A retired FBI agent (you know his name, Mike) helped me gather data for my
latest book, "Sold Out: The Clinton Legacy." He was one of the agents who
worked on the Seal investigation. He has done tons of research for me, much
of which came from his personal files. He saved most of his "unclassified"
paperwork, including the certificate of title "paper trail" on "Seal's"
aircraft. But I have to admit, he's still a company man. He and I are like
oil and water most of the time. The only thing we really have in common is
that we are both former U.S. Marines. Oddly enough, I guess that was
sufficient to keep him working with me through our various disagreements over
the OKC and World Trade Center bombings, Ruby Ridge, and even Barry Seal's
involvement with the CIA. (Our FOIA request to the CIA yielded the following
response:  "The Central Intelligence Agency has no record of Adler Berriman
"Barry" Seal having ever been associated with the Agency in any way, whether
as an employee, agent, operative, asset, or contractor.") To my G-Man friend,
that sewed it up. "Nope, Seal was never with the CIA. See here it is in black
and white." Of course, as a lawyer I read between the lines; the phrase "has
no record" can have multifarious meanings. It would be condign to presume
that the Agency has no intention of ever admitting that a notorious drug
trafficker was, in fact, a key element of their most nefarious of operations,
to-wit:  Mena. But then, technically speaking, for years Barry contracted
with a CIA agent named David Ferrie, so legally that makes him a
subcontractor -- at least until Ferrie's untimely death. The Agency didn't
deny that Seal was ever a subcontractor.


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