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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

AOL Actions Trigger Massive Internet Censorship Row

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The launch of a new book (July 17th) entitled 'The Stargate Conspiracy'
by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, and published by Little Brown, has
triggered a massive censorship row across the Internet. The book exposes
governmental plans to hijack Millennium mysteries, through political
interference or by manipulating belief structures.

Evidence has come to light that AOL, the UK's largest subscription based
Internet service, is through its actions assisting CIA designs on
introducing a new belief system and form of racist fundamentalism for
the New Age.

Despite connecting 8 million users across the UK and Europe, and
carrying over 55 million "Instant Messages" every day, AOL has
engineered a sudden and unexpected clampdown on Egypt News, an
independent electronic newsletter supplied free of charge to 600
voluntary subscribers. Having operated successfully and completely
unhindered since September 1997, Egypt News now defends itself amidst
accusations of 'spamming' - a term used to describe the delivery of
unsolicited mail across the Internet. Whilst AOL claims to have
responded as a result of a single complainant, Egypt News vehemently
defend themselves, saying that subscribers are able to cancel their
subscription without charge and at any time, adding that AOL closed down
the service by changing its password without any form of consultation or
investigation. In a statement, Chris Ogilvie-Herald, editor of Egypt
News, asks "Does this not raise serious questions concerning the freedom
and transmission of information?" He adds: "Despite our explanations
that we were not sending unsolicited mail, AOL expressed no interest in
reviewing the situation, reading the content of prior postings,
acknowledge that the service was of a non-commercial nature, nor
recognise the fact that it could not be termed unsolicited mail." A key
clue into the reasoning behind AOL's intransigence appears to lie in the
content of the offending Egypt News article. In less than 30 lines, this
message describes the content of The Stargate Conspiracy, a book by Lynn
Picknett and Clive Prince which exposes a long term plan to take
advantage of the turn of the Millennium by mixing established religious
beliefs with ideas relating to ancient Egypt, extraterrestrial contact,
alien abductions and channelling. Speaking on the unusual experiences of
Egypt News, Clive Prince says "It is interesting that our posting
provoked it". The Stargate Conspiracy reveals that behind the plot are
intelligence agencies of more than one country, but led by the CIA as
part of the Pentagons psychological warfare and parapsychology
experiments. Involving the use of false prophets, ideas promoted by
famous authors, hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis and electromagnetic
influence, the conspiracy has already influenced the decision making of
world leaders and has led one social scientist to state that the project
was "an elaborate psychological experiment sponsored by the defense 

However, unexplained experiences have not been restricted to email
messaging. As part of the offending email, subscribers to Egypt News
were referred to the official website for the book - a public forum for
issues arising, debate and questions to the authors known online as the
Stargate Assembly. However this website has experienced extremely
erratic access patterns and an extraordinary level of interest from
Virginia, USA, headquarters of the CIA. Within days of full details
being posted, access rates for information on the The Stargate
Conspiracy inexplicably dropped by at least 80%, whilst at the same time
monitoring from Virginia peaked at 69% of total traffic.


Despite claiming to provide customers and businesses with "an
unprecedented array of new choices", AOL's action against Egypt News
appears to have acted against the terms of the Internet Content Rating
Association (ICRA), a group devoted to the protection of free speech on
the Internet, and of which AOL is a founder member.

Speaking on May 12, 1999, David Phillips of AOL Europe, confirmed that
the ICRA initiative was being taken to provide "concerned citizens the
tools to protect their children and communities while ensuring the
essential openness and freedom of the Internet." Chairman of the ICRA
board, Jens Waltermann, added "It is not for us or for governments to
decide what is inappropriate." Further announcements made on June 10th
and 17th, 1999, declared AOL to be operating an alliance with both BSkyB
and Verio Inc. Targetting both Sky subscribers and web users via
traditional forms of direct mail and television advertising as well as
by means of banner advertisements designed to guarantee "millions of
impressions" across the Internet, AOL's activities appears to operate
against their own anti-spamming principles as applied to Egypt News. If
you thought that this issue does not affect you, the chances are that it
does now. Within such an operational framework, AOL have recently
announced intentions to provide free Internet services to all schools in
the UK, including adult education centres, most recently announcing an
agreement with the Scottish Borders Council Education Department. And in
a recent attempt to connect all of Europe's parliamentarians to the web,
Andreas Schmidt, President and Chief Executive Officer for AOL Europe
said: "All politicians, regardless of country or party, should have the
same opportunity to access, explore and use online services in the same
way as their constituents". If AOL is indeed guilty of censorship,
should the organisation take action against itself for operating in
favour of the CIA, against agreed ICRA principles, or for its own
commercial 'spamming' otherwise known as advertising? What is the
precise nature of AOL's involvement in politics and the education of our
children? Is AOL exerting self-defined 'parental controls' on the adult
global community? Whatever the case, AOL continues to claim ease of use,
convenience and unique content, whilst at the same time it clamps down
on a free newsletter promoting Egypt to an entirely voluntary membership.


Despite such experiences, both Egypt News and the Stargate Assembly
continue to support The Stargate Conspiracy. Although AOL UK returned
the email facility of Egypt News on appeal, the newsletter feels
compelled to email their 600 subscribers in batches of only 10. Chris
Ogilvie-Herald has been looking at the possibility of reestablishing his
facility on an alternative service, reasoning that "AOL told us that if
we continue operating Egypt News in the same manner, we would again be
censored and eventually the account would be terminated". Similarly, the
Stargate Assembly continues to host information, lectures and debate in
connection with the The Stargate Conspiracy. Further details on the
unusual circumstances surrounding this book, including a forwarding
address for Egypt News, a copy of their offending email, and details of
the Stargate Assembly are available on the Internet at

Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince will be celebrating the official launch
of their book by signing copies of The Stargate Conspiracy at the
Templar Lodge Hotel, Gullane, near Edinburgh on Saturday 17th July [1999].


Patriots' call for support behind rural Nevadans!!
Friday, December 10, 1999

Once again it appears that the "big government" from Washington, D.C. is 
flexing its muslces and menacing to extend its hideous tentacles to lord it 
over local governments, particularly over patriotic rural communities such as 
the ones in Elko County, Nevada.

(Read the following article,  "BID TO CLOSE ROADS SPARKS BITTER FIGHT", that 
appeared on L.A. Times, Thursday, December 9, 1999 - Section A-3).

Before you read the article, let me state that we are now calling on all 
Patriots to express their full support for rural Nevadans in their ongoing 
struggle against the brazen encroachment of the Feds that are taking place 
right before their eyes.

The Feds, in collaboration with global elitists (the New World Order), are 
pushing for total control from Washington, D.C., imposing their 
ever-increasing bureaucratic legislations (under the guise of "environmental 
protection") that are making life miserable for untold tens of thousands of 
farmers, ranchers and residents of these rural communities, taking away the 
rights of local citizens and undermining the decision-making processes of 
county government, in this case, Elko County, Nevada.

Let it be understood that the Federal Government does not own Elko 
County.....the PEOPLE do.

We must totally support this revolt against "an arrogant and self-serving 
Federal government that owns 87% of the state of Nevada, the largest 
percentage in the nation and equivalent in size of the states of New York, 
New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachussetts, Vermont and New Hampshire combined."

-from Norio Hayakawa

Now read  the article that appeared on L.A. Times, Thurs., Dec. 9, 1999
Section A-3:    



Wilderness:  Rural Nevadans take on the Forest Service over attempts to bar 
access to dirt road.

by John M. Glionna
TIMES Staff Writer:

JARBIDGE, Nev.  --  Throughout the wilds of northeastern Nevada, they're 
known as the shovel brigade, a defiant band of rural residents taking on the f
ederal government in a homespun battle over control of a solitary dirt road 
near this remote border town.
     Before a U.S. district judge ordered them to quit, a few hundred 
fist-shaking locals formed an "independent citizens work party" in October, 
an act of civil disobedience that federal officials from Reno to Washington 
worry could turn violent.
     Organized by word of mouth, residents readied pickaxes, spades and teams 
of horses as part of a grass-roots plan to ignore warnings and reopen 1.5 
miles of wilderness access road closed by the U.S. Forest Service to protect 
the threatened bull trout, whose habitat is a river that runs alongside the 
rutted, winding road.
     "I was here before those Forest Service boys were even born", said 
89-year-old Helen Wilson, a lifelong resident of this old mining town eight 
miles from the Idaho state line.  "If I could, I'd spank them all over trying 
to close our road.  It just makes me so mad!".
     Forest Service officials say that they are not kicking anybody out of 
the Jarbidge woods, just permanently closing a road that, due to repeated 
storm damage, could harm local fish populations with silt and pollution 
runoff.  Officials plan a walking trail to replace the road in order to allow 
locals continued access to the forest they cherish.
     But residents say that the fight involves more than just a single dirt 
     President Clinton's decision in October to seek a ban on road building 
in U.S. forests nationwide  -- a plan that would more than double the 
wilderness land off-limits to all but hikers, cross-country skiers and 
boaters -- has only escalated the tension, they say.
     Across rural Nevada, residents speak of a revolt against what they say 
is an arrogant and self-serving federal government that owns 87% of their 
state -- the largest percentage in the nation and equivalent in size to the 
states of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachussetts, Vermont and New 
Hampshire combined.
     Citing the Boston Tea Party, quoting passages from the Declaration of 
Independence, they have vowed continued pressure over the disputed road in 
the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, a smoldering standoff that symbolizes a 
much larger rift between federal land managers and citizens from Montana to 
     Many say that the South Canyon Road -- washed out by flooding three 
years before the official federal closure -- is a vital part of their lives, 
providing access to hunting and fishing grounds as well as views of pristine 
forest land.  Others are frustrated that the U.S. government controls forest 
and grazing land they believe should be locally controlled.
     In Nevada, controversial federal policies are more than just an academic 
debate among insulated policymakers, but a vital test of wills over managing 
the future of the American West.
     "It's about a small town that loves its access to the wilderness, a 
right that's being stolen from them by a bunch of power-hungry bureaucrats", 
said Marla Griswold, a rancher.
     For many, the Jarbidge road dispute echoes the high-pitched emotions of 
the so-called Sagebrush Rebellion of the late 1970s, when Western state 
legislatures passed resolutions demanding that federal land revert to local 
     "This may be the start of another Sagebrush Rebellion -- it's not an 
isolated incident", said Eric Herzik, chairman of the political science 
department of the University of Nevada at Reno.  "At the heart of the unrest 
are rural folks tired of being told what to do by people 3,000 miles away in 
Washington.  They want to call their own shots.  And the attitude is 
     Indeed, the Jarbidge revolt goes beyond local residents to include local 
     Federal officials have threatened to sue Elko County over its efforts 
last year to repair the South Canyon Road.  U.S. District Judge David Hagen 
included county officials in his recent injunction against any roadwork.
     In a recent congressional hearing in the town of Elko, a meeting 
characterized by forest officials as "an inquisition" and "the Elko witch 
hunt", Elko County Commission Chairman Tony Lesperance threatened to defy 
Hagen's order.
     "Ultimately, the issue is who owns the county -- the federal government 
or the people", Lesperance told 500 residents.  "We will rebuild the road, 
come hell or high water".
     County officials maintain the road has been public domain since the days 
of the early Western settlers, long before the Forest Service was established 
near the turn of the century.........etc, etc.

     Read the full story at
  Bid to Close Road Sparks Bitter Fight 
Norio Hayakawa



[Julia Butterfly] Benefit in Berkeley & Rally in Stafford
Benefit: Sunday, December 12th in Berkeley :::
There is also a rally Rally this Sunday, December 12 in Stafford, California -


From: Jeff Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Circle of Life Foundation
Subject: Correction: Julia's 2nd Anniverysary in the SF Bay Area

[In the original announcement I neglected to include the date (Dec.
12th) here is the complete announcement - thanks - Jeff]

Jamie McHugh's 45th birthday performance bash
with guest artists:
 Anna Halprin  Clover Catskill  Craig Garfinkel
 Rachel Kaplan Rob Sarison      Barney Stein
               Carol Swann
   Wildcat Studio
   2525 8th Street (at Dwight)
   Berkeley, California

   December 12th
   7:30 pm
(A benefit for the Luna Tree Sit/Julia Butterfly Hill)

Tickets are $20 (general admission). You must purchase in advance as
seating is limited. For more information, call 415-457-8852.

Jamie McHugh is celebrating his 45th birthday with different Bay area
performers joining him in an evening of performance. The evening is a
benefit for Headwaters activist Julia Butterfly Hill, who will have
camped in an old-growth redwood for exactly 2 years on Jamie's birthday,
December 10. Julia has been living 180 feet off the ground in Luna to
draw international attention to environmental issues, especially the
decimation of old-growth forests on the West Coast.

Jamie has been a long-time collaborator with Anna Halprin, and a core
faculty member at Tamalpa Institute. His performance solo, "Alive at the
Edge: Field Notes from an Endangered Species", a personal response to
the AIDS epidemic, toured California and Europe between 1994-96. A
somatic movement educator, he presents trainings and workshops
in "Movement as Medicine" internationally.



Thu, 9 Dec 1999
whispered media <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Attend the largest rally against genetically engineered (GE) foods in the
U.S. to date!

This Monday in Oakland, California, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) is holding a public meeting to get feedback on their policies related
to GE foods.

Let the FDA know that the American public demands GE foods be thoroughly
tested and labeled before they reach supermarket shelves.

Currently, the FDA requires no pre-market safety testing or labeling of
genetically engineered food.  Corporations developing GE foods are merely
encouraged to consult with the FDA if they think there may be any health
related risks.  Yet each day whether we know it or not, most of us eat foods
containing genetically engineered ingredients.

The rally will include speakers, street theater, and more!!!

WHEN:           Monday, December 13, 1999 at 12 noon
WHERE:      Oakland Federal Building, , 1301 Clay Street, Oakland,
(Bart Station - Oakland City Center/12th Street)
WHAT TO BRING:  Banners, signs, friends, costumes and information

We need volunteers to help us spread the word by passing out leaflets,
making phone calls and helping us to organize the day of the event.  To get
involved now please call Simon Harris at 415-981-6205 x 324 or by email at

Organized by:  Bay RAGE, Berkeley Food Policy Council, Center for Ethics and
Toxics (CETOS), Center for Food Safety, Food and Farming Forum, Food
First/Institute for Food and Development Policy, Global Exchange,
Greenpeace, International Forum on Food and Agriculture, Marin County Food
Policy Council, Mothers and Others for a Livable Planet, Organic Consumers
Association, Pesticide Action Network, U.S. PIRG

Watch video about the Grassroo://

- Freespeech TV:

"Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul."
--Edward Abbey

Whispered Media <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
P.O. Box 40130
San Francisco, CA 94140 USA



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