-Caveat Lector-

From: Bill Kingsbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


 Cisco cooking up a microwave marvel

 Plans to roll out next generation in
 Internet and phone access

 By Alex Pham, Globe Staff, 12/02/99

 SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- Microwaves, best known for their use
 in the kitchen, are poised to become the latest wireless
 technology for beaming Internet and phone service into homes
 and small businesses.

 In a briefing for reporters yesterday, Cisco Systems Inc. of
 San Jose outlined what it says will be the next generation in
 Internet and phone access, which it will debut next year.

 Using low-frequency microwaves, Cisco executives say their
 equipment can deliver high-speed Internet connection,
 teleconferencing, or telephone service -- without wires or
 cables.  All that is needed by the user is a special antenna
 and a box the size of a large notebook with multiple jacks to
 plug in computers and phones.  The services would be
 transmitted via base stations installed throughout a city or

 Such access offers several advantages over current options,
 such as cable modems, telephone dial-up access, or digital
 subscriber lines, or DSL, analysts say.  It moves consumers
 away from cumbersome wires, and it's less expensive to
 install than cable or fiber.

 "It's cheap, and it's fast," said Howard Anderson, chairman
 of the Yankee Group in Boston.  "I don't have to dig up your
 street to lay down cables.  All I need are a couple of
 transmission towers.  That's why this technology is being

 In addition, wireless broadband access has two to 10 times
 the range of DSL, which can only be installed within three or
 so miles of a central station.  With wireless broadband
 frequencies, service can be provided as far as away as 30
 miles if the line of sight between the user's antenna and the
 base station is unobstructed.

 If obstructed by objects such as trees or buildings, the
 range drops to six miles, according to Greg Raleigh, a
 director of engineering at Cisco, and the scientist who
 helped develop the technology through a company called
 Clarity Wireless of Belmont, Calif.  Cisco purchased
 Clarity in 1998 for $157 million.

 Because of its reach, broadband wireless technology can beam
 high-speed connections via microwave bands to places where
 wires would be difficult or uneconomical to install, such as
 across rivers or canyons.  That potentially opens the
 Internet gates to millions of new users, said Donald Listwin,
 executive vice president of Cisco.

 As of July, 37.4 percent of the US population had Internet
 access, according to Nielsen Net Ratings, leaving more than
 160 million Americans who have yet to sign up for Internet
 access.  Of those who have Internet access, few have
 high-speed "live" connections that are always on, like
 telephone dial tones.  That leaves the vast majority of
 Americans as potential subscribers to Cisco's nimbler
 wireless alternative.

 "Wireless is hot this year," said Chris Stix, managing
 director of SG Cowen Securities Corp. in Boston.

 Cisco, generally known as an supplier of Internet equipment,
 will not be in the business of selling Internet or phone
 access.  Instead, starting next week, Cisco will sell the
 technology to companies that want to provide the service,
 from large telecommunications firms to niche entrepreneurs.

 Because the use of these microwave bands does not currently
 require licenses from the Federal Communications Commission,
 small companies can more easily jump into the business of
 providing Internet access by simply purchasing and installing
 Cisco equipment, which starts at $150,000 for a base unit
 that can support up to 3,000 simultaneous, active Net users.

 Though it has yet to receive orders for its new product,
 Cisco is predicting it will sell more than $3 billion in
 wireless equipment next year.  Though that amount is just a
 fraction of Cisco's annual revenue of $12.2 billion in fiscal
 1999, sales of its broadband wireless equipment are expected
 to grow rapidly, topping $7 billion in 2003, said Steve
 Smith, a director of marketing for Cisco.

 Consumers, however, will probably not see broadband wireless
 access until late next year, after service providers have had
 a chance to purchase, deploy, and market the new technology,
 said Listwin.

 In the meantime, Cisco has built an alliance of companies to
 support its new wireless technology, including Motorola,
 Samsung, Texas Instruments, EDS, Toshiba, Broadcom, and
 Bechtel, among others.

 Toshiba, Motorola and Samsung, for example, are developing
 the notebook-size boxes that would go into homes.  Broadcom
 and Texas Instruments are making the microprocessors that run
 the boxes.  And EDS, Motorola, and Bechtel are forming a
 partnership to help service providers install the networks.

 Broadband wireless technology is one of many new areas for
 Cisco, which is known primarly as a seller of Internet
 switches and routers.  In Massachusetts and elsewhere, Cisco
 has been on a buying spree.  It has purchased eight Bay State
 companies since July 1997, adding software businesses to its

 Its most recent purchase, WebLine in Burlington, allows two
 users in different locations to synchronize their Web
 browsers.  Lands' End, for example, uses the technology to
 let two shoppers sitting miles apart to jointly shop on its
 Web site.

 In Massachusetts, Cisco employs about 1,500 people in
 Burlington, Chelmsford, Lowell, and Lexington.  That could
 change as Cisco makes more purchases, which it intends to do
 at a rate of 25 firms nationwide next year.  Listwin
 yesterday projected Cisco could employ 5,000 people in
 Massachusetts in five years.

 "Cisco is so dominant in routers, they need new worlds to
 conquer," Anderson said.  The company controls 85 percent of
 the global market for routers and switches, according to
 Hoover's Inc.  "You can say that the goal of Cisco is world
 domination," he added, only half in jest.

 Cisco's stock rose 2 yesterday, to 917/16, in Nasdaq trading.
 Since the beginning of the year, the stock has gained 92

 This story ran on page C01 of
 the Boston Globe on 12/02/99.

 © Copyright 1999 Globe Newspaper Company.

 Forwarded with no endorsement implied--
 for education, research and discussion.

 *** NOTICE:  In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,
 this material is distributed without profit to those who have
 expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information
 for research and educational purposes. ***


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