-Caveat Lector-


More on PROMIS: Israeli Spy Cover-Up Crumbles
By Jack Colhoun, from www.consortiumnews.com

On Nov. 3, 1989, Ari Ben-Menashe was taking a shower at a friend's house in
Los Angeles when the police arrived. They ordered the dripping-wet Israeli
to step out of the shower.

After letting Ben-Menashe dress, the police took the stunned world traveler
into custody. He was charged with violating the U.S. Arms Export Control Act
by trying to sell three C-130 transport planes to Iran with a false end-user

Ben-Menashe would later describe his reaction to his arrest as disbelief. He
considered himself a significant player in the world of intelligence,
skipping around the globe for more than a decade, putting together arms
deals that the Israeli government favored and disrupting those that Israel

Though little understood at the time, the arrest also created a dangerous
moment for a slew of top-secret U.S. and Israeli intelligence operations.

Behind the scenes, Israeli officials understood that Ben-Menashe's knowledge
could be a serious threat, according to Gideon's Spies: The Secret History
of the Mossad, a new book by British author Gordon Thomas.

Israeli leaders knew from debriefing legendary spymaster, Rafi Eitan, that
Ben-Menashe had worked on some of Israel's most sensitive projects, Thomas
reported based on his own interviews with Eitan.

"Rafi Eitan [told his Israeli debriefers] that Ari Ben-Menashe was in a
position to blow wide open the U.S./Israeli arms-to-Iran network whose
tentacles had extended everywhere: down to Central and South America,
through London, into Australia, across to Africa, deep into Europe," Thomas

Indeed, Ben-Menashe possessed information that, if corroborated, could have
shaken U.S.-Israeli relations and possibly destroyed the reputation of the
sitting president of the United States, George Bush.

But Ben-Menashe kept quiet initially, assuming that the embarrassing arrest
would be reversed. After he was transferred to the federal prison in New
York City, Ben-Menashe waited for the Israeli government to set matters
straight and arrange for his release.

Ben-Menashe soon discovered, however, that the Israeli government would not
be coming to his rescue. So, finding himself in deep trouble and on his own,
Ben-Menashe decided to talk with a few American reporters about what he
knew. He began to tell a complex tale of international intrigue and
arms-trafficking that involved top Israelis and senior U.S. officials.

Ben-Menashe's most dramatic claim was his insistence that he spotted Bush at
a Paris meeting with Iranians in October 1980 as part of a covert Republican
scheme to torpedo President Carter's negotiations for freeing 52 Americans
then held hostage in Iran.

Ben-Menashe also implicated senior CIA official Robert Gates in the
so-called "October Surprise" controversy as well as the Likud government of
Menachem Begin, who apparently feared that a second Carter term would lead
to a Palestinian state. [See David Kimche’s The Last Option.]

Beyond the Iran caper, Ben-Menashe dished up other juicy secrets. He
described a clandestine U.S. policy to funnel weapons via Chile to Saddam
Hussein's Iraq.

Ben-Menashe also claimed knowledge of Israeli intelligence penetration of
the U.S. government at top levels, Israel's use of press magnate Robert
Maxwell as a spy, and the distribution of rigged computer software to
extract secrets from other governments.

All told, Ben-Menashe's accounts represented what could have been a major
intelligence breach for both the Israeli and U.S. governments. If true, his
information would literally rewrite the history of the Reagan-Bush era and
expose President Bush, in particular, to charges of collaborating with
Iranian terrorists to fix the outcome of the U.S. presidential election in

As the scope of Ben-Menashe's disclosures sank in, the Israeli government
initiated a campaign to discredit him. Government officials began telling
Israeli journalists that Ben-Menashe was "an imposter" who was fabricating
his claims of official Israeli connections.

In a typical account, The Jerusalem Post quoted an "authoritative" source as
stating that "the Defence establishment 'never had any contacts with Ari
Ben-Menashe and his activities'." [The Jerusalem Post, March 27, 1990]

That initial cover story, however, crumbled when reporter Robert Parry
obtained internal Israeli documents revealing that Ben-Menashe had worked
from 1977-87 for an arm of Israeli military intelligence, called the
External Relations Department.

Faced with those documents, the Israeli government retreated, admitting that
the documents were real and that Ben-Menashe indeed had worked for Israeli
intelligence. But authorities in Tel Aviv still tried to minimize
Ben-Menashe's importance.

The Israeli government and the Bush administration grew more nervous after
Ben-Menashe won acquittal from a federal jury in New York City on Nov. 28,
1990 -- in part because he established that he had performed intelligence
work for Israel.

By early 1991, Israel and the White House were turning to their allies in
the U.S. press for help. The hope was that friendly reporters could make
Ben-Menashe into a laughingstock and consign his dangerous disclosures to
the loony bin of conspiracy theories.

Steven Emerson, a New Republic writer with contacts inside the Likud,
traveled to Israel where he was shown derogatory records about Ben-Menashe.
Emerson returned to Washington and began ridiculing Ben-Menashe as "a
low-level translator" who was "delusional."

Other U.S. reporters picked up the drumbeat of negative assessments about
Ben-Menashe. On three consecutive weeks in fall 1991, Newsweek ran articles
attacking Ben-Menashe's credibility. Emerson also repeated his critical
reporting in stories for CNN, the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page and
the American Journalism Review.

Despite the attacks, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh used Ben-Menashe
as a source in Hersh's 1991 book about the Israeli nuclear program, The
Samson Option.

Ben-Menashe provided details about the top-secret Israeli nuclear arsenal as
well as Maxwell's intelligence activities, information that Hersh managed to
corroborate with other sources. But even the renowned Hersh came under harsh
criticism from fellow journalists for citing Ben-Menashe.

In 1992-93, a House task force, headed by Reps. Lee Hamilton, D-Ind., and
Henry Hyde, R-Ill., buried Ben-Menashe even deeper when the panel rejected
his allegations about the October Surprise case, including his eyewitness
claim of seeing Bush in Paris.

The Hamilton-Hyde task force reached those conclusions despite contradictory
testimony about Bush’s alibi for the weekend when Ben-Menashe and other
witnesses placed Bush in Paris. [For details about the problems with Bush’s
alibi and the gaps in the Hamilton-Hyde report, see Robert Parry’s Trick or

Over the years, other witnesses added support to Ben-Menashe’s claims that
he participated in clandestine Israeli intelligence operations. In the
Israeli daily, Davar, reporter Pazit Ravina wrote, "in talks with people who
worked with Ben-Menashe, the claim that he had access to highly sensitive
intelligence information was confirmed again and again."

American journalist Craig Unger described similar information in The Village
Voice. Unger quoted a senior intelligence official, Moshe Habroni, who
stated that "Ben-Menashe served directly under me. … He had access to very,
very sensitive material." [Village Voice, July 7, 1992]

Some of Ben-Menashe's key claims gained important factual corroboration,
too. After dying mysteriously at sea, Maxwell was unmasked as an Israeli
operative. In another instance, one of Ronald Reagan's national security
aides, Howard Teicher, submitted an affidavit in a federal criminal case
describing a CIA-backed covert operation to funnel military supplies through
Chile to Iraq, just as Ben-Menashe had claimed.

Other new evidence supported the October Surprise charges. [For details, see
Robert Parry's books, The October Surprise X-Files and Lost History.]

But the Washington news media did not reconsider its dismissive judgment of
Ben-Menashe. That attitude has continued despite the additional
corroboration of Ben-Menashe's bona fides published this year in Gideon's

Nevertheless, the book fills in an important new chapter of the Ben-Menashe
saga: how alarmed Israeli intelligence officials understood the danger posed
by Ben-Menashe's wide-ranging knowledge and how they mounted a
disinformation campaign to discredit him.

Thomas's principal contribution to the Ben-Menashe puzzle comes from the
author's interviews with Rafi Eitan, the Israeli master spy who engineered
the capture of Nazi fugitive Adolph Eichmann in Argentine in 1960 and served
as Mossad's deputy director of operations for 25 years.

In the interviews, Eitan, who is now in his mid-60s, acknowledged that
Ben-Menashe was one of his protegés. According to Gideon's Spies, Eitan and
Ben-Menashe worked together in the 1980s setting up a clandestine
U.S.-Israeli arms network to procure weapons for sale to Iran.

Eitan also disclosed that he and Ben-Menashe collaborated on a project using
so-called PROMIS software to collect sensitive intelligence about Israel's
enemies in the Middle East.

Ben-Menashe has claimed he worked with Eitan on the top secret Joint
Committee for Iran-Israel Relations, a combined effort by the Mossad and the
External Relations Department to rebuild their influence in Iran after the
overthrow of the Shah in 1979.

Ben-Menashe would have appeared a reasonable choice for the operation since
he had been born in Iran, spoke fluent Farsi and was a contemporary of young
Iranians rising to prominence under the Khomeini regime. But Thomas’s
interviews with Eitan now corroborate those assertions.

So, in the early 1990s, while most U.S. and Israeli journalists were
accepting the word of government sources and battering Ben-Menashe's
credibility, the Israeli government knew from Eitan that Ben-Menashe's
accounts were largely accurate, Thomas reported.

Asked for details about Eitan's confirmation of Ben-Menashe's intelligence
role, Thomas told me that he had sent Eitan a copy of Ben-Menashe's 1992
memoirs, Profits of War. The book described Ben-Menashe's accounts of his
intelligence exploits and his claim about the Republican-Israeli secret
Iran-hostage collaboration in 1980.

Thomas said Eitan reported back that he had no criticism of the book.
According to Thomas, Eitan stated that Ben-Menashe "is telling the truth. …
That's why they squashed it." As for Ben-Menashe’s espionage skills, Eitan
asserted that "as an intelligence operative, [he was] tops,” Thomas said.

In the 1980s, some of Eitan's most controversial work was as head of LAKAM,
a military intelligence unit created to collect scientific and technological

In one of Eitan's daring operations, the spymaster authorized recruitment of
Jonathan Pollard, an American Jew who was a civilian intelligence analyst at
the U.S. Navy's Anti-Terrorism Alert Center. Pollard was assigned to spy
within the U.S. Defense Department and to steal sensitive U.S. documents.

"Over 1,000 highly classified documents, 360 cubic feet of paper, were
transmitted to Israel," Thomas wrote. "There Rafi Eitan devoured them before
passing over the material to the Mossad. The data enabled [its director
general] Nahum Admoni to brief [Prime Minister] Shimon Peres … on how to
respond to Washington's Middle East policies in a manner previously

But the operation backfired in 1985 when Pollard was arrested while fleeing
to the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. The operation was traced to
LAKAM, and Eitan was blamed for endangering U.S.-Israeli relations.

Apparently, Eitan was willing to disclose to Thomas other LAKAM-connected
intelligence successes to offset the damage that the Pollard case has done
to Eitan’s reputation.

In particular, Eitan touted an ingenious scheme for extracting secrets from
the computerized files of other nations, an intelligence coup that Eitan saw
as a crowning achievement to his career as Israel’s most famous spy.

According to Gideon’s Spies, Eitan confirmed Ben-Menashe's account that
Israel reaped an intelligence bonanza by exploiting a sophisticated American
software program called PROMIS. At the time, PROMIS was a state-of-art
program capable of complex data management; it was designed to track the
progress of federal criminal cases.

Eitan said he learned about PROMIS from Earl Brian, an American businessman
who had been secretary of health and welfare under California Gov. Ronald
Reagan in the early 1970s. Eitan knew of Brian because of the American's
business trips to Iran in the 1970s.

According to Thomas's book, Eitan invited Brian to Tel Aviv, where they met
"several times." Brian broached the subject of PROMIS software, which was
already being employed by U.S. intelligence agencies.

Fascinated by the intelligence possibilities, Eitan brainstormed a plan to
adapt PROMIS to Israeli intelligence needs. Eitan wanted to make PROMIS a
cyber-age "Trojan Horse" that would glean secrets about Palestinian
militants and political leaders from government files in Jordan and other

Eitan soon got a copy of PROMIS from the United States, according to
Gideon's Spies. Ben-Menashe claimed that he was instructed to arrange for
the installation of a "trapdoor" or a "built-in chip" to permit the secret
downloading of data.

Eitan's next task was to find a front company to sell PROMIS to Jordan.
Since an Israeli company would not be trusted, "Earl Brian's company,
Hadron, made the deal," Thomas wrote.

With PROMIS software installed in Jordan's military intelligence
headquarters, Thomas reported, Eitan's strategy paid off in the downloading
of sensitive information about Israel's adversaries.

"PROMIS could track a terrorist's every step," Thomas wrote. He called
Eitan's project an intelligence "breakthrough" that enhanced his stature as
"a powerful figure in the Israeli intelligence community." [In testimony,
Brian denied a role in the PROMIS operation.]

Flush with success, Eitan decided to cast a wider net. Thomas reported that
Eitan developed an ambitious plan to market PROMIS worldwide to Israel's
allies and enemies alike. For that operation, Eitan needed a front company
with greater international reach. So, he turned to press magnate Robert
Maxwell and his access to world leaders.

"The power of his newspapers meant that presidents and prime ministers were
ready to receive him," an Israeli intelligence official told Thomas. Maxwell
also had close ties to top Israeli leaders and a formal relationship with
the Mossad, according to Gideon’s Spies.

Soon, Maxwell was marketing the doctored software through Degem Computers,
an Israeli company that Maxwell had purchased, Thomas reported. He added
that Eitan's operation sold more than $500 million worth of PROMIS by 1989
to intelligence services in Australia, Great Britain, Canada, Guatemala,
Poland, South Africa, South Korea and even the Soviet Union's KGB.

Though Thomas says he has corroborated parts of Eitan's assertions, some
claims still rest heavily on Eitan's word. In studying the complicated
PROMIS issue for several years, however, I have been able to confirm some
additional elements of Eitan's account.

For example, the use of secret trapdoors to tap into a computer's files was
a well-established practice by the early 1980s, according to papers prepared
by U.S. military experts.

In an article in the Air University Review of January-February 1979, Lt.
Col. Roger Schell described the techniques used by special U.S. Air Force
teams to penetrate “secure” computer systems. Schell noted that the teams
could install undetectable trapdoors to “bypass the normal security checks.”

Navy Lt. Philip Myers made a similar observation in a 1980 masters thesis in
computer science written at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey,
Calif. "The attacker can construct the trapdoor in such a manner as to make
it virtually undetectable to even suspecting investigators," wrote Myers.

Myers also noted that trapdoors and "Trojan horses" can be "implemented in
either hardware or software." The reference to the PROMIS trapdoor as a
"built-in chip" suggests that the secret access could have been implanted in
computer hardware that could then have been sold with the PROMIS software as
a package deal.

I also discovered evidence of Brian's travels to Iran in the 1970s. I found
proof, too, that Brian's Hadron was linked to U.S. intelligence and did
top-secret work in Jordan.

Some information was in old newspapers. "Dr. Earl Brian reportedly is out to
get a little of that Middle Eastern oil money," the Sacramento Bee reported
on Jan. 12, 1975. "Brian, the secretary of the Health and Welfare agency
under Ronald Reagan, is helping to write a proposal on health care for

I located other evidence at the National Archives in newly opened files from
an investigation by Independent Counsel Jacob Stein who examined the
personal finances of White House counselor Edwin Meese III. Brian was
interviewed because in 1981, he had given Meese a $15,000 interest-free loan
that Meese had used to buy stock in Brian's new Biotech Capital Corp.

Brian told one of Stein's investigators that he did "some corporate
consulting" in Iran in the 1970s.

Brian also was president of the Los Angeles-based Xonics, Inc. in 1975-77.
An FBI agent's memo to Stein described Xonics as a high-tech company with
"several contracts with the Department of Defense and the CIA." Xonics
specialized in telecommunications, radar techniques and X-ray imaging.

In 1978, Brian invested heavily in Hadron, a company based in Vienna, Va.,
that did high-tech communications and computer work for the Pentagon and
U.S. intelligence. Two years later, Brian gained control of the company and
began acquiring small firms with their own national-security contracts.

One of those purchases in December 1981 was Telcom, a communications
engineering company that handled sensitive work for Jordan's armed forces
and King Hussein. Telcom had a contract with the Royal Jordanian Air Force
to set up a digital voice and microwave communications system, according to
Hadron's Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission in

Hadron's Form 10-K for 1984 described Telcom's upgrade of the communications
system of the Jordanian Royal Palace in Amman. Telcom also operated the
microwave network of the Special Communications Commission of the Jordanian
Armed Forces.

In 1985, Hadron reported that Telcom personnel operated "a number of
communications facilities" for "a proprietary U.S. Government agency," a
phrase meaning an intelligence cut-out.

In other words, Eitan's account of Brian's activities would fit with the
documentary evidence about Brian's businesses in the Middle East and in the
United States. By the early 1980s, under Brian's guidance, Hadron had grown
into a company with $30 million annual revenues, exclusively from
national-security contracts.

[In 1996, Brian was convicted of fraud in an unrelated securities case and
was sentenced to 4 ½ years in federal prison.]

Thomas told me that Eitan admitted that he was in direct contact with the
developers of the original PROMIS software, a small Washington, D.C.-based
company called Inslaw. Thomas said Eitan acknowledged that he was the
mysterious Israeli who visited Inslaw's office in February 1983, using the
name "Ben Orr."

Several years after the visit, Inslaw president William Hamilton learned
from an Israeli journalist that Eitan sometimes called himself, "Dr. Joseph
Ben Orr." After checking Eitan's photo, Hamilton and other members of his
staff recognized Eitan as their visitor.

Wittingly or not, Ronald Reagan's Justice Department appeared to have
facilitated that visit and Israel's procurement of PROMIS. In an ongoing
federal claims case filed by Inslaw against the U.S. government for
unauthorized use of PROMIS, a Justice Department official testified that he
arranged for an Israeli official, called Ben Orr, to visit Inslaw and to
receive a copy of PROMIS in May 1983.

Ben Orr "was a professor in Israel and expressed interest in case tracking,"
said C. Madison Brewer, the department's project manager for the PROMIS
contract. "I made arrangements for him to go to Inslaw for a
demonstration. … At a later date, he made a request for PROMIS," which
Brewer said the Justice Department provided.

I asked Thomas why he thought Eitan was going public now with these
disclosures. Thomas replied that Eitan simply considered his intelligence
coups of the 1980s among his greatest professional triumphs and wanted

"Rafi Eitan wants to leave a legacy that he was Israel's greatest spymaster
since Gideon," said Thomas, referring to the Old Testament hero whose spying
saved the Israelites from destruction. "He [Eitan] thinks what he created
with PROMIS was the perfect climax to his career."

In asserting his claim to Gideon-like status, Eitan also burnished the
reputation of his understudy, Ari Ben-Menashe. It now appears that
Ben-Menashe, who lives in Canada, did possess real information despite the
negative judgments by Congress and much of the Washington press corps.

Jack Colhoun, Ph.D., is an investigative reporter and a Cold War historian.

Previous Things Are Gonna Slide! Column


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