-Caveat Lector-

NewsMax.com is apparently being taken over as a front by neoFacist NWO
This is one CLEAR instance of the way that we are suffering from FALSE
information (false witness, I suppose some would say) and "spin-doctors" and
disinformation at the hands of MONOPOLY controlled press.
The scum are now moving in on the internet.
Suggest that all interested parties make their concern known to the staff of
and BOYCOTT NewsMax as long as they fail to repel creeping facism within
their own organization!

bcc- inthe;ctrl;ncnd

Dave Hartley

The Newsmax.com appointment of John L. Perry brandishes several red flags.

First he was a former director of information of FEMA, the unconstitutional
allegedly drug-funded agency many believe to be a surrogate US fascist

Second he was a fellow for the Center for the Study of Democratic
Institutions, the notorious think tank responsible for the creation of the
"New States" constitution.

And what is the New States constitution?

This excerpt is from


Committee to Restore the Constitution .

The Silent Revolution of Federal Regionalism - A Solution

Federal Regionalism - A Socialist America In Your Lifetime

   On July 2, 1976, at the Indiana State Capitol Building, Indianapolis, in
the chambers of the House of Representatives,the following presentation was
made by Colonel Arch E Roberts, Director, Committee to Restore the
Constitution, Fort Collins, Colorado, before the Indiana Interim Study

   ...We are now witness to a major change in government. Regional
seek to erect a new government in the United States to verify and validate
Federal Regionalism and the ten regionscreated in 1969, by erecting a new
Constitution called a Newstates Constitution. This Newstates Constitution, a
copy of which I have here, was written by Rexford G. Tugwell, an old
revolutionary going back to 1933. This Newstates Constitution is taken out
of his book "The Emerging Constitution". The Newstates Constitution was
written by Tugwell,in concord with 100 other social changers, at the Center
for the Study of Democratic Institutions in Santa Barbara,
California. A unique feature about this program is that the Newstates
Constitution cost twenty five million dollars.

   The Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions was financed by the
Ford and Rockefeller Foundations over a period of ten years in the amount of
2 1/2 million dollars a year. We do not believe that this investment in the
Constitution is intended to be merely an exercise in political theory. We
believe that the work is serious, that the planners, the programmers, are
serious when they seek to impose a new constitution upon the people as we
enter our third century.

The Newstates Constitution

To give you some indication as to the impact of the Newstates Constitution
(which deals with the 10 federal regions and not the sovereign states,
therefore, giving the appearance of legality to criminal actions of the
planners and the Congress which has precipitated the conspiracy), I would
point out some of the unique features in this constitution. One of these is
that there is no Bill of Rights in the Newstates Constitution. There is no
protection of Assembly, of Press, of Religion, or of any of the other
guarantees of person and property that are in the Constitution of the United
States. This is also a constitution of appointed officials. Under this
program of the new constitution, the Senate is to be appointed and the units
of government, (and we are going to explain the significance of the term -
Units of Government) the units of Government which are, in fact, the
Councils of Government comprising a composition of counties, are to deal
directly with the Federal Government, bypassing counties and state
legislative bodies as has already been pointed out in the testimony
preceding my appearance, (testimony by regional government proponents).

On Thu, 09 Dec 1999 14:31:26   David Goldman wrote:
>From: David Goldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I got the following announcement regarding a new member of the Chris Ruddy
>team. I believe he has been getting others on board NewsMax. Any comments
>as to where Ruddy is currently headed and what he's up to?? And is Perry a
>Scaife associate?
>David Goldman
>>NewsMax.com Adds Veteran Senior Editor
>>John L. Perry, an award-winning newspaper editor and writer who served on
>>House staffs of two presidents, has joined NewsMax.com as its Senior
>>Mr. Perry will also contribute a regular column to NewsMax.com and edit
>>companion monthly newsletter "Internet Vortex."
>>"John Perry is an extraordinary journalist and commentator, and we are
>proud to
>>welcome him aboard NewsMax.com," Christopher Ruddy, editor of NewsMax.com,
>>NewsMax.com, just over a year old, has become a major news portal on the
>>Deja.com users recently rated NewsMax.com the most qualitative news source
>>the World Wide Web.
>>"NewsMax.com is an exciting oasis of unfettered information in a Sahara of
>>conformist establishment news media," Perry said, adding that the online
>>service "is pioneering the return of genuine journalism."
>>"Without the independent information and insight provided by outlets like
>>NewsMax.com, intelligent decisions by a free people are impossible and a
>>society is doomed," he said.
>>Newspapers under Mr. Perry's direction were consistent winners of awards
>>journalistic excellence.
>>The Associated Press Managing Editors Association named him one of the 12
>>newsroom managers among the AP's member newspapers.
>>Mr. Perry has received numerous awards for column and editorial writing
>and for
>>public service and spot-news reporting.
>>He also worked as an editor or reporter for several daily newspapers,
>>the Tampa Tribune, the St. Petersburg Times, the Buffalo Evening News, and
>>Clearwater Sun.
>>A member of the Committee of Concerned Journalists, Washington, D.C., Mr.
>>was founding editor and publisher of "NOT for Publication," an independent
>>critique of the press and public policy.
>>With a master's degree from Northwestern University's Medill School of
>>Journalism, he was one of the first American journalists allowed into the
>>Union after
>>the death of Joseph Stalin.
>>Mr. Perry also has had a distinguished career in public policy. He served
>>President Lyndon B. Johnson as deputy under secretary of commerce. He also
>>served as a White House speech writer and race-relations trouble shooter
>>President Johnson.
>>In the Carter administration, Mr. Perry was executive assistant to the
>>secretary of Housing and Urban Development and was interim director of
>>information for the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
>>Mr. Perry served as press aide to Gov. LeRoy Collins of Florida and
>>assistant to the speaker of the Florida House of Representatives.
>>A specialist in corporate communications, strategic planning and crisis
>>management, he was public-affairs counselor to several international and
>>national businesses.
>>Mr. Perry was also assistant to the president of the National Association
>>Broadcasters, a member of the top-management team and director of public
>>relations for the
>>1982 World s Fair in Knoxville, Tenn., and an academic fellow at the
>Center for
>>the Study of Democratic Institutions in Santa Barbara, Calif.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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