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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


Diana as the Madonna---

Storm over Diana 'Madonna' statue

When I wrote the book, Diana, Queen of Heaven,  Diana Queen Of Heaven  I
labored over what image I would use for the cover. I searched every book on
the goddess religion I could find, but there was no image that was instantly
reconizable, as a female deity.

In one of the books, I discovered a picture of a statue of the Goddess Diana
at Ephesus. Underneath the picture was a comment that was written by the
author. It was the author's opinion that the Christian church that was built
at Ephesus, and dedicated to Mary, Mother of Jesus, was done so in order for
the citizens of Ephesus to continue to worship the goddess Diana.

The point the author was making was that the new religion was being built
upon the foundation of the old religion. If the citizens of Ephesus resisted
giving up their female diety, then a concession would be made, and these
people would be allowed to worship Mary, the Mother of God, as if she were
the goddess Diana--the Mother of All.

In this case Mother Mary replaced the Goddess Diana. In my book, Diana, Queen
of Heaven, the point I am making is that a new Goddess religion is scheduled
to replace the patriarchal religions.

After much soul searching, I decided that the cover image  that would
immediately grab the readers and make them understand what is being planned
by the New World Order, would be a picture of Diana, dressed in the
traditional and easily recognized garb of Mother Mary.

I chose one of the most famous pictures of Mary, and a friend  copied it and
then painted it with water colors.  For the face, we chose a photo of Diana
that captured the gentleness of Mother Mary.

When the book was released, I received several angry letters from Catholics
stating that I had desecrated the image of Mother Mary. The depth of their
anger proved to me that I was correct in choosing this image as the cover for
my book.

Once I explained that if Christians do not stand up and fight the New World
Order, then in a few short years, we will begin to see the merging of
Princess Diana with the Goddess Diana who will usurp and replace Mother Mary.

The only woman, in modern days, that is associated  with diety, is Mary,
therefore  I speculated that the New World Order would probably dress their
Goddess Diana in the traditional Mary garb.

Once my angry Catholics realized why I did what I did, they understood my
reasoning and embraced it. One woman ordered a dozen books for her church.

In the book, I postulated that the change from a patriarcal religion to a
matriarcal religion could come in two ways. It could rise from the ashes of a
world destroyed by natural or man made diasaters -- or it could take the
gradual process, over decades, where society is slowly re-educated into
accepting a Mother Goddess, instead of a Father God.

During this slow re-education process, the legend of Princess Diana would
grow, until she was known  the world over, as the most beautiful, the most
loving, the most giving woman who has ever lived. I postulated that soon
holographic images of Princess Diana would appear in the sky, dressed as
Mother Mary.

My book was published in February of 1999. Ten months after the publication
of my book, I am seeing the first of the signs that I predicted. I truly did
not expect to see one this soon.  The following article, published by the
BBC, talks about a statue of Princess Diana dressed as the Mother Mary.

The people of Ephesus resisted a patriarcal religion. To ease the new
religion into the area, the emphasis was placed on Mary, Mother of God,
rather than on Jesus as God. Mary was called the Mother of God, and as such
was equated a position of reverence equal to the female diety that had been
worshipped in the area, the Goddess Diana. The new religion, Christianity,
was slowly being introduced, into the area, by building  upon the existing

And now it has come full circle. In London, the first public  display of
Diana as Mother Mary is taking place.  The  Goddess religion, is
surepticiously being foisted upon an unsuspecting public. The subtle,
subliminal message of the Diana/Madonna statue, tells us that Diana and
Mother Mary are equal.

 Diana Queen Of Heaven
Click on my web page and see the cover of the book, then compare the photos
of the statue that is on the BBC site.

Remember, there are very few copies of Diana, Queen of Heaven left, and there
are no plans to reprint in the near future. See the end of this article for
details on the Christmas Special and order information
  Wednesday, 8 December, 1999, 14:18 GMT
Storm over Diana 'Madonna' statue
 Lord Alton said many would find the exhibition "deeply offensive"

A controversial statue of Diana, Princess of Wales portrayed as the Virgin
Mary is to go on show in Liverpool on Thursday.

The figure, on show at the Tate Gallery at the Albert Dock, shows the late
princess dressed in the traditional robes of the Virgin Mary.

It is part of Heaven, a collection of work by artists from around the world.
The artist behind the Diana sculpture, Luigi Baggi, is also behind a 15ft
fibreglass statue of Jesus Christ, which is displayed on a floating pontoon.

Lord Alton, professor of citizenship at Liverpool John Moores University,
said many people would find the exhibition "deeply offensive".

But Bishop of Liverpool James Jones, called the exhibition a reflection of
today's society.

 The Bishop of Liverpool calls the exhibition "a sign of our times"

He said: "This controversial exhibition is a sign of our times. It reflects
our culture and shows the huge gap that exists between traditional beliefs
and the spirit of a new age."

He said he had not yet seen the exhibition in full, but had discussed its
contents with the gallery's curator.

The Bishop added: "Like it or not, the church has to face up to the fact that
although people are spiritual, many do not find the church fulfils their

"I see this exhibition as a challenge to Christians to communicate our faith
at the end of this millennium with great imagination and compassion."

The Archbishop of Liverpool, the Most Rev Patrick Kelly, said he would not be
able to visit the exhibition because of other commitments.

In a statement, he said: "I would suggest we keep three things in mind.

"Firstly, Roman Catholic devotion to Mary is rooted in the Gospels which set
before us Mary of Nazereth, her poverty, and her surrender to the word of

"Secondly, over the course of 2,000 years appreciation of Mary has been
expressed in many forms of art no one of which would ever claim to tell the
whole story.

"Thirdly comparisons might be made between the story of Mary, guaranteed to
aspire the Gospels, and the story of anyone else, for example Princess Diana,
and that would determine the authenticity of linking these stories through an
art form."

Christmas Special

Diana,Queen of Heaven, the New World Religion


Readers and researchers alike have stated that this book is the best overview
of the New World Order and what it has in store for humanity.

The book explains what was behind the murder of Princess Diana.
* Who was behind it
*  Why  Pont D'Alma was chosen as the murder site
*  How her image will be used by the New World Order
*  How the new religion will blend government and religion into one
* How new technologies of mind control and holography will be used to create
   the new messiah

The book  covers what and who the New World Order is. It also covers the
opposition to the New World Order, Faction Two. The best description ever
written  of Faction Two is included in this book.

At the end of the book is a suggested reading list. It includes many of the
books that were used for research.

For Christmas orders  the price will be $10.00
Please include $3.50 for priority mailing.

There are less than 300 books left. At the moment there are no plans for a
reprint. If you want to be sure to get one, please get your order in soon.

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