-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 1999 14:49:35 +0200 (IST)
From: barry chamish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ono


   Yoko Ono arrived in Israel last week and initiated the most
publicized cultural event in years. She opened her "art" exhibit
in an obscure Arab town called Um Al Fahd, whose only only claim
to fame is a roadside cafe with decent grilled lamb, as a
statement for peace and the following week moved her treasures to
the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, which responded by footing the
bill for full page ads advertising the honor of her presence.

   Since Ono is hardly in demand anywhere, one may legitimately
ask what she is doing in Israel spreading her vision of world
harmony. To do so, it might be a good idea to examine a few
alternative views of who she is in the first place.

   An important place to start might be a book written by a
London attorney, Fenton Bressler, called Who Killed John Lennon.
Bressler makes a strong argument that Lennon's murderer was one
of a long line of programmed killers. Like Oswald, Sirhan, Amir,
Sarah Jane Moore, Squeaky Fromme, Hinckley, et al, Mark David
Chapman was a rather confused young person who was isolated for a
time from his regular circumstances. In his case, he spent the
summer of 1975 in Beirut, Lebanon, just when the civil war broke
out, as a youth trainer for the YMCA. Bresler notes that the YMCA
is one of those international organizations the CIA utilizes to
plant agents worldwide and his conclusion is that the CIA knocked
off Lennon because he was planning a comeback that threatened its
militaristic philosophy.

   More likely, Chapman was a New World Order patsy programmed to
eliminate a similar stooge for very different reasons. After
Chapman's Beirut sojourn, he felt impelled to fly to Hawaii where
he courted and married a Japanese woman whose similarity to Ono
was more than uncanny. Just before shooting Lennon, the penniless
Chapman found the funds to crisscross continental America. He
arrived in New York in 1980 carrying his precious copy of J.D.
Salinger's classic book, The Catcher In The Rye.

   After shooting Lennon, Chapman waited patiently for the police
to arrive and they found him reading Salinger with great
intensity. Under questioning, Chapman didn't actually remember
the moment of the shooting but said he had no strong feelings
towards Lennon one way or another. In fact, he never even bought
a Lennon album. He murdered him, he insisted, to prove that HE
was the real Catcher In The Rye.

   Now there's a rational motive, if you happen to be
psychologically programmed to kill. Sarah Jane Moore thought she
was a character in the Donna Reed Show, a mild tv sitcom of the
1960s, while Squeaky Fromme claimed to be a Clairol Girl, from a
TV commercial of the same era.

   Meanwhile, a few months later, the new president, Ronald
Reagan was shot by a patsy named Hinckley who claimed he saw the
film Taxi Driver and wanted to murder the president to impress
its star, Jody Foster. One could legitimately surmise that
Lennon's murder was just a dry run to test whether the public
would buy the Foster motive after the real target, Reagan, was
murdered, to be replaced by the NWO star George Bush. Reagan's
intended demise was a repeat of the two attempts on Ford by Moore
and Fromme, whose goal was to get the New World Order superstar
Nelson Rockefeller into the White House.

   Yoko Ono, a product of a prominent Japanese military and
financial powerhouse family, was planted in the Beatles to break
them up. In this, her ever obnoxious presence did the trick. Her
next stage was to turn everbody's choice as the most intellectual
Beatle, into a NWO ass. It wasn't long before she had Lennon
posing naked on his most embarassing album, sitting in a burlap
sack during a bed-in for peace and sending acorns to world
leaders for motives less than clear then and downright ridiculous
now. And the more Lennon became a clown, the more his programmed
obsession with Ono increased.

   Why would Lennon be such an easy target for mind manipulation?
Albert Goldman, in his biography of Lennon, maintains that he was
a violent, unstable personality who beat band member Stu
Sutcliffe so badly that he died of a blood clot in the brain
shortly after. He insists that Lennon had a homosexual
relationship with manager Brian Epstein and had a personal hand
in his unexplainable "suicide," a claim that Paul McCartney
unconvincingly dismissed in a recent BBC documentary.

   However Ono did it, Lennon began writing songs that fit the
NWO agenda like a glove. In his first solo album, the most
memorable song, called God, attempts to destroy religion as
thoroughly as possible. The song begins with the line, "God is a
concept by which we measure our pain," a patently false
observation. As any religious person will explain, God is a
concept by which we measure our joy. The song then lists Gods
from Jesus to Elvis which Lennon rejects, in favor of, "I just
believe in me, Yoko and me."

   After this, Lennon recorded a series of meaningless radical
anthems like Give Peace A Chance and Woman Is The Nigger Of The
World, a song which one can argue whether it is more insulting to
women or blacks. But the ultimate disgrace was a ditty called
Imagine, which attempts to brainwash and inculcate his listeners
in the full NWO agenda.

   Imagine paints a world with no heaven or hell, that is with no
morality, with no countries, possessions or religions. It is a
thoroughly dreadful vision of a robotic state without devotion to
any higher good; just what the NWO ordered.

   During this period, Paul McCartney attacked Lennon's behaviour
and his irrational attachment to Ono. Lennon went on a vengeful
rampage, posing for a photo of him holding a pig's ears, a
mockery of McCartney's Ram album cover and attacked McCartney
viciously in a song called How Do You Sleep.

   But the ultimate revenge was rumored to have been Ono's. Just
prior to McCartney's performance in Japan, he was busted at Tokyo
Airport when the police found a small amount of grass in his
equipment. McCartney was jailed and in ways he refuses to
divulge, the cops forced him to sing Yesterday for them. The
humiliation of McCartney was complete and Lennon's vendetta
against him stopped.

   That freed Lennon to ruin his career with the close
cooperation of his Dragon Lady. He now released albums and
appeared on stage with her cacaphonious contribution sabotaging
his musical integrity. That was the state of affairs in 1979,
when Lennon returned to the studios to record his final album.
Once he was dead, the mediocre cuts became hits and even Ono had
a number one bestseller. The exact motive for Lennon's death
remains unclear but there is no doubt that his killer was
mind-controlled and fulfilled a covert operation in the exact
mode of most political assassinations since the 1960s.

   And now Yoko Ono is doing her unique thing in Israel, and
whatever the real reasons she is here, there is evil in her
motives. That's her way of doing things.


             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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