My sympathies to the brave and principled Mrs. Das GOAT.  I am sorry that she was targeted by criminals but gratified that she fought back.  Kudos Mrs. G.
You have described a takeover of right thinking and acting people by those driven by evil.
It is in every city, however, as it is a product of America's Great Satan (eg, materialism, lust, me-first, power and other care and feeding of Self).  Some feed Self by hurting others with physical violence, some by mental violence like oppression and some by nondirect means such as ruination of a nation's sovereignity, downgrading of the role of men in society, religious inquisitions, global shell games and more.  The examples are numerous.
I have no idea what to do about it.  I just trust in God more and more, that's all I can do.
God bless us every one.
----- Original Message -----
From: Das GOAT
Sent: Monday, December 13, 1999 7:13 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Dec14 Frontline TV Snitches to reair

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-12-12 10:46:09 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Why don't they do a show on the role of "police informants" who give the
>police the name or address of a "suspected" drug dealer.  The police then
>serve a "no knock" warrant at 5:00 AM, bust in the door and kill the person
>there because he "threatened" them.  Then it turns out that the house or man
>was the wrong one and the police killed someone merely trying to defend
>themselves against an invasion of their home.  Why no talk about the rampant
>and illegal acceleration of this type of activity in our "law enforcement"

Or how about a show on the complete indifference of police to REAL criminal
That's more the case in yuppie-fied San Francisco, where increasingly the
only 911 calls that are answered are those coming from a cell phone in some
upscale hotel, complaining about the champagne being cold.  (An exaggeration,
 but not by much.).

Case in point from personal experience, only last night.  But first a little
background to the account to follow.  (1) A few weeks ago, my 4"10" wife was
mugged on her way home from work by a group of four black teenagers
strategically positioned at different places around an intersection at night,
stalking available prey. The assailant, estimated age 14, jumped her from
behind and put her in a choke hold with one arm while with the other hand
covering her mouth and squeezing her nose shut so she couldn't breathe.  He
dragged her backward toward the shadows, expecting her to lose consciousness,
but instead, just when she was starting to get lightheaded, my wife "played
dead" and stopped struggling.  The boy relaxed his grip, as expected, and my
wife let him have it -- elbowing him in the groin with karate-chop force.
Her assailant yanked her purse out of her hand with such force that it
dislocated two of her fingers and then took off running --running "oddly," as
if trying to cross his legs as he ran-- toward the sanctuary of one of the
two housing projects nearby.  That's when my wife first saw his three
cohorts, who emerged from their places to join him in flight.  A woman just
then driving by heard my wife yelling and pointing in the purse-snatcher's
direction and called 911 for assistance.
A squad car was in the area, luckily, and after getting the perpetrator's
description from my wife, took off in token search of him, of course to no
avail.  Returning, the police officer who took my wife's report told her,
"Call us if ever he attacks you AGAIN" -- on hearing which, of course, my
by-then enraged wife gave him a big piece of her mind.
(2)  A couple of weeks earlier, a young woman had driven to a Gen-X "club"
about two
blocks from where we live.  Her car was found, but she was never seen again.
The neighborhood is now plastered with flyers giving her picture and a phone
number where her family can be reached with any information regarding her,
now a "missing person."

Okay, enough for setting the scene.  Now, on to last night's incident.  (3)
My wife was taking a bus home from work, just after sunset, as I waited for
her (in order to walk her home, for safety's sake) in a cafe across from the
bus stop.  When she stepped off the bus she was frantic.  Eight blocks
earlier, idly looking out the window, she had watched a horrifying scene
occurring at the intersection where the bus stopped for a red light: A woman
on the sidewalk was dragged --screaming, crying for help-- into the
passenger's side of a car that screeched up beside her.  Then, with the door
still hanging open and the woman's arm flailing while she screamed and
struggled with her captor, the car had sped off as the light turned green,
heading in the opposite direction from the bus.  My wife had shaken two women
sitting next to her, pointing at what was happening across the street, and
they had all watched in horror, but the intersection was left behind. My wife
ran forward to the bus driver and yelled at her that a woman was being
forcibly abducted -- but the driver had just shrugged, ignoring her, and kept
on going ...
After a few words from my wife describing what she had witnessed, I hurried
into the local grocery store and convinced the owner to let us use his phone
to call 911.  In a minute or two, I had the 911 operator on the line and
proceeded to report the incident,
putting my wife on the lline to provide time (15 minuites earlier, by then),
location, and description of the vehicle and its direction.  The operator
said she was dispatching a squad car, and she asked our location, telling us
to wait there until a car arrived to take a fuller report.  We waited -- and
waited -- and waited -- still no police officer -- until, ONE HOUR LATER, we
gave up and left to take care of other necessary business.

First, a bus driver passing the scene of an observed violent crime REFUSED to
make a call to police that COULD have been instantaneous (because the
equipment for that is provided drivers for their OWN safety).  That's bad
enough -- it's just another example of how San Francisco, under accelerated
gentrification and its "ethnic cleansing" of the middle class as well as the
poor, is fast becoming like New York at its worst.  ... But
THEN, here in this non-"upscale" and still "multicultural" neighborhood
(where one has to pay $1000-$1200 rent for a 1-room "apartment") which has
recently had at least one "missing person" --a girl presumably murdered-- and
other attacks aimed at women, to call 911 to report a woman being abducted
and to be "left on hold" by the POLICE -- !!

That woman whom my wife saw, and heard screaming for help, is likely DEAD
My wife had TWO opportunities to SAVE her --one opportunity immediately,
which could have been crucial, and a second minutes later but perhaps too
late already-- yet no one CARED, no one wanted to bother.  Life is cheap in a
big city.  Violent crimes don't even get reported unless it's unavoidable --
because high crime rates make the  politicians look bad and make the
"business community" (especially the real estate lobby) worry about its
profits.  Here in San Francisco, no one ever sees a police car unless the
cops are out hassling the homeless (always a big priority for City Hall) or
protecting some landlord's or merchant's property. Only money matters; life
is cheap.
The "right" people (defined by incomes over $60K a year) will of course be
kept safe.  The rest of us are being left to die on the street, one way or
another, BY DEFAULT.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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