-Caveat Lector-

We have learned in the last decade from our behavioral science studies that
aggression is a secondary behavior of humans-that when they get what they
need, when they need it, and are not overwhelmed, they are spontaneously
benevolent; it is only when they become desperate that they become aggressive
because what they have relied on is no longer working. There are two kinds of
social behavior manifest today around the world the benign and the
aggressive. It is probable that this dichotomy occurred in the
human-versus-animal confrontation in the ice age time.

When an ice age starts to recede, the horsemen start north-hunting with clubs
and spears. At the same time, moving much more slowly, we have the beginnings
of great tribes of humans following their flocks of goats and sheep as the
latter lead them to the best pastures-sometimes high on mountainsides,
sometimes on great plains. With the big man as king-the head shepherd-we have
humanity migrating off into a wilderness that seemed to have no limits. The
land belonged to the Great Spirit. The people lived on the flesh of their
animals and the encountered fruits, berries, nuts, and herbs. They kept
themselves warm with clothing made of the skins of the animals and also with
environment-controlling tents made of local saplings and the animal skins. We
have a king shepherd, from the day of the giants, tending his people and his
flock, when along comes a little man on a horse, with a club hanging by his
side. He rides up to the king shepherd and, towering above him, says, "Well,
Mr. Shepard, those are very beautiful sheep you have there.  You know, it's
very dangerous to have such beautiful sheep out there in the wilderness.  The
wilderness is very dangerous."  The shepard responds, "We've been out in the
wilderness for generations and we've had no trouble at all."

Night after night thereafter sheep begin to disappear. Each day along comes
the man on the horse. He says, "Isn't that too bad. I told you it was very
dangerous out here. Sheep disappear out in the wilderness, you know." Finally
there is so much trouble that the shepard agrees to accept and pay in sheep
for the horseman's "protection" and to operate exclusively within the
horseman's self-claimed land.

No one dared question the horseman's claim that he owned the land on which
the horseman said the shepherd was trespassing. The horseman had his club
with which to prove that he was the power structure of that locale; he stood
high above the shepherd and could ride in at speed to strike the shepherd's
head with his club.  This was how, multimillennia ago, twentieth-century
racketeers' "protection" and territorial "ownership" began. For the first
time little people learned how to become the power structure and how thereby
to live on the productivity of others.

Then there came great battles between other individuals on horses to
determine who could realistically say, "I own this land." Ownership changed
frequently. The ownership-claiming strategy soon evolved into horse-mounted
warfare as each gang sought to overwhelm the other. Then the horse-mounted
gangs, led by a most wily leader, used easily captured hu- man prisoners to
build them stone citadels at strategic points. Surrounded by prisoner-built
moats rigged with drawbridges and drawgates, they would come pouring out to
overwhelm caravans and others crossing their domains. "Deeds" to land evolved
from deeds of arms. Then came enormous battles of gangs of gangs, and the
beginning of the great land barons. Finally we get to power-structure mergers
and acquisitions, topped by the most wily and powerful of all-the great

This is how humans came to own land. The sovereign paid off his promises to
powerful supporters by signing deeds to land earned by the physical deeds of
fighting in shrewd support of the right leader. Thereafter emperors
psychologically fortified the cosmic aspect of their awesome power by having
priests of the prevailing religions sanctify their land-claiming as accounted
simply either by discovery or by arms.

In another set of events that opportuned the power structure the land barons
discovered the most geographically logical trading points for caravaning: a
place where one caravan trail would cross another  caravan trail; where, for
instance, the caravaners came to an oasis or maybe to a seaport harbor and
transfer some of their goods from the camel caravans to the boats. The
caravaners would say, "Let's exchange goods right here. Fine. You need
something; I have it."

One day they're exchanging goods when along comes a troop of armed brigands
on horseback. The head horseman says, "It's pretty dangerous exchanging
valuable things out here in the wilderness." caravaners' leader says, "No, we
never have any trouble out here. We have been doing this for many
generations." Then their goods begin to be stolen nightly, and finallyb the
merchants agree to accept and pay for "protection." That was the be- ginning
of the walled city. The horse-mounted gangsters brought prisoners along to
build the city's walls and saw to it that all trading was carried on inside
the walls. The lead baron then gave each of his supporters control of
different parts of that city so that each could collect his share of the

This is how we came to what is called, archeologically, the city-state, which
was to become a very powerful affair. There were two kinds: the
agrarian-productivity exploiting type and the trade-route-confluence
exploiting type. These produced all the great walled cities such as Jericho
and Babylon.

The agrarian-supported city-state works in the following manner: For example,
we have Mycenae in Greece, a beautiful and fertile valley. It is ringed
around with mountains. You can see the mountain passes from the high hill in
the center of the valley. At the foot of the high central hill there is a
very good well. So they build a wall around the citadel on the top of that
mid-valley hill and wails leading down to and around the well so that they
can get their water. When they see the enemy coming through the passes, the
Mycenaeans bring all the food inside their walls and into their already-built
masonry grain bins. What they can't bring inside the walls, they burn- which
act was called "scorching the flelds.' The enemy enters the fertile valley,
but there's nothing left for them to eat. The enemy army has to "live on its
belly"-which means on the foods found along their route of travel- and is
hungry on arrival in the valley. The people inside have all the food. The
people outside try to break into the walled city, but they are over- whelmed
by its height and its successfully defended walls. Finally the people
outside-only able to go for about thirty days without food-get weaker and
weaker, then the people inside come out and decimate them.

This was the city-state. It was a successful invention for a very long period
in history. At the trade-route convergences city-states operated in much the
same way but on a much larger scale with the siege-resisting supplies brought
in by caravans or ships. The city-states were approximately in Miscible until
the siege of Troy. Troy was the city-state controlling the integrated
water-and-caravaning traffic between Asia and Europe near the Bosporus. It
had marvelous walls. Everything seemed to be favorable for its people.

Meanwhile in history, we have millennia of people venturing forth on the
world's waters-developing the first rafts, which had to go where the ocean
currents took them; then the dugouts, with which they paddled or catamaraned
and sailed in preferred directions; and finally the ribbed-and-planked ship,
suggested to them by the stout spine and rib cage of the whales, seals and
humans-stoutly keeled and ribbed, deep-bellied ships. With their large ships
made possible by this type of construction, sailors came to cross the great
seas carrying enormous cargoes-vastly greater cargoes than could be carried
on the backs of humans or animals. Ships could take the short across-the-bay
route instead of the around-the-bay mountain route.

The Phoenicians, Cretans, and the Mycenaeans, together, in fleets of these
big-ribbed and heavily planked ships, went to Troy and besieged it. Up to
this time the besiegers of Troy had come overland, and they soon ran out of
food. But the Troy-besieging Greeks and Cretans came to Troy in ships, which
they could send back for more supplies. This terminally-turned-around
voyaging back to the supply sources and return to the line of battle was
called their "line of supply." The new line-of-supply masters-the
Greeks-starved out the Trojans. The Trojans thought they had enough food but
had not reckoned on the people besieging them having these large ships. The
Trojan horse was the large wooden ship-that did the task of horses-out of
whose belly poured armed troops.

At this time the power structure of world affairs shifts from control by the
city-state to the masters of the lines of supply. At this point in the
history of swiftly evolving, multibanked, oar- and sail-driven fighting
ships, the world power-structure control shifts westward to Italy. While
historians place prime emphasis on the Roman legions as establishing the
power of the Roman Empire, it was in fact the development of ships and the
overseas line of supply upon which its power was built-by transporting those
legions and keeping them supplied.

Go to Italy, and you will see all the incredibly lovely valleys and great
caste/los commanding each of those valleys such as you saw in the typical
city-states, and you can see that none of those walls has ever been breached.
Also in Italy-in the northeastern corner-is Ven- ice, the headquarters of the
water-people. The Phoenicians~phonetically the Venetians-had their south
Mediterranean headquarters in Carthage in northern Africa. In their western
Mediterranean and Atlantic venturings the Phoenicians became the Veekings.
The Phoenicians-venetians....in their ships voyaged around the whole coast of
Italy and sent in their people to each caste//c, one by one. The Venetians
had an unlimited line of supply, and the people inside each costello did not.
The people inside were starved out. Thus, all of the regional masters of the
people in Italy hated the Venetians-Phoenicians..veekings who were able to do
this. There being as yet no Suez Canal, the new world power structure
centered in the ship mastery of the line of supply finaliy forcing the Roman
Empire to shift its headquarters to Constantinople some ten centuries after
the fall of Troy. The Roman emperor-pope's bodyguards were the
Veekings-Vikings, the water-peoples' most powerful frontier fighters. The
line of supply from Asia to Constantinople was partially caravan-borne and
partially water-borne via Sinkiang-Khyber Pass-Afghanistan or via the Sea of
Azov, the Caspian and the Black seas. From Constantinople, the western
Europe-bound traffic was rerouted from overland to waterway routes. Because
the Asia-to-Constantinople half of the trading was more
land-borne-via-caravans, whose routes were dominated by the
city-state-mastering Turks, Constantinople in due course was taken over by
the Turks who established the Byzantine Empire in the Aegean Sea and Asia

Before leaving the subject of the great power-structure struggle for control
of the most important, greatest cargo-tonnage-transporting most profitable,
Asia-to-Europe trade routes, we must note that the strength of the Egyptian
Empire was predicated upon its pre-Suez function as a trade route link
between Asia and Europe via the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, overland  caravan
to the Nile, and then water-borne to Alexandria, or via Somaliland, overland
to the headwaters of the Nile, and thence to Alexandria.  The latter route
was not economically competitive but was the route of travel of the
ship-designing and -building arts that in due course brought the stoutly
keeled, heavily ribbed, big-bellied ships into the Mediterranean.

 We have seen the Greek Alexander the Great crossing Persia and reaching the
Indian Ocean, thus connecting with the Phoenician trading to Asia.  A
thousand years later the Crusaders—ostensibly fighting for holy reasons—were
the Indian Ocean—Phoenician-Venetian-Veeking water-borne power structure
fighting the older overland—Khyber Pass power structure over mastery of the
trade route between Asia and Europe.

In our "Humans in Universe" chapter we spoke about the 600—200 B.C. Greeks'
discovery that our Earth is a sphere and a planet of the solar system. This
was the typical scientific product of a water-navigation people.

We witnessed also the originally horse-mounted Roman Empire's destruction of
such knowledge, as their earlier grand strategy sought to reestablish the
Asia-to-Europe trade pattern via Constantinople and the inland, overland,
Khyber Pass route. This explains why the power structure saw fit to
Dark-Age-out the mariners' spherical concept. It explains Ptolemy's 200 A.D.
conic map's cutting off the around-Africa route mapped by Eratosthenes 400
years earlier.

With the world three-quarters water the bigger ship-producing capability was
the beginning of a complete change in the control of human affairs. Higger
and better engineering was developed. The rival power structures were focused
on the water supply lines. The Romans' overland road to England became
obsolete. The Phoenician ships sailing out through Gibraltar into the
Atlantic outperformed them. This shifted the battles among the world
trade-route power structures from on-the-land popular visibility to popularly
unwitnessed seascape.  Long years of great battles of the corsairs, the
pirates of the Barbary Coast, and so forth were unwitnessed and unknown to
the land people.  Who the power structures might be became popularly

Finally, bigger ships got out of the Mediterranean and into the Atlantic,
around Africa to the Orient, and then around the world. Thus, "those in the
know" rediscovered that the world is a sphere and not an infinitely extended
lateral plane.  Great battles ensued--waged under the flags of England,
France, and Spain--to determine who would become supreme master of the
world's high-seas line of supply.  These great nations were simply the
operating fronts of behind-the-scenes, vastly ambitious individuals who had
become so effectively powerful because of their ability to remain invisible
while operating behind the national scenery.  Always their victories were in
the name of some powerful sovereign-ruled country.  The real power structures
were always the invisible ones behind the visible sovereign powers.

Because the building of superior fleets of ships involved a complex of
materials to produce not only the wooden hulls but the metal fastenings and
the iron anchors and chains and the fiber ropes and cloth sails, and because
woods from many parts of the world excelled in various functions of hull,
masts, spars, oars, etc., large money credits for foreign purchase of these
and other critical supplies brought control of the sea enterprising into the
hands of international bankers.

The building of invisible world-power-structure controls operates in the
following manner. Suppose you know how and have the ambition, vision, and
daring to build one of these great ships. You have the mathematics. You have
the positioning of numbers that enables you-or your servants to calculate the
engineering data governing the design of hulls, spars, rigging, etc., and all
the other necessary calculations for the building of a ship capable of
sailing all the way to the Orient and returning with the incredible treasures
that you have learned from travelers are to be found there. One trip to the
Orient-and a safe return to Europe-could make you a fortune.  "Therer are
fabulous stores of treasures in the Orient to be cashed in--if my ship comes

The building of a ship required that you be so physically powerful a fight-
ing man-commanding so many other fighting men as to have a large reg- iment
of people under your control-that you must have the acknowledged power to
command all the people in your nation who are carpenters to work on your
ship; all your nation's metalworkers to work on the fastenings, chain plates,
chains, and anchors of your ship; all those who can make rope and all the
people who grow fibers for your rope; all the people who grow, spin, and
weave together the fabrics for your sails. Thus, all the skilled people of
the nation had to be employed in the building and outfitting of your ship. In
addition you had to command all the farmers who produced the food to feed not
only themselves but also to feed all those skilled people while they built
the ship-and to feed all your army and all your court. So there was no way
you could possibly produce one of these great ships unless you were very,
very powerful.

Even then, in building ships, there were many essential materials that you
didn't have in your own nation and so had to purchase from others. You also
needed working cash-money to cope with any and all unforeseen events that
could not be coped with by use of muscle or the sword-money to trade with.
It was at this stage of your enterprise that the banker entered into the
equation of power.

Up until 1500 B.C. all money was cattle, lambs, goats, or pigs-live money
that was real life-support wealth, wealth you could actually eat. Steers were
by far the biggest food animal, and so they were the highest denomination of
money. The Phoenicians carried their cattle with them for trading, but these
big creatures proved to be very cumbersome on long voyages. This was the time
when Crete was the headquarters of the big-boat people and their new supreme
weapon-the lines-of-supply-control ship. Crete was called the Minoan
civilization, the bull civilization, worshippers of the male fertility god.

The pair of joined bull's horns symbolized that the particular ship carried
real-wealth traders-that there were cattle on board to be exchanged for
local-wealth items. The Norsemen with their paired-horn headdress were the
Phoenician, Veenetian, Veeking (spelled Viking but pronounced "Veeking" by
the Vikings). Veenetians, Phoenicians. (Punitians, Puntits, Pundits. Pu-nic
Wars. Punt = boat = the boat people. Pun in some African Colored languages
means "red," as in Red Sea.). The Veekings were simply the northernmost
European traders. The Veekings, Veenitians, Feenicians, Friesians-i.e.,
Phoenicians, Portuguese-were cross-breeding water-world

Graduating from carrying cattle along for trading in 1500 B.C. the
Phoenicians invented metal money, which they first formed into iron
half-rings that looked like a pair of bull's horns. (Many today mistake them
for bracelets.) Soon the traders found that those in previously unvisited
foreign countries had no memory of the cattle-on-board trading days and
didn't recognize the miniature iron bull horn. If metal was being used for
trading, then there were other kinds of metal they preferred trading with
people--silver, copper, and gold were easy to judge by hefting and were more
aesthetically pleasing than the forged iron bull horn symbols.

This soon brought metal coinage into the game of world trading, with the
first coin bearing the image of the sovereign of the homeland of the

This switch to coinage occurred coincidentally at just about the same time as
the great changeover from city-state dominance to line-of-supply dominance of
the power-structure group controlling most of world affairs. This was the
time when the Phoenicians began trading with people of so many different
languages that, in need of a means of recording the different word sounds
made by people around the world, the Phoenicians invented phonetic
spelling-Phoenician spelling-which pronounced each successive sound
separately and invented letter symbols for each sound. With phonetic spelling
human written communication changed very much-from the
visual-metaphor-concept writing of the Orient, accomplished with complex
idea-graphics (ideographs), several of which frequently experienced,
generalized cartoons told the whole story visually. It was a big change from
ideographs to the Phoenicians' phonetic spelling, wherein each letter is a
single sound-having no meaning in itself-and whereby it took several sounds
to make  a whole word and many such words to make any sense-i.e., a sentence.
This is the historical event that Ezra Pound says coincides with the story of
the Tower of Babel. Pound says that humanity was split into a babble of
individually meaningless sounds while losing the conceptual symbols of whole
ideas-powerful generalizations. You had to become an expert to understand the
phonetic letter code. The spelling of words excluded a great many people from
communicating, people who had been doing so success- fully with ideographs.

This gradual alteration of world trading devices from cattle to gold brought
about the world-around development of pirates who, building small  but swift
craft, could on a dark night board one of the great merchant ships just
before it reached home, richly laden after a two-year trip to the Orient, and
take over the ship and, above all, its gold. With the gold captured, the
pirates often burned the vanquished ship.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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