain, he surfaced
immediately, and eventually learned he had probably "overheard" the Navy
secretly testing LFA sonar.

Murray, now an outspoken and well-informed critic of LFA sonar, said the
lingering effects of the exposure destroyed his sleep patterns and
triggered a depression. He also suffered memory loss and an inability to

Big Island resident Chris Reid had a similar experience last year when she
jumped in the water near Kona during the navy experiments on humpback
whales. The Cory Chouest was not in sight and at least five miles away,
yet Reid received 125 dB of the vibratory sound pulse.

Reid said she willingly jumped in the water to hear what the low frequency
sounds were like, and does not consider herself a victim. She said she
felt the "eerie, monotone, penetrating sound in every cell of my body." As a
result, she believes she now suffers thyroid gland disorders, and like
Murray, depression.

Although it barely acknowledges Murray's and Reid's exposure to low
frequency sound, the navy says it will not deploy LFA sonar in excess of
145 dB in the vicinity of human dive sites, defined as areas extending 12
nautical miles from shore and 130 feet deep and shallower. The navy
conducted its own experiments with low frequency sounds on navy divers.
According to the draft EIS, navy divers exposed to LFA sonar sounds
experienced aversion to sensations of loudness and vibration at received
levels of 148 dB but no physiological effects were noted.

However, a navy report completed in May 1996 (but not mentioned in the
draft EIS) includes a "symptomatic event" experienced by a 32-year-old
navy diver. After being exposed 15 minutes to LFA sonar at 160dB, the test
diver suffered dizziness, drowsiness, an inability to concentrate and
tingling in his arms. He later experienced irritability, memory loss and
suffered a seizure. The diver was prescribed anti-depression and
anti-seizure drugs, and has since voluntarily retired, according to the

The US is not the only world power developing LFA sonar technology. The
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the British and the Dutch are
also testing similar systems.

A pod of Cuvier's beaked whales were the apparent victims of secret NATO
LFA sonar tests in the Mediterranean Sea in 1996. The 12 whales, seldom
seen by humans, beached themselves on a Greek shore during the same time
tests were being conducted, according to an article in the May 1998 issue
of Nature magazine.

The National Resources Defense Council and other non-governmental
organizations like the Humane Society of the United States have taken a
firm stance against the deployment of LFA sonar in the world's oceans.
"The biggest hole is that the research is very limited. There wasn't much
time," states NRDC attorney Joel Reynolds.

Dr. Naomi Rose, the marine mammal director for the Humane Society of the
United States, blasts the project as "stupid technology."

Rose, who was aboard the Cory Chouest as an observer, said the ship can
only travel at a slow 2-to-4 knots when the LFA sound source is in use.
The sound is projected by a 170-foot strand of Volkswagen beetle-sized
"speakers" that are lowered deep beneath the ship through a hole in the
hull. The sonar is projected and its echo off of objects is reflected back
and received by a long cable towed behind the ship. This cumbersome set-up
requires a slow speed to operate and could possibly make the Cory Chouest
the first obvious target of any pitched ocean battle.

These concerns and more will be included in the final EIS for SURTASS LFA
sonar. The EIS is the first the navy has ever attempted for a new
technology system of any kind,  but despite powerful environmental laws
under the National Environmental Protection Act and the Marine Mammal
Protection Act, it's the navy that ultimately decides if SURTASS LFA sonar
will be put into effect.


Low-frequency SONAR the latest threat to whales
"It's time to save the whales. Again!"

By Jessica Ferracane

The proposed deployment of Low Frequency Active sonar in the worlds'
oceans by the US Navy and other military giants comes at a time when
whale populations are under renewed attack.

In May, the Makah Indian tribe of Neah Bay, Washington, used high-powered
rifles and .577 caliber bullets to "traditionally" slay a juvenile female
endangered gray whale for cultural purposes. The Clinton Administration,
in a political move spearheaded by vice-president/presidential candidate Al
Gore, will allow the Makah to kill up to five gray whales a year, despite
vehement protests from the public and conservation groups.

In March, around 70 endangered migratory gray whales washed up dead on
Mexico's Baja California shoreline. The cause of death is still unknown,
but environmentalists are pointing the finger at toxic, briny runoff from
the controversial ESSO salt mine nearby. Also in March, Iceland announced
plans to resume commercial whaling, shunning international law which
prohibits the slaughter of whales for profit.

Japan and Norway have engaged in pirate whaling ever since the moratorium
on whaling was imposed by the International Whaling Commission in 1986.
The United States, a member of the IWC since 1946, chose to honor Makah
treaty rights despite the IWC majority view that the Washington tribe does
not meet the requirements for aboriginal subsistence whaling because it
could not prove an unbroken tradition of whaling, nor could it prove its
survival is dependent on whale meat.

In fact, Japan recruited Makah elders as part of a campaign to lobby for
indigenous hunts worldwide in an effort to re-introduce a whaling industry.
Japan has also met with tribal representatives of Tonga, Siberia,
Greenland, the Caribbean Islands, the Philippines and tribes in British
Columbia. Plane loads of tribal elders have been flown to and from Japan
to take part in "cultural exchanges" which promote the slaughter of whales.
And now the Navy's LFA sonar system. We know the sonar can pierce hundreds
or thousands of oceanic miles and plumb the depths with extremely loud,
low-frequency vibrations to detect silent enemy subs. We know that whales
swerved to avoid it during recent experiments off Hawai'i and California.
We know it causes disruptions in their behavior and possibly their
migration routes, and it likely has far-reaching, disastrous effects
scientists are unable to observe. What we don't know can hurt us and all
marine life.

It's time to save the whales. Again.

This article is also avalable from:

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Summary of the Most Current Environmentalist Concerns about LFAS:

Although the National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS) was established to
protect marine life, they appear to be ready, if not anxious, to grant
premature permission to our government to use potentially lethal low
frequency active sonar (LFAS) in 80% the world's oceans on a regular basis
in spite of inadequate research on this new and powerful technology. The
NMFS appears to have violated their own guidelines for protecting marine
life by ignoring reports of serious problems, including cetacean death,
given by boat captains, researchers, swimmers, and citizens during cursory
testing of this powerful force. In addition, they have failed to adequately
or clearly provide the public with information regarding the forward
movement of this technology. The NMFS again exposed their apparent conflict
of interest in assessing the safety of this uncharted technology by their
involvement in the writing of the US Navy's Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS) and their request to work in partnership with the US Navy, rather
than in their assigned role of overseeing the Navy's activities. Yet, in
spite of their apparent conflict of interest, NMFS holds the power to
approve this potentially lethal technology to be deployed on a regular
basis in 80% of the worlds oceans at alarmingly loud levels (a billion
times more intense than the ones tested) that travel for thousands of
kilometers. This force is so far-reaching and powerful that it is
considered by many environmentalists to be a threat to all marine life as
well as the oceans and very probably human life as well. Moreover, even
before the Navy's EIS has cleared, an application for 'taking' or killing
whales over the next five years has been prematurely filed with NMFS in an
apparent effort to get this operation launched ahead of increasing public
becomes awareness of the dire pitfalls of this technology, including a
pattern of cetacean corpses left in its path. Once underway, this program
will be highly classified and out of the public's view.

You can immediately ask President Clinton and your congressional
representatives to stop all forward movement of the sonar programs, then
focus intently on this being fulfilled. For more information on LFAS and
forms for responding, consult:


** SEND YOUR CONCERNS: You can briefly ask that all LFAS be halted in all
oceans or offer more reasons and opinions. Email with a promise to send a
hardcopy will get the word out fast, while also providing a signature. See
websites above for additional help and guidance in this.


Mail List "Stop Navy Sonar LFAS ATOK Testing and Deployment"

Updates and Alerts about efforts to end the Navy's use of these
technologies which are exceedingly dangerous to all marine animals,
especially whales and dolphins with their super-sensitive hearing (low

To (un)subscribe to this list: just send a message with the words:
(un)subscribe: Stop Navy Sonar LFAS ATOK Testing and Deployment Mailing

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The true "Rational Explanation" for the LFAS?

Taken from http://currents.net/newstoday/99/08/23/news1.html

The US Navy's stated purpose for testing LFAS (Low Frequency Active Sonar)
is to better equip themselves so as to identify and track a potential
threat to our nation's security. With the USA deploying the defacto
standard of the highest submarine technology, what's the Navy so worried
about? Several people have brought up the idea of there being UFO/USO
related incidents surrounding this littoral warfare research.


Jim wrote this reply to someone who was asking for some explanation about
the Navy's choice in using LFAS. The writer went on to say, ...... "I heard
from an ex naval officer that the LFAS was probably designed for use as a
powerful ray gun." Jim's reply was as follows: All I can offer you is the
result of speculation regarding the Navy's strong intention to deploy LFAS.
Their motivation seems rather out of place for this post cold war era. They
say that LFAS is necessary because more countries have submarines now than
ever before. Okay, I'll give them that. But are there more new submarines?
Or are the existing submarines being sold and shuffled around? Besides,
submarines are expensive, complex vehicles that take a long time to build,
test and deploy. How could there be a sudden proliferation of a submarine
threat that didn't exist before? So, for me anyway, the Navy's stated need
for LFAS seems weak when compared to their strong determination to deploy
it and to put a tremendous marine animal population at risk at the same

One threat that the Navy might want to keep secret is the threat of
unidentified submarine objects, or USOs. Most people do not realize the
vast quantity of USO/UFO sightings. The UFO encounters I'm referring to
here are the ones that occur over and around large bodies of water or have
been observed exiting/entering the water.

To get a quick overview of what I'm talking about, please visit the web
site: http://www.hotyellow98.com/aquaalienz/aqua.alienz.html.

While the Air Force is primarily concerned with UFOs in U.S. airspace, the
Navy is concerned with UFOs they encounter over the world's oceans and USOs
they encounter in the world's oceans. Therefore, the Navy could have as big
or a bigger involvement in the UFO enigma than the Air Force's well
documented involvement.

You can see that it is not any leap of the imagination to consider USOs as
a possible explanation for the perceived "threat" that is so critical that
the Navy wants LFAS in the worse way. LFAS can be used defensively, as
advertised, to detect a submarine or USO. I have not seen anything that
would prevent LFAS sound to be phased as to create interference patterns
where the sonic energy would be directionally/spatially concentrated. While
this is not a "ray gun," as you say, it could possibly be considered an
offensive weapon at this point.

I hope this message sufficiently addresses your questions. Feel free to
contact me if I can be of any further assistance.

Best Regards,

James Peters
Assistant State Director Colorado Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)

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Here are excerpts from material found at:

Go at this site above to read the entire unabridged article


by Scott Corrales

It is no secret that UFO activity in the waters surrounding Puerto Rico has
been steadily increasing over the past few years. Sightings on land have
multiplied tenfold since 1987, but that is nothing when compared to the
number of UFO reports issuing from those who work the waters surrounding
the island. A good number of reports gathered by many investigators over
the course of the years seems to point to the existence of a submarine UFO
base off the southwestern tip of Puerto Rico, as well as in the waters of
the northern and eastern shores, which are some of the deepest on the
planet. Whether it is, in fact, a base for nuts-and-bolts craft from
another world or a convenient materialization point for interdimensional
phenomena is beside the point. Things are taking place in Puerto Rico which
have attracted a great deal of attention, both from the government and the
public at large.


On the other side of the Mona Passage, in the Dominican Republic, yet
another grandmother had a UFO story to tell: she had been taken to an
underwater base "at the bottom of the Mona Passage", where she underwent
surgery at the hands of aliens.


Aircraft carriers on the spot

The Navy has gone as far as to station an aircraft carrier group in the
waters off the southwestern tip of Puerto Rico, Cabo Rojo. The fishermen
were not at all surprised by this development: over the course of many
evenings, they would see the nocturnal lights going about on their
appointed rounds -- shifting color from white to red and blue, spreading
open like fans of color that would fill the night sky, or hovering
intimidatingly over their fishing boats, shining beams of actinic light at
them. Fighters from the carrier group stationed off-shore would later be
involved, to their detriment, in one of the most intriguing UFO cases to be
reported on the island. This increased military vigilance, however, has not
contributed to a significant reduction in the number of sightings or close
encounters. "Neither the police nor the soldiers will tell you what's going
on," one of the fishermen interviewed remarked. "But you can be sure that
they know." There is widespread belief that the efforts being made to
staunch the flow of illegal drugs into the island are, in fact, closely
related to monitoring the strange objects penetrating Puerto Rican
airspace. Jorge Martín pointed out to this author that there is also an
enigmatic Navy ship, the Gallatin, which is laden with advanced technology
instrumentation and pays secret visits to Caribbean locations in which UFO
activity has been detected. Said visits take place in 3-to 6-month
intervals, and the crew complement is subjected to rigorous psychological
testing every six months.

When Spanish UFO researcher Antonio Ribera appeared on the Christina TV
talk show in the fall of 1991, he was questioned as to the existence of
"Ufoports" in certain areas of the planet which experience more than their
fair share of sightings. He indicated that this possibility was not to be
ruled out, particularly in the waters of what we call the Bermuda Triangle.
Ribera presented a thorough report on these sensitive areas in his book Los
doce triangulos de la muerte (Plaza y Janés, 1976).

Does the government really know?

The suspicions of the local fishermen aside, there exists a good deal of
circumstantial evidence that points toward the fact that the government
does have an idea of what is going on in the Mona Passage.

In March of 1977, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico created a commission to
study all matters pertaining to the presence of UFOs on the island -- a
Senate committee constituted by seven members. This was at a time when
sightings were on an upward swing after the lull following the eventful
years of the early '70s which received international attention. This body
has had its hands full during the 80's, to be sure.

Residents of the area have also witnessed the nocturnal and daylight
activities of unidentified military aircraft and personnel in the region --
and here is where the line between the real and the unreal becomes blurred.
One witness to the aerial phenomenon also saw two military choppers --
Hueys, by their description -- fly into an open valley not far from the
shore and promptly disappear, without even betraying the sound of the
rotors, as if having engaged a cloaking device. Others have seen the
"fireballs" turn into cargo planes and other mundane aerial objects. Those
who witnessed this last phenomenon were unnerved by it. "I wondered why a
helicopter landed on that particular field, because I knew that it was
private land," Milton Vélez, another resident, told Jorge Martin,
describing an incident from the summer of 1991. "But, I thought, well,
they're probably doing some sort of experiment there. A number of men in
olive drab uniforms and black berets got out of the chopper and began to
walk around, pointing long tubes at the ground that looked like shotguns or
metal detectors to me. There were no emblems on their clothes or on their
helicopter, but they were military, without a doubt. They spread out toward
the right and the left, and milled around for about 20 to 30 minutes. I
went to fetch my binoculars, but I wasn't able to make out their faces. The
chopper finally took off and headed southward, toward the sea." Could this
covert military activity be a result of the controversial loss of two F-14
Tomcats during an "attack" upon a massive UFO in May 1988? The sequence of
photographs taken of this even by abductee Amaury Rivera has been analyzed
by number of NASA and civilian experts: they show the maneuvers of an armed
fighter just after daybreak around a large, circular object with a
star-like pattern and protuberances on its lower hull. One of the fighters,
from the BCF 33 "Starfighter" squadron aboard the USS America, was absorbed
into (or vaporized by) the UFO. Months after that incident, and another one
in which a Delta-shaped UFO absorbed another fighter before the eyes of
thousands of witnesses, interceptors were seen flying over populated areas
with their full complement of missiles.

The Nuclear card

Toward the end of October 1984, two commercial cargo vessels arrived at the
small port of Arroyo on the southern shore of Puerto Rico, which faces the
Caribbean Sea. The ships, Nautilus II and Caribbean Adventurer, unloaded a
cargo allegedly "to be used by NASA", although its real purpose remains
unknown. Word began to circulate among the ranks of UFO investigators that
the equipment was space-connected, but hardly NASA related. Nuclear
weapons, the story went, were being tested in Puerto Rico against UFO bases
allegedly nestled in the deep cavern systems that riddle the island.


Into this highly charged atmosphere of UFO conflict and government
installation of nuclear devices came Project Excalibur, a device to be
employed in the destruction of subsurface UFO installations being perfected
at the Experimental Weapons division of LANL (Los Alamos, New Mexico). The
prototypes were to be used in Puerto Rico before being used "elsewhere".
This experimentation, construed by many to be the actual offensive against
the UFO bases, has resulted in a number of subterranean detonations and an
increase in the number of tremors felt on the island in the past decade. On
May 31, 1987, one such detonation was estimated as having occurred at a
depth of 81,000 feet below Laguna Cartagena: there were cracks on the
ground and noxious blue smoke was vented from the earth's interior through
them. UFOs were seen on evening of the explosion in the lagoon's environs,
slowly scanning the area as if checking for damage. Cartagena, a
kidney-shaped body of water, has a long history of being at the center of
UFO activity, possibly providing an entry/egress point to the underground

The alleged deployment of Project Excalibur coincided with the verifiable
plan to deploy a type of tactical nuke or demolition mine known as the
B-57, probably similar to those used in Western Europe as part of the NATO
"tripwire" against any advance by the now defunct Warsaw Pact's forces.
Tactical nuclear devices (kiloton-yield) go back to the days of the
infamous "Davy Crockett"--an atomic bazooka a soldier was supposed to sling
off his APC and fire at an approaching tank. These warheads are stored at
the Roosevelt Roads Naval Base along with "in transit" weapons and
specialized nuclear underwater demolition charges for the use of
highly-trained Navy SEAL personnel. The fact that the smallest of the
Greater Antilles has been used as a testing station by the military cannot
be overlooked either: Chemical weapons have been tested in the Luquillo
Experimental Rainforest (El Yunque), and the contraceptive pill was tested
on Puerto Rican women in the 1950s. Project Excalibur and all that
surrounds it, then, no longer seems to be so improbable. The island is in
fact riddled with caves, particularly the western end of the Cordillera
Central, the range that splits the island in two. The caves found along the
Camuy River extend along for some eight miles, and rank among the most
important cavern systems in the world, and every passing year adds a newly
discovered cave to the system. The discovery of the series of caves known
as the Angeles system in 1972 coincided with the onset of the great UFO
flap of '72-74. With almost 2000 caves scattered over an area of 100 x 35
miles, one can say that Puerto Rico is virtually hollow inside. An
excellent place to hide a squadron of UFOs. The equipment utilized to bore
out these deep tunnels does not belong to the realm of science fiction,
either. Upon completion of the Channel Tunnel linking the United Kingdom
and France, the colossal tunnel borers were encased in concrete and buried
in the tunnel's sides, since they were much too large to bring back to the
surface. Author Richard Sauder has also discussed the existence of
"subterrenes", both conventional and nuclear, employed in the perforation
of bedrock for the creation of underground facilities.



The victims of a recent abduction experience -- a couple and their three
children -- in this part of the island were told by their captors that
there were indeed bases near the island of Mona and south of the Cabo Rojo
lighthouse. While this has not been confirmed by physical means, it is
curious that the string of earth tremors that has been affecting the entire
island of Puerto Rico is located in the Mona Passage. These tremors have
registered 4.5 and higher on the Richter scale. The earthquake whose
epicenter was located five miles beneath the controversial Laguna Cartagena
was dismissed by geologists as routine seismic activity, but residents of
the area who felt it described it a "tons of dynamite being set off" and
reported bluish fumes emerging from the lagoon's waters. There can be no
question that the island's unique political situation -- an unincorporated
territory of the U.S. functioning as an autonomous "commonwealth" -- has
enabled the military to exercise greater freedom in the pursuit of its
goals. Properties (such as the territory surrounding Laguna Cartagena) can
be condemned by the military with little effort, whereas similar efforts in
the U.S. mainland would meet vociferous public opposition. Soldiers can aim
weapons freely against unsuspecting civilians who happen to stumble upon
their concealed installations. It has also been noted that the underground
detonations are not restricted to Cartagena: Marcial and Viola Cruz, a
couple residing near El Yunque Rainforest, have experienced subsurface
explosions since 1987 at both El Yunque and El Verde. As recently as
October 1993, the Cruzes felt four astoundingly loud explosions in the
vicinity of La Mina Waterfall. The witnesses, who felt the ground quake
beneath their feet, are certain that these detonations were subterranean.

Unlike the conspiracies which have been studied in the U.S., there is no
"paper trail" leading to government involvement, merely tell-tale actions
and statements, such as the unusual comment made by congressman Bennett
Johnson, who stated that regardless of the political destiny selected by
Puerto Ricans (full statehood or independence), the U.S. would never
relinquish its control over its Roosevelt Roads facility nor El Yunque
Rainforest. Some might consider such a statement damning enough: proof that
nuclear weapons, outlawed by treaty, are being deployed in Puerto Rico
against something or someone, extraterrestrial or not. In the meantime,
those who work and live by the sea continue to see strange lights in the
sky, and wonder.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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