-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
Date: Thursday, 16 December 1999 8:44


If you are home today at 2pm PST, please remember to pull up the Rumor Mill
News Webpage and listen to "INFORMED CONSENT" with Claire Lee. At the
moment... it will not be archived.

<A HREF="http://www.rumormillnews.com/informed.htm">Rumor Mill News</A>  You
can pull up the real audio player rom this link.. Remember to pull it up a
few minutes before the show so you can get it installed and not miss any of
the program.  Click on the link to see who Claire is interviewing. (In case
you are on WebTV...I will add the text at the end of this email)

I want to add a note on the recent harassment that has been directed at me
from many different directions.

One of my friends and readers informed me that he had received an email from
my "webmaster" that suggested it would be better  for me "psychologically"
I closed down the Rumor Mill.

My friend tried to forward me the mail. I never received it. He tried to
the email... he couldn't. He tried to print it... he couldn't. Finally when
he went back to find it and read it out loud to me, the email was gone. It
had vanished.

"Vanishing E-Mail",  I thought, "What kind of game is this man playing with

A short time later, I received an email from my webmaster stating that his
hours were increasing in his real job, and since I have "never paid him a
dime for the webpage, that he was pulling it down Monday."

I sent back a note, using the return button on the original email,  stating
that as far as I was concerned, it was fine with me, pull down the webpage.

Then I quickly called a friend who I knew had created a "Mirror webpage" and
had hidden it out in cyberspace somewhere. I asked him if it was still
floating around. Not only was it floating around out there... but it had far
more in it that my official webpage.

Here is the link to the "Official Rumor Mill News Mirror Site"  <A
HREF="http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/rayelan/index.html">Rumor Mill News
Agency</A> When you save this you will notice a slight difference from the
Official webpage

Official webpage under the rumormillnews.com domain
<A HREF="http://www.rumormillnews.com/">The Rumor Mill News Agency</A>

Official Mirror site:
<A HREF="http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/rayelan/index.html">Rumor Mill
News Agency</A>  http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/rayelan/index.html

If you have bookmarked both of them, you will see that the domain page has
the word "The" in front of Rumor Mill News

For anyone who is searching cyber space for the hidden webpages of Rumor
News, it has been put back out in cyberland, on another of the many free
webpages.  Thank God for Rumor Mill News readers who understand what we are

After I was sure that I could get another webpage in place by Monday, I sent
my original webmaster a terse note. He responded with an email stating that
he didn't understand what I meant.

Suddenly the light bulb went off.

"What if my webmaster hadn't sent the note to me". and if he hadn't sent it
to me, what if he hadn't sent the "disappearing email" to my friend.

I decided to pull up the copy of the email my webmaster had sent me in which
he stated that he was going to pull the webpage down on Monday.

I searched through my old mail, and found every email from my webmaster. The
email in which he said he was going to pull down the webpage was not there.

Thinking that I could have downloaded it onto a disc, I went through all of
my email discs. The original email that stated my "webmaster" was pulling
down my webpage on Monday was not there!

Since I check my email on three different computers, I checked all of them.
checked  under downloads, I checked under "sent mail". The email in question
was no where in my computers.

Since I has sent a reply, I figured that at least I would have a copy of his
email in the reply that I had sent.

So I checked all emails that I had recently sent to my webmaster. I checked
them on all three computers. My email in which I told the webmaster to pull
the webpage on Monday.... was no where to be found.

Suddenly the lightbulb went off again.

A friend had recently told me that my webmaster had sent him an email that
said I was "psychologically not prepared for what was happening to the Rumor
Mill"  That original vanishing email also implied that what was happening to
the Rumor Mill was going to get worse.

"If my friend could get a vanishing email from my webmaster... maybe that is
what I just received."

Then the real light bulb went off.

"My webmaster didn't send these emails... this is just part of the 'attacks'
that have been plaguing the Rumor Mill in recent days."

I immediately put in a telephone call to my webmaster. He wasn't home. So I
wrote several emails bringing him up to date on what my "strange" emails to
him were really about.

Before he called back, I had confirmed with several computer people that a
program does exist that makes your email "safe". Such a program could easily
be referred to as "vanishing" email. Evidently the program will prevent you
from copying, saving, printing or forwarding a "private" email. The email
will vanish within a specified amount of time.

My friend told me that these programs were used by governments and larger
corporations for "secure" communications. My friend also told me that a
program does exist which can retrieve these "vanishing" emails. He said he
would look for one, because if he finds it, not only can we retrieve the
vanishing email, we can find out who really sent it.

Needless to say, my webmaster called, I told him what had been going on, and
he finally understood the strange emails he had just recieved.

My webmaster is a part time webmaster who has been working for free until we
get enough visitors to the site that advertizing will be worthwhile. He has
understood this from the beginning. And this was why his message in the
"vanishing email" was so startling and unexpected.

Needless to say, when I thought that my webmaster was going to pull down the
webpage, I set in motion a number of ideas and wheels to insure that such a
thing will not end the life of Rumor Mill News.

Pull up the "mirror site"   <A
HREF="http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/rayelan/index.html">Rumor Mill News
Agency</A>  and you will see that Rumor Mill News has touched the "truth
button" in a lot of people. When my friends and readers realized what might
happen to Rumor Mill, several of them began building their own Rumor Mill
News "mirror sites". At the moment, I have no idea how many "mirror" sites
are floating around out in cyber space... but one thing I now know...

If the cyber terrorist who issued a threat to Rumor Mill... and posted it on
the Rumor Mill Forum, thinks he can get pull down the Rumor Mill, he will
have to realize that it will fall in one place, and pop back up in another.
The Rumor Mill will be like one of those ducks in the shooting galleries at
local fairs. You may shoot it down in one spot, but it will keep popping
up in another place and in another form.

When the goverment told Chip Tatum that he should remove his site "or else".
his site vanished. But the way in which it happened,  made Chip Tatum far
more famous than  he was when his site was up and he was in communication
with people.

When Paul Wilcher was alive, only a small circle of investigators had ever
known or talked with him. His name is now known by tens of millions of
informed people around the world.

The government should know that it is far better to ignore people like
Wilcher and me. Ignoring us makes us look insignificant, killing us or
sabotaging us makes us into martyrs. And at this moment in history, one
the government doesn't need is another martyr, around which people will

Shortly after I had partly solved my problem. I received  a call from one of
my Sources in the Military side of Faction Three. He asked me what my
was and who I thought was behind it. He didn't want the facts, he just
the names of the people that I knew were part of the attacks, or whom I
suspected to be part of the attacks. As is usually his case, the call was
quick and to the point. But he told me in no uncertain terms, that I wasn't
to sit silently and think I could handle things like this myself. I was told
that if it starts again, that I am immediately to get in contact with his

Several hours later, I received a call from the civilian side of Faction
Three. They also knew that I had been under attack. I had not told either
group of my Sources that something was going on. I am not sure how they

I was given a direct order that the next time I am in trouble, I am supposed
to call for help, and not think that I can handle this by myself.

For the moment, it appears that life has returned to normal. All of my
computers are working, all of my phone lines  are working, I am no longer
receiving harassing emails or telephone calls.

Let's hope the calm lasts for a while. The civilian side of Faction Three
give me some information. As soon as I write it up, I will send it out.

Don't forget to pull up the radio show and listen to Claire. I know you will
be impressed with the depth of information that you will hear.

I will keep you posted on who next week's guest will be, but at the moent,
she is deciding between a repeat of Walter Burien, Admiral Thomas Moorer or
one other recent guest who has discovered what I refer to as "WTO---the
second phase"

Informed Consent
Hosted by Claire Lee.

Claire is one of the most throrough researchers that I have ever met. She
understands the full picture and her guests are at the leading edge of the
movement to expose corruption at all levels and restore our freedoms.

Informed Consent
Starts Wednesday December 15th

I do not know at this moment if it will be archived. I hope it will be. Send
an email to the station and ask them. Also, if you listen and like Claire---
let the station know.

Claire's Guests on Informed Consent
For Wednesday, December 15, 1999
2PM to 4PM PST

In the first hour Claire will speak to protestors who were at the WTO in
Seattle. They were pepper sprayed, and arrested. A lawyer, a Presbyterian
Minister, an activist and the Director of an institute for International

You will learn the story of what really happened in Seattle. You will also
hear how the WTO is allowing giant pharmacuetical companies to patent
grown ancient remedies, thereby prohibiting people of the local countryside
from using the product without buying it from an international corporation.

The guests in the second hour are :

Vic Namotti,The Director of the Environmental Program at the International
Forum on Globalization and David Kortin, Author of When Corporations Rule

I sincerely hope that you will support the Sponsors. If you do, you will be
supporting the Rumor Mill also.

Listen to the live show.

(Informed Consent is carried live on KOMY 1340... the sister station to KSCO
1080. Check out the list of locally produced radio shows)

I have been told that her shows will not be archived. I am trying to find
if rumor Mill News will be able to install the archive equipment and archive
the shows on our webpage.


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RMNews, The Uncensored National Rumor

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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