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Scientology Company Linked to Windows 2000?


Windows 2000 in Danger of being Banned
Scientology participation Criticized by
Church Representatives

An integrated component of Windows 2000 is
made by a Scientology company.
The connection between the psycho sect and
the software giant is annoying
representatives of the major churches in
Germany. Microsoft risks a boycott
of its flagship product by churches and
government agencies.

Windows 2000, the successor of Windows NT
shipping in February, contains a
defragmentation program called Diskeeper. The
manufacturer is the company
Executive Software Inc.
(http://www.execsoft.com/) of the professed
scientologist Craig Jensen. Founded in 1981
the enterprise offers
defragmentation and data storage tools to
"enhance the speed and performance
of Microsoft Windows NT".

Executive chief Jensen himself shares his
biography on his homepage.
According to that he has been a member of the
organization calling itself
church since 1974 and supposedly transformed
his company from a "one-man
show to a flourishing multi-million Dollar
corporation" with the help of the
scripts of Scientology founder L. Ron
Hubbard. Jensen also climbed the
corporate ladder at Scientology: He is an
operating Thetan at level VIII (OT
VIII), the highest level scientologists can
achieve currently.

In 1992 the Californian company opened an
office in Hamburg. Staff was hired
according to the following criteria: "Fully
trained scientologists, computer
skills desirable but not a prerequisite".

By integrating the Executive product into
Windows 2000 Microsoft created a
situation that at least a few large potential
customers see as a serious
problem. A employee of the German catholic
church who did not want his name
mentioned told c't that the origin of the
software is "highly disturbing".
It is "a genius move" of the Scientology
organization if soon such a program
that has direct and active access to all data
is working principally on
every company desk and in government and
church institutions as an
integrated part of a widely used operating

Espionage suspected

The underlying reason for these kinds of
worries is the philosophy of the
Scientology umbrella organization WISE,
Executive being a member of the
latter. WISE stands for World Institute of
Scientology Enterprises and forms
the "most important money-generating
apparatus of the psycho sect" according
to the German news magazine Focus. Up to 15
percent of the revenues are paid
to Scientology. The participating companies
are "exclusively managed with
LRH technology" describes WISE itself; LRH
are the initials of Hubbard.

Guideline 1 of WISE says to "utilize the
administrative technology in every
business of the world". WISE further demands:
"Conquer the key positions,
the position [...] as companies' director of
human resources, [...] as
secretary of the director, [...]. The
manufacturing plants, the trade
centers, the counties, these are the places
where we want trained scientologists."

At the end of August the Bavarian secretary
of state Hermann Regensburger
pointed out that Scientology wants to extend
the administration technologies
in its enterprises, resulting in a total
control of the employees, to
government and society as well. Scientology
engages espionage to
systematically gather information about
enemies and uses psychological
intimidation. For this the organization is
operating its own secret service
called Office for Special Affairs (OSA).

In almost every German province the
Scientology organization is under
observation of the department for protection
of the constitution. This
year's constitution protection report of the
province of Baden-Württemberg
says that Scientology gathered information
about federal and state
politicians. Six years ago Scientology hired
a private detective agency for
a member of the German parliament belonging
to the CDU (Christian Democratic
Union, one of the major political parties in
Germany) who had publicly
criticized the organization in a discussion
on broadcast television. Four
weeks later his personal life was
investigated intensely and the results
were sent to the Scientology secret service
in Munich.

According to the Stuttgarter Nachrichten
(German newspaper) strictly
confidential material of the State Department
ended up in the OSA
headquarter in Los Angeles. At the end of
1997 the Foreign Office had
created an internal strategy paper that
investigated "Scientology Under the
Aspect of German-American Relations". The
State Department brought in the
Federal Intelligence Agency to identify the
mole. So far without any

No subject for Microsoft

Data protection and security officials who
looked into the subject are
concerned that of all enterprises the
software of a Scientology company
would have access to all data under Windows
2000. However, Microsoft cannot
relate to these concerns. There is no such
distrust against Scientology
organizations in the US said the German media
relations department of
Microsoft. It was on the contrary quite
difficult to make the mother company
in Redmond understand this German problem.
In a letter to a German government department
expressing concern the
Microsoft subsidiary writes: "Inquiries at
our mother company in the US did
not indicate in any way that this software
restricts the security of the
operating system. However, it is not a
Microsoft-specific problem if -
assuming appropriate criminal energy -
somebody can obtain access to the
system." After all, the customer could
uninstall the defragmentation tool at
any time by manually deleting the files and
registry entries (see below "In
the Background").

In Germany the software enterprise takes the
same line as in the US:
"Microsoft acts according to the principles
of rule of law", said company
spokesman Kurt Braatz to c't. "Without a
valid ruling of a judge we cannot
exclude anybody from doing business with us
because of his religion, race or
other characteristics". The company Executive
must be treated like any other
company despite its connections to
Scientology. There is no valid verdict
that classifies Scientology as an
anti-constitutional organization.

Stating protection?

Churches, government departments and the
large political parties in Germany
want to distance themselves from the
power-hungry psycho sect. It is more
and more the practice to demand a protection
statement from employees,
members and business partners. With this the
signing party commits to
"completely" reject Hubbard methods, not to
organize or allow any
Scientology seminars in the company, not to
do any business with persons,
companies or organizations that support
Scientology and - important in
Microsoft's case - not "knowingly support
companies that are managed or
influenced with a L. Ron Hubbard method".
Meanwhile the protection statement has become
a deciding criterion for
employment in many government institutions
and is slowly gaining ground in
the economy as well. Assuming that the
Scientology company Executive is
earning royalties from Windows 2000 everybody
who signed the statement could
not buy the operating system.

On top of that as a potential business
partner Microsoft Germany will have
to confront joining the protection statement.
This will quite probably be
the subject of a meeting on December 9th when
representatives of the
Catholic church visit the German office of
Microsoft. As company spokesman
Braatz said to c't, he will be happy to
explain Microsoft's position.
Changing it is out of the question, however.

The argument that especially the churches
should not be expected to finance
the Scientology enterprise when buying
Windows 2000 does not get any
response from Microsoft. "Whoever has these
concerns is free to express
themselves by their bying decisions", said

In the USA Scientology has the support of
influential politicians, mostly
Republicans, who want to see the
constitutional right of free choice of
religion applied to the so-called church.
German politicians still remember
the unpleasant experience when the loudest
critics from this camp accused
them of oppressing a religious minority and
even made comparisons to the
Nazi regime. Since then it has been very
quiet around the report from the
parliament's survey commission presented in
spring that was the reason for
the angry criticism.

Under these circumstances it seems more than
questionable whether Microsoft
can be persuaded to reassess the matter. The
attitude in Redmond might only
change if they see the risk of a noticeable
boycott in the German market. At
least the outline of such a risk is quite
real. Sources at the Catholic
church said to c't that if Microsoft still is
not going to do anything to
clarify this matter they would have to
conclude that "the advice is not to
use the Windows operating system or only for
limited purposes". (ct)

[1] Axel Kintzinger, Brisante Übernahme,
Sekten-Firmen dringen ins
Computergeschäft vor und gewinnen auch
namhafte Kunden, Focus 14/1999, S. 80
[2] Renate Hartwig, Executive Software
weiterhin im Gespräch, Kein
Informationsfluss in der Computerbranche,
Robin Direkt Report, 01. 02. 98
[3] Bayerisches Staatsministerium des Innern,
Das System Scientology, Wie
Scientology funktioniert, 25 Fragen mit
[4] Renate Hartwig, Scientology - die
Zeitbombe in der Wirtschaft, 1994
[5] Bayerisches Staatsministerium des Innern,
Jürgen Keltsch, Was ist
Scientology?, Die Fabrikation der
Mensch-Maschine im kybernetischen
Lernlabor, 04. 08. 1999
[6] "Ist das Menschen- und Gesellschaftsbild
der Scientology-Organisation
vereinbar mit der Werte- und Rechtsordnung
des Grundgesetzes?", Gutachtliche
Stellungnahme im Auftrag der
Ministerpräsidentin des Landes
Schleswig-Holstein, Informations- und
Dokumentationsstelle "Sekten und
sektenähnliche Vereinigungen", Prof. Dr. jur.
Ralf B. Abel, April 1996


In the Background

In general defragmentation software has
access to all files - otherwise it
could not rearrange them on the disk.
However, this is not only a
characteristic of this type of software but
is true for all backup programs
as well, for example. From a technical point
of view a device driver is much
more dangerous because it has more privileges
in the system and can act
rather unobserved.
We took a closer look at the defragmentation
software in two current
pre-releases of Windows 2000, Beta 3 and
Release Candidate 2 (Build 2031 and
2128). The participating modules that consist
of the files dfrgsnap.dll,
dfrgres.dll, dfrgui.dll, dfrgfat.exe and
dfrgntfs.exe did not reveal
anything suspicious. The files contain the
usual function calls, for example
from GetProcAddress, LoadLibrary and COM.
Especially COM makes almost
anything possible theoretically.

Observing the programs while they were
running did not offer any hints
either, like for example calling network
functions to transmit data to the
outside. Neither listdll [1] nor iwatch [2]
came up with any peculiarities
in form of additionally loaded DLLs that are
not necessary for
defragmentation but would be for network
access for example.

Of course an external investigation does not
completely invalidate the
suspicion that an operating system component
spies on the user. A Trojan
horse is comparable to a bug in software: One
can practically never say with
absolute certainty that there are no bugs;
instead it is pure luck to find

The most interesting question is actually
whether Microsoft has the source
code of the component bought from Executive.
If this is the case Microsoft
could definitely find out whether the
software is dangerous. The symbol
information (PDB/DBG files, Checked Builds)
for Windows 2000 provided by
Microsoft suggest that the Diskeeper source
codes are part of the regular
build process and thus are available.
However, Microsoft has not confirmed
this yet.

Therefore an uncertainty remains though it is
relativized by the way of
integration into Windows 2000: The
defragmentation only runs by request of
the administrator or user. Additionally there
are two alternatives, among
others at [1]. But even there the source code
is currently missing.

Microsoft's advice to simply delete the
defragmentation software if in doubt
borders on deceit. Following that advice in
the current pre-releases
activates a component called System File
Protection (SFP). It immediately
restores the files in question as soon as
they have vanished from the
Explorer by using a cached copy.

[1] Web-Site of Mark Russinovich and Bryce
Cogswell containing several tips,
informations and programs for Windows 9x and
NT: http://www.sysinternals.com
[2] Matthias Withopf, Wachtmeister, Programme
unter Windows 95/NT überwacht
ausführen, c't 14/98, S. 200

Verlag Heinz Heise      Additional
Translations from c't are available
 Last changed by Jürgen Kuri, December 04,


What Scientology Doesn't Want Anyone to See:

Forgive me for the unwanted advertisements. We will take steps. I have
just returned from Clearwater Florida, where I gave a talk for the newly
formed Lisa McPherson Trust. The entire conference will be placed on
www.xenutv.com soon. In, by chance you don't know about the impending
criminal and civil trials surrounding the unfortunate death Of Lisa,
please look at www.lisamcpherson.org.

When I returned to my office in Somerville, I learned that I was picketed
(as were other conference participants) with fliers and copies of Freedom
magazines distributed- accusing me of being a hate criminal. You would
think that the Scientologist leadership would know better! Its been some
23 years of criticizing them- being harassed, sued, threatened- why would
this stop me from exercising my rights?

It was a very powerful emotional experience for me to be with relatives of
Lisa's, hear the latest news about the legal battle, and meet so many
former top executives of Scientology who are willing to help expose the
truth about this cult. It was a tearful event. Former Clearwater mayor,
Gabe Cazares spoke, and was reminded of his incredible courage in standing
up to this cult for more than 20 years. The Lisa McPherson Trust is
setting up an office in Clearwater and is determined to help members of
Scientology to realize the truth about this group. We must all stand up
and be counted- NOW! We must or risk losing our basic human rights!


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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