-Caveat Lector-

Come on folks, as much as I am against these (GM organism for any food or
else) don't even dream that the US Corp are the primary culprits! GM imposed
without any labeling and/or standards are pushed onto the European consumer
without their knowledge and/or approval!
So much for the EU commissions and consumer protection acts!  Welcome to the
left (liberal!) side of politics.
European ban of GM foods are no consumer concern but only
Wake up world, you get screwed by those guys one way or the other.

Frans from Belgium (really against this bulls........!)
PS: I Thank God we have a garden and my wife is a green hand!

-----Original Message-----
From:   Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On
Behalf Of Dave
Sent:   Tuesday, November 30, 1999 12:11 PM
Subject:        [CTRL] "GM organisms are dead" - UK Monsanto Executives Want to
Pull Out             of GE

 -Caveat Lector-

No market in Japan or Europe for GE FrankenFood(tm)
Will the controlled U.S. media continue to withold information?

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Wolfson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 29, 1999 12:34 PM
Subject: GEN11-29

Biotech News, by Richard Wolfson, PhD

Reprinted with permission from the December 1999 issue of Alive: Canadian
Journal of Health and Nutrition, 7436 Fraser Park Drive, Burnaby, BC  V5J

Deutsche Bank advises against Biotech

Europe's biggest bank, Deutsche Bank, has advised several thousand of the
world's largest investors not to invest in biotechnology.  The report to
its investors warns that farmers who plant biotech crops could lose money
and that the market value of biotech companies could collapse. The report
concludes: "GM organisms are dead" because consumers are suspicious about
their impact on human health and the environment.
The full report is accessible at: http://www.biotech-info.net/Deutsche.html

Biotech Firms Top Blacklist

A survey of socially responsible investors by the Ethical Investment Trust
shows that concern about investing in businesses carrying out biotech
research has gone from being a minor issue two years ago to investors'
second biggest concern. Arms manufacturing was ranked the least ethical
investment, followed by biotech research.

Grain Giant asks Farmers to Segregate

U.S. grain giant Archer Daniels Midland Co. called on American farmers to
segregate genetically modified and conventional crops. The British Retail
Consortium, representing food outlets in UK, welcomed the move by ADM
saying:  "It will help British food retailers in their efforts to source
non-GM ingredients."  Grain merchants have already begun paying farmers
higher prices for non-GE soy and corn.

Demand for Non-Biotech Corn

Because of the controversy over biotech crops, the American Corn Growers
Association (ACGA) is asking farmers to plant non-genetically engineered
corn. According to Gary Goldberg, CEO of the association, "GMOs have become
the albatross around the neck of farmers on issues of trade, labeling,
testing, certification, segregation, market availability and agribusiness
concentration. Until all these issues are answered, it is best for
production agriculture to examine alternatives to planting GMOs."

Heinz GE-Free in Europe

In responding to public outcry against genetically engineered ingredients,
the Pittsburgh-based food giant Heinz eliminated all genetically modified
ingredients from beans, soups and other products sold in Europe.

GE Website for children

<http://www.oneworld.org/penguin/genetics/home.html> is an excellent
illustrated website for children about genetic engineering and its hazards.
Visitors to the website are encouraged to download anything they like off
the website as long as they acknowledge where it came from. Material from
the site is already being used in schools in New Zealand.

US Ambassador to EU Threatens Trade War

Richard Morningstar, the new U.S. ambassador to the European Union,
threatened a billion-dollar trade war over moves by European governments to
refuse genetically engineered food imports. The warning fuels claims that
the U.S. dominated biotech industry is using its ties with the American
government to bully countries who do not want genetically modified foods.

Super Opium Poppy

Scientists in Australia have genetically engineered poppy plants capable of
producing twice the opium.  Australia produces about 25 percent of the
world's legal opium. Senior police sources fear drug gangs, who have
already stolen more than 50,000 poppy heads this year, could target seeds
from the new super poppy.

Honda Building U.S. Plant for GE-Free soybeans

Honda Trading Corp of Japan is building a plant in Ohio (USA) for sorting
non-genetically modified soybeans. The plant will have a capacity of 20,000
tonnes of soybeans per year. Soybeans from the plant will be sold to
manufacturers of GE-free soy products, such as in Japan where GE foods need
be labeled.

UK Monsanto Executives Want to Pull Out of GE

According to the Independent (UK, September 5, 1999), top executives of
Monsanto are pressuring the company to pull out of genetically modified
crop trials in Britain. Senior managers are deeply concerned about
continuing public resistance to GE crops.

Japanese Brewers Shunning GM corn

Japan's third-largest beer maker Sapporo Breweries announced it will stop
using genetically modified corn to make beer. A few days earlier, industry
leader Kirin Brewery Co took the same action.

For further information on biotechnology and its hazards, see the website:

** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed for research and educational purposes only. **

Richard Wolfson,  PhD
Consumer Right to Know Campaign,
for Mandatory Labelling and Long-term
Testing of all Genetically Engineered Foods,
500 Wilbrod Street
Ottawa, ON  Canada  K1N 6N2
tel. 613-565-8517  fax. 613-565-1596

Our website, http://www.natural-law.ca/genetic
contains more information on genetic engineering as well as previous
genetic engineering news items.  Subscription fee to genetic engineering
news is $35 (USD for those outside Canada)  for 12 months, payable to
"BanGEF" and mailed to the above address. Or see website for details.

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