-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

--------------- TODAY'S HEADLINES ---------------

President's agenda: fund raising, bill signing, trade talks
A Republican nominee after only 52 days of elections?
Trump calls Yeltsin `a disaster,' would weigh bombing North Korea
Teamsters won't endorse Buchanan, Hoffa says
Forbes offers `campaign of stark differences'
Arizona pioneering Internet voting in presidential primary
Ex-Congress members square off over Internet access
No avoiding the high-voltage issue in this campaign
Web shopper Clinton advises consumers to be careful
Giuliani facing the New York City mayor's jinx

--------------- Netivation.com News ---------------

Listen to Netivation.com’s Nov. 18 Conference Call over the Internet through
Investor Broadcast Networks’ Vcall.com Web site, located at:
Search by ticker symbol: NTVN.
Netivation.com Completes Acquisitions of Three Internet Political Companies

------------------CapitolWatch Insider--------------------

Questions from readers have prompted me to use occasional columns to tell you
where certain information about Congress can be found on the Web:
The schedule of upcoming committee and subcommittee hearings can, for the
House, be found at www.house.gov and, for the Senate, at www.senate.gov.  Be
warned that a number of committees persistently schedule their hearings at
the very last minute.
Information about pending legislation -- full text, summaries, names of
sponsor and co-sponsors and status -- is available at thomas.loc.gov. The
"loc" stands for "Library of Congress."


Congratulations to media consultant Peter Fenn of Fenn & King Communications.
Peter correctly guessed the identity of Tiresias. Peter wins the new edition
of CQ's "Politics in America-2000." Tiresias' columns will continue to appear
Monday through Friday, and columns by Candidus, will continue to appear in
the Weekend Edition.

------------------CapitolWatch Insider--------------------


NOVEMBER 29, 1999

NOVEMBER 29, 1999

NOVEMBER 25, 1999

U.S. House of Representatives

E-mail your Representative:

House Roll Call Vote: 596
Description: Making further continuing appropriations for FY 2000
Date: 11/17/99  Bill: H.J RES.80
Action: On Passage
Result: PASSED
Yea = 403  Nay = 8  Not Voted = 23
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 598
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: ADJOURN
Action: On Motion to Adjourn
Result: failed
Yea = 14  Nay = 375  Not Voted = 44
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 599
Description: Providing for consideration of H.J. Res 82  making further
continuing           appropriations for FY 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.RES.385
Action: On Ordering the Previous Question
Result: PASSED
Yea = 375  Nay = 45  Not Voted = 13
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 600
Description: Providing for consideration of H.J. Res 82  making further
continuing           appropriations for FY 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.RES.385
Action: Table Motion to Reconsider
Result: PASSED
Yea = 316  Nay = 101  Not Voted = 16
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 601
Description: Providing for consideration of H.J. Res 82  making further
continuing           appropriations for FY 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.RES.385
Action: On Agreeing to the Resolution
Result: PASSED
Yea = 352  Nay = 63  Not Voted = 18
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 602
Description: Providing for consideration of H.J. Res 82  making further
continuing           appropriations for FY 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: MOTION
Action: Table Motion to Reconsider
Result: PASSED
Yea = 294  Nay = 123  Not Voted = 16
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 603
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: ADJOURN
Action: On Motion to Adjourn
Result: failed
Yea = 25  Nay = 395  Not Voted = 13
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 604
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: ADJOURN
Action: On Motion to Adjourn
Result: failed
Yea = 24  Nay = 378  Not Voted = 31
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 605
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: ADJOURN
Action: On Motion to Adjourn
Result: failed
Yea = 24  Nay = 379  Not Voted = 31
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 606
Description: Making further continuing appropriations for F.Y. 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.J.RES.82
Action: On Motion to Recommit
Result: failed
Yea = 1  Nay = 420  Not Voted = 13
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 607
Description: Making further continuing appropriations for F.Y. 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.J.RES.82
Action: On Passage
Result: PASSED
Yea = 403  Nay = 16  Not Voted = 15
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 608
Description: Waiving points of order against the conference report on
                H.R. 3194, D.C. Appropriations, FY 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.RES.386
Action: On Agreeing to the Resolution
Result: PASSED
Yea = 226  Nay = 204  Not Voted = 4
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 609
Description: District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.R.3194
Action: On Motion to Recommit Conference Report
Result: failed
Yea = 212  Nay = 219  Not Voted = 4
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 610
Description: District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.R.3194
Action: On Agreeing to the Conference Report
Result: PASSED
Yea = 296  Nay = 135  Not Voted = 4
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 611
Description: Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act
Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.R.1180
Action: On Agreeing to the Conference Report
Result: PASSED
Yea = 418  Nay = 2  Not Voted = 15
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

U.S. Senate

E-mail your Senator:

Senate Vote Number: 374
Description: H.R.3194 Conference report
Date: 11/19/99  Bill: H.R.3194
Result: PASSED
Yea = 74  Nay = 24  Not Voted = 2
Edward M. Kennedy voted Yes.
John F. Kerry voted Yes. Senate Vote Number: 373Description: Motion to invoke
cloture on conference report on H.R. 3194Date: 11/19/99  Bill:
H.R.3194Action: Result: PASSEDYea = 87  Nay = 9  Not Voted = 4Edward M.
Kennedy voted Yes.
John F. Kerry voted Yes. Senate Vote Number: 372Description: H.R.1180
Conference ReportDate: 11/19/99  Bill: H.R.1180Action: Result: PASSEDYea = 95
 Nay = 1  Not Voted = 4Edward M. Kennedy voted Yes.
John F. Kerry voted Yes. Senate Vote Number: 371Description: Helms Amendment
No. 2781Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.J.RES.82Action: Result: PASSEDYea = 88  Nay =
1  Not Voted = 11Edward M. Kennedy voted Yes.
John F. Kerry voted Yes. Senate Vote Number: 370Description: Byrd Amendment
No. 2780Date: 11/18/99  Bill: H.J.RES.82Action: Result: PASSEDYea = 56  Nay =
33  Not Voted = 11Edward M. Kennedy voted No.
John F. Kerry voted No. Senate Vote Number: 369Description: Motion to Proceed
to Consider Conference Report to Accompany H.R.3194Date: 11/18/99  Bill:
H.R.3194Action: Result: PASSEDYea = 80  Nay = 8  Not Voted = 12Edward M.
Kennedy voted Yes.
John F. Kerry voted Yes. Senate Vote Number: 368Description: Feinstein Amdt.
No. 2756Date: 11/17/99  Bill: S.625Action: Result: PASSEDYea = 82  Nay = 16
Not Voted = 1Edward M. Kennedy voted Yes.
John F. Kerry voted Yes. Senate Vote Number: 367Description: Motion to table
Moynihan Amdt. No. 2663Date: 11/17/99  Bill: S.625Action: Result: PASSEDYea =
54  Nay = 43  Not Voted = 2Edward M. Kennedy voted No.
John F. Kerry voted No. Senate Vote Number: 366Description: Wellstone Amdt.
No. 2752Date: 11/17/99  Bill: S.625Action: Result: failedYea = 27  Nay = 71
Not Voted = 2Edward M. Kennedy voted Yes.
John F. Kerry voted Yes. Senate Vote Number: 365Description: Dodd Amdt. No.
2532 As ModifiedDate: 11/10/99  Bill: S.625Action: Result: failedYea = 45
Nay = 50  Not Voted = 3Edward M. Kennedy voted Yes.
John F. Kerry voted Yes. President's agenda: fund raising, bill signing,
trade talks WASHINGTON (AP) - Returning from Thanksgiving break, President
Clinton begins a busy week of fund raising, bill signing, and haggling over
global trade. http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_29story10.htmlA Republican
nominee after only 52 days of elections? WASHINGTON (AP) - Every political
candidate has his Waterloo, the state in which presidential dreams can rise
or fall. It is Iowa for Steve Forbes, South Carolina for John McCain and
Louisiana for Gary Bauer.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_29story1.htmlTrump calls Yeltsin `a
disaster,' would weigh bombing North Korea WASHINGTON (AP) - Donald Trump
said Sunday he would not rule out a U.S. military first strike to stem North
Korea's missile production.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_29story11.htmlTeamsters won't endorse
Buchanan, Hoffa saysWASHINGTON (AP) - The Teamsters will not endorse Pat
Buchanan for president despite the union agrees with the potential Reform
Party presidential nominee on trade issues, Teamsters leader James P. Hoffa
said Sunday. http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_29story2.htmlForbes offers
`campaign of stark differences'NORTH CONWAY, N.H. (AP) - One stark difference
is the way Forbes is running his uphill bid for the GOP presidential
nomination in 2000 compared with the election strategies of four years ago.
He says ``my broad-based message'' will make him a stronger contender, and
ultimately, the conservative alternative next year.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_29story12.htmlArizona pioneering
Internet voting in presidential primary PHOENIX (AP) - Being 25th in the
nation, the Arizona Democratic primary doesn't get much attention, but the
vote even presidential candidates haven't seemed to notice could become
notable for how it's conducted.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_29story3.htmlEx-Congress members square
off over Internet accessWASHINGTON (AP) - The battle is over new technology,
but the lobbying tactic is time-tested: Companies racing to provide
high-speed Internet connections have hired influential ex-members of Congress
and former White House press secretary Mike McCurry to push their interests.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_29story4.htmlNo avoiding the
high-voltage issue in this campaignWASHINGTON (AP) - In the 2000 presidential
campaign, the third rail is a hands-on issue because there will have to be
changes in Social Security financing to deal with the 21st century retirement
boom. http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_29story5.htmlWeb shopper Clinton
advises consumers to be careful WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton said
Saturday he will shop online for some Christmas gifts this year and believes
electronic commerce will benefit consumers and the economy if used with care
and caution. http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_29story6.htmlGiuliani
facing the New York City mayor's jinx ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - Should he run for
the U.S. Senate, New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani would have to overcome
upstate's historical distrust of city politicians.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/11_29story7.htmlAP content Copyright (c)
1999 The Associated Press*************************Copyright 1999 Netivation,
Inc.  All rights reserved.  CapitolWatch News services are for personal use
only.  Commercialuse or distribution in any form, printed or
electronic,requires prior written consent of Netivation,
Inc.*************************Contact CapitolWatch Customer
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**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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