-Caveat Lector-


On May 27, 1998, the Alliance for Bio-Integrity led an unprecedented
coalition of scientists, health professionals, religious leaders, and
consumers in filing a lawsuit against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) to obtain mandatory safety testing and labeling of all genetically
engineered foods. The suit alleges that current FDA policy, which permits
such altered foods to be marketed without testing and labels, violates the
agency's statutory mandate to protect public health and provide consumers
with relevant information about the foods they eat. It also charges that
the policy violates religious freedom.

The Alliance assembled the coalition and coordinated the suit, which was
filed in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. and was followed by a
press conference at the National Press Club which was televised by C-Span.
The Washington-based International Center for Technology Assessment (CTA)
collaborated in organizing the suit and is serving as lead counsel. Both
the Alliance for Bio-Integrity and the CTA are nonprofit organizations
dedicated to the protection of human health and the environment through
sustainable and safe technologies.

The Need for Stronger Safety Testing

The FDA does not require testing of genetically engineered foods because it
regards them to be as safe as their natural counterparts. This policy is
based on the assumption that piecemeal, haphazard insertion of genes from
distant and dissimilar species into an organism's DNA is substantially
equivalent to sexual reproduction between like organisms, in which entire
sets of genes are combined in a harmonious and ordered manner. The lawsuit
alleges that this assumption is false, since it ignores the unpredictable
disruptions that the foreign genes can cause in their new system. Through
these disruptions, familiar foods can become toxic or carcinogenic.

Such disruptive influence remains the most probable explanation for the
contamination of a genetically engineered food supplement, L-tryptophan,
with a novel and highly toxic ingredient. This toxin caused dozens of
deaths and thousands of serious illnesses. There is also a substantial risk
that foreign DNA can cause foods to become allergenic, especially since
many engineered foods contain substances that have never been in the human
food supply.

To emphasize the scientific unsoundness of the FDA's policy, many
distinguished scientists and health professionals from institutions such as
Northwestern University Medical School, NYU Medical School, Rutgers
University, and the University of California at Berkeley have agreed to
join as plaintiffs. They support the allegation that FDA policy does not
adequately screen for the many risks associated with genetically engineered
foods and must require rigorous long-term testing before any product is
marketed. (A list of the scientist plaintiffs appears at the end of this

The Need for Labeling: Both Secular and Religious Reasons

At least 36 different genetically engineered whole foods are currently
being sold without identifying labels. These include potatoes, tomatoes,
soy, corn, squash and many other fruits and vegetables to which a variety
of new genes from different species have been added. These genetically
reconfigured foods are also used as ingredients in processed foods and have
been found in a number of mass consumed products such as soy-based baby
formulas and popular corn chip brands. Because of FDA's failure to require
labeling, millions of American infants, children and adults are consuming
genetically engineered products each day without their knowledge.

As a purely secular matter, the plaintiffs allege that because such foods
have been implanted with foreign genes and the substances they produce, FDA
policy violates those sections of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act which (a)
require that substances added to food be labeled, (b) prohibit "false or
misleading" labeling, and (c) mandate disclosure of material facts. While
this lack of labeling restricts the right of all consumers to make informed
choices, it is especially injurious to people with uncommon food allergies.
Numerous individuals with such allergies pleaded for labeling during FDA's
formal comment period in 1992 but were ignored. Some of them have now
joined as plaintiffs.

As a spiritual matter, millions of Americans feel obligated to refrain from
some or all genetically altered foods on the basis of religious principle.
Many Jews and Muslims want to avoid foods with substances from specific
animals while devout vegetarians want to avoid substances from any animal.
Additionally, a considerable portion of the population is religiously
motivated to avoid all genetically altered foods in order to separate
themselves from an enterprise they view as irresponsibly and arrogantly
disrupting the integrity of God's creation. Virtually all the religious
plaintiffs share this motivation, even those who also must avoid foods with
genes from particular species. These plaintiffs represent a broad spectrum
of faiths, including an Episcopal chaplain, a Catholic priest who is
president of the North American Coalition on Religion and Ecology, a
prominent Buddhist, three rabbis (orthodox, conservative and reform) and a

They allege that by refusing to label, the FDA is significantly infringing
their right to the free exercise of religion as guaranteed under both the
First Amendment of the Constitution and the Religious Freedom Restoration
Act (RFRA). Although RFRA was struck down by the Supreme Court as it
applies to the states, the U.S. Department of Justice asserts that it still
applies to the federal government. This is very significant, since RFRA
requires the FDA to demonstrate a "compelling interest" in a policy that
restricts the religious freedom of so many Americans. As in the case of
allergy sufferers, the FDA has received repeated pleas from religious
individuals but has ignored them. (A list of religious plaintiffs appears
at the end of the document.)

What the Suit Can Accomplish: Reining in Gene-Altered Foods

This suit could have major impact, since if it is fully successful, it will
result in a court-imposed moratorium on the marketing of all genetically
engineered foods. Each product would then have to undergo rigorous
long-term testing and could only be marketed if it can first be proven
safe. Further, any such products approved for sale would have to be clearly
labeled as genetically engineered.

A Wake Up Call to the Public

"This suit sends a clear message that government policy on genetically
engineered food is unsound from the standpoints of both science and
religion and endangers the public," says the founder and president of the
Alliance for Bio-Integrity, Steven M. Druker. "Gene-altered foods and have
not been proven safe through standard tests. Rather, the FDA approves them
on the basis of unsubstantiated assumptions. Eminent scientists say these
assumptions are contrary to fact; religious leaders say they're at odds
with a God-centered world-view."

Professor Philip Regal of the University of Minnesota, an internationally
recognized expert on plant biology (and a plaintiff), states: "Over the
last fifteen years, I and other scientists have put the FDA on notice about
the potential dangers of genetically engineered foods. Instead of
responsible regulation we have seen bureaucratic bungling and obfuscation
that have left public health and the environment at risk."

"The FDA has placed the interests of a handful of biotechnology companies
ahead of their responsibility to protect public health," says Andrew
Kimbrell, Executive Director of the International Center for Technology
Assessment (CTA), and co-counsel on the case.

Rabbi Harold White, Director of Jewish Chaplaincy and Lecturer in Theology
at Georgetown University (and a plaintiff), urges: "Everyone who believes
the biosphere developed through the purposeful plan of a benevolent God
should reject gene-altered foods to preserve the dignity of that plan.
Since the dawn of life on earth, Divine intelligence has systematically
prevented genetic transfers between widely differing species. Limited human
intelligence should not rush to make them commonplace."

How You Can Help

As a nonprofit organization, the Alliance for Bio-Integrity depends on
donations. It is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization to which
contributions are tax deductible. To support the lawsuit and help the
Alliance continue its important activities, please send your contribution
Alliance for Bio-Integrity

P.O. Box 110
Iowa City, IA 52244

If you are religiously opposed to either all or some genetically engineered
foods, you can also assist by sending a declaration expressing your
beliefs. If you have a degree in the life sciences or are a health
professional, you can send a declaration registering your opinion that FDA
policy is scientifically unsound. These declarations can be used as
evidence in court.


Following are the nine scientists who are plaintiffs in the law suit
against FDA policy on genetically engineered foods:

Dr. Richard Strohman, Emeritus Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology at
the University of California, Berkeley. He has written extensively on
biotechnology issues.

Dr. Philip J. Regal, Professor of Ecology, Behavior and Evolution at the
University of Minnesota. Among the nation's most distinguished plant
biologists. Has written extensively on the genetic engineering of plants
and the ecological and human health risks associated with it.

Dr. John Fagan, Professor of Molecular Biology at Maharishi University of
Management. Recipient of Research Career Development Award from the
National Cancer Institute. Has written extensively on the hazards of
genetic engineering. Gained world-wide attention in 1994 when he returned a
$613,000 grant to the NIH as an ethical stand against genetic engineering.

Dr. Liebe Cavalieri, Molecular Biologist, Professor, Division of Natural
Sciences, State University of New York at Purchase. Has written extensively
on biotechnology issues.

Dr. David Ehrenfeld, Professor of Biology, Rutgers University. Has written
on the dangers of genetically engineered foods.

Dr. David Fankhauser, Professor of Biology and Chemistry, University of

Hanif Khalak, Computational Biologist, The Institute for Genomic Research,
Rockville, MD. Though he does research that facilitates applications of
biotechnology for curing human disease, he thinks that the current
applications of biotech in food production are based in scientifically
flawed assumptions.

Dr. Gary Kaplan, MD, PhD, Director of Clinical Neurophysiology, North Shore
University Hospital; Assoc. Professor of Clinical Neurology, NYU School of

Dr. Rama Dwivedi, Associate Director, Targeted Mutagenics, Department of
Pediatrics, Northwestern University Medical School. Although he performs
biotechnology for medical purposes, he believes that the program to
genetically reconfigure food organisms, as currently conducted, is unsound.


There are seventeen plaintiffs who object to consuming genetically
engineered foods on the basis of religious principle. Many of them are
listed below.

Christian Clergy

1. The Rev. Dr. Colin B. Gracey, (Episcopalian) head of the Religious Life
Office at Northeastern University in Boston and University Chaplain.

2. The Rev. Dr. Donald B. Conroy, (Roman Catholic) President of the North
American Coalition on Religion and Ecology, Washington, D.C.

3. The Rev. Dr. Margaret Mitchell, (Baptist) The Olivet Health & Education
Institute, Cleveland, OH.

4. The Rev. Paul C. Kucynda, Pastor of Holy Spirit Orthodox Church, Wayne,

5. The Rev. Samuel Kedala, Pastor of Holy Spirit Orthodox Church, Wantage,

6. The Rev. Dr. John Reigstad, pastor of the Evangelical American Lutheran
Church (ELCA), Jesup, Iowa; Lecturer in Religion at Wartburg College,
Waverly, Iowa.

7. The Rev. Dr. DeWitt Williams, director of the Health Ministries (North
American division) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.


8. Rabbi Harold S. White, (Reform) Director of Jewish Chaplancy and
Lecturer in Theology, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

9. Rabbi Alan Green, (Conservative) Beth Israel Synagogue, Winnipeg (a U.S.

10. Rabbi Jossi Serebryanski, (Orthodox) A kosher supervisor for O.K. Labs,
Brooklyn, NY.


11. Dr. Ron Epstein, Chancellor of the Americas Dharma Realm Buddhist
University; Research Professor, Institute for World Religions, Berkeley,


12. Gayatri Pariwar-Yugnirman, a Hindu religious organization in the
Chicago metropolitan area with a membership of approximately 1,000.


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