-Caveat Lector-

Today's (1980) world-power-structures struggle is one between the U.S.S.R.
and big capitalism, which we now call lawyer capitalism, which deliberately
took the world's private-enterprise corporations out of the fundamental
jurisdiction of America. They have kept their U.S.A. operations going in a
seemingly normal way, so people in U.S. America haven't realized that these
companies are officially situated elsewhere despite the incredible
amplification of those great corporations' annual profits, whose annual
totals payable to these corporations' stockholders are of the same magnitude
as the annual increase in the U.S.A.'s joint internal and external debt

Amenca is utterly bankrupt externally in terms of balance of trade due to its
own oil companies now operating as Arabian business. The national debt at the
time of the New Deal was $33 billion-which was the cost of World War I.
Before World War I we frequently had no national debt whatever. We have today
a national debt that exceeds $800 billion-30 percent of that indebtedness
came from underwriting of ever-longer-term mortgages. In 1934 the U.S.A.
underwrote a completely obsolete building industry while Eisenhower allowed
the banking world to make an incredible amount of money in interest rates and
services (in 1978 over Si billion just for transferring home-ownership deeds)
in support of the building and real estate game, which building industry-if
it were any good-would pay the U.S.A. back handsomely. The U.S.A. cannot even
pay the annual interest on its $800 billion national debt. That is why the
Nixon presidency and all those since have had to enter each year with a
negative budget, acknowledging that at year's end the U.S.A. will be a $100
billion-magnitude unrecoverably deeper in debt. Our foreign-trade-balance
indebtedness is (as of September 1979) $104 billion ($86 billion if foreign
branches of U.S. banks are taken into account). Sum-totally, what has been
taken from the  people of the U.S.A. runs into many trillions of dollars. In
the quarter of a century since Eisenhower America has become completely
bankrupt, with its world leadership, its financial credit, and its reputation
for courage, vision, and human leadership gone.

None of this was the American people's doing. It was all done in an
absolutely legal but utterly invisible manner by the lawyer-capitalism.
Individual bankers, industrial-corporation officers, et al. have had to do
what their lawyers told them to do. No bad people have been involved. The
lawyers were following their survival instinct -and doing so completely
legally. Everything we have reported here has been published at one time or
another, but with the individual items often so far apart from the last
relevant item that the public has tended not to remember and associate the
items. As a consequence the total picture presented here is approximately
unknown to any but the Wall Street lawyers' grand strategists, most of whom
are no longer alive.

One of my earliest books was Nine Chains to the Moon, written in 1935 and
published by Lippincott in July 1938, and now being published by Doubleday.
In it I referred so frequently to Finance Capitalism that I developed a
contraction of those two words into FINCAP. FINCAP had died a lingering death
between 1929 and 1934. In this book, Critical Path, I refer so often to the
lawyer-resurrected "capitalism" that it is appropriate to refer henceforth to
LAWCAP. LAWCAP's "capitalism" is paradoxically the most highly socialized
organization in all history-the citizens of LAW- CAP's welfare-state--the
whole body of corporate stockholders-having an annual average dole of
$100,000 per capita without their even having to make a pretense of getting a

If we take the billions of dollars given in the 1930s to the great U.S.A.
defense-industries corporations by the New Deal's Reconstruction Finance
Corporation . . if we take the hidden tax-deduction subsidies to do research,
development, and advertising given to all these companies in pre- 1942
dollars between 1933 and 1980. . if we take the $100 billion in foreign aid
that paid for the overseas establishment of the great corporations ... if we
take the $155 billion of atomic know-how and development taken over by the
oil companies.., and if we take the number of fine ounces of gold bullion
taken out of America exclusively by the capitalist world's banking system . .
. and if we take a reasonably low estimate of the unknown billions of dollars
taken out of the U.S.A. by the CIA to operate exclusively on be- half of
international capitalism without the knowledge or authority of the people of
the U.S. of America's quasi-democracy. . . and if we multiply the sum of the
foregoing figures by twenty-five, which is the amount to which our present
U.S.A. dollars have been depreciated between the time of the appropriations
and January 1, 1980, we come to a figure in the magnitude of $6 trillion that
has been legally transferred from the U.S.A. people's national capital
account over to the capital ownership account of the stock-holders of the
1000 largest, transnational, exclusively American-flag-flying corporations.

The transnationally operating LAWCAP in the early 'SOs resurrected the
twenty-year-dead EINCAP and its "capitalist" world and left only its
American-flag-flying storefronts in the U.S.A. to cover its comprehensive
financial withdrawal from the U.S.A. LAWCAP silently and invisibly moved
capitalism's big-time operations into the any-legally-propitious-elsewhere.
With its invisibly operating CIA (Capitalism's Invisible Army) LAWCAP
exploited the unwitting citizens of the U.S.A. in order-they hoped-to destroy

The 1947-50 LAWCAP decision to start a World War III had two ob- jectives:
(1) to keep capitalism in business, and (2) to prevent the Russians from
employing their industrial productivity to produce a higher standard of
living for their own people than that demonstrated in the U.S.A. LAW- CAP's
decision to start World War III inaugurated history's greatest game of poker,
with the U.S.S.R. as a very reluctant player, worried about its "home-folks'"
political agitation for a few "goodies." It became a poker game that called
for each side adding approximately $100 billion per year into the "killingry
kitty." They have now done so for thirty years. This amounts to $6 trillion.
By complete coincidence $6 trillion happens to be approximately the same
magnitude as that of the total mileage per year traveled by light operating
at 186,000 miles each second of the year. Throughout those thirty years, the
U.S.A.-half of this $6 trillion (that is, $3 trillion) was redeposited at
various turnover rates per year in the Western-world banks, and the latter
continually reloaned those dollars, at historically unprecedentedly high
rates, to armaments industry. The net of it all was to convert science and
technology's highest capability into accomplishing the killing of ever more
people at ever greater distances in ever shorter time. LAWCAP's comprehensive
grand strategy had its Achilles' heel.

Having successfully lifted $6 trillion from the mid-twentieth-century world's
leading nation-the U.S.A. and its people-LAWCAP puppeted the U.S.A.'s people
into expending another of their own $6 trillion in playing "the drop-dead
killingry poker game" with the U.S.S.R. exclusively on behalf of invisible
LAWCAP. The latter was sure that with its complete control of all the world's
money to back the U.S.A., the latter could not lose the killingry poker game
with the U.S.S.R. Counting on winning the poker game, LAWCAP started planning
its own post-World War III future. LAWCAP once more deceived its
so-easy-to-deceive U.S.A. puppet with the kibitzing of the U.S.A's playing of
its killingry poker hand. LAWCAP did so through its enormous media control
and its election-funding and lobbying power of the American political game.
LAWCAP had its political leaders convince the U.S.A. people that they were
playing the poker game so satisfactorily that the U.S.A. assumed that it was
far ahead in atomic bombs, which gave it complete national security and
assumedly maintained its world-around power and prestige.

LAWCAP was confident that with ownership of all money and control of all the
Western world's arms-producing facilities, they could outlast the U.S.S.R's
ability to cope with its internal pressure for shifting its produc- tivity
toward its people's life-style-as surreptitiously agitated for by the CIA's
psycho-guerilla operations. Because it was a "poker game" the Russians,
realizing that intercontinentally delivered warheads with a twenty-minute lag
between rocket blast-off and landing bang-off inadvertently provided a
twenty-minute radar lead, that meant for the first time in the history of war
that both sides would be able to see the other side shooting at them twenty
minutes before the bullets would reach them, which gave both sides twenty
minutes within which to get away all of both sides' atomic bombs, gases,
germs, and death rays before the Big Bang, thus producing the first war in
history in which both sides and all their allies would lose. To be a survivor
of such a war would be worse than being killed by it. Planet Earth would be
humanly untenable.

Because the Russians knew all this was so, and the American people did not
seem to know it was so, the Russians assumed after the Khrushchev-Eisenhower
Oeneva Meeting of 1955 that atomic bomb warfare would never occur-that is the
way the U.S.S.R. played their poker hand. They assumed only enough atomic
bomb-making to camouflage their strategy, while they counted on conventional
arms, vast divisions of armed and trained men, and the greatest ever of world
history's line-of-world-supply-controlling navies. The latter featured all of
their now-perfected Vertol planes, being above-the-sea-surface-emitted,
vertically ascending into the sky from enormous-bellied atomic submarines,
moving far more swiftly submerged -seventy knots- than could the
surface-battling, forty- to fifty-knot aircraft carriers. This the U.S.S.R.
assessed to be the world-winning strategy.

The reason that LAWCAP's strategy kibitzed its U.S.A. players into holding
four atomic bomb "aces" and an aircraft carrier "king" was because LAWCAP
wanted to be sure that the atomic energy technology was so advanced and
proliferated by World War III's end that they could employ its
U.S.A-peoples-paid-for basic equipment and widely developed uranium mines and
production sources and its scientific personnel to produce the energy to run
through their money-making meters after their fossil fuels were exhausted.

LAWCAP's cupidity outwitted its wisdom. LAWCAP's sense of evolutionary-event
acceleration was faulty. They bluffed only the people of the U.S.A-not the

The Russians have now attained so commanding a lead in the killingry poker
game that even the U.S.A. president concedes that it would take the U.S.A. a
minimum of ten years to restrategy itself so that it could in any way cope
with the Russians' "conventional" naval supremacy and its vastly greater
numbers of modernly armed divisions of world-around warfaring capabilities.

In the meantime as already mentioned the United States has gone completely
bankrupt internally, its national indebtedness coming very close to a
trillion dollars and its balance of trade debt to $109 billion-worsening at a
horrendous rate due to LAWCAP's arranging to force the U.S.A. to obtain
almost half its petroleum energy from the Near East. The U.S.A. has for eight
years past been unable to meet even the interest on its internal debt as
demonstrated by a negative balance of trade. Its future credit has been
hypothecated thirty years beyond Armageddon. Nothing to stop the U.S.
Treasury from issuing 2050 notes, but for how far into the future can LAW-CAP
keep selling U.S.A. promissory notes?

Unless God has something else in mind, it looks as though it will not be long
before LAWCAP's kibitzing of the U.S.A. will have lost the $6-trillion
killingry poker game. Russia will not hesitate to "call" the U.S.A. hand and
rake in the winnings of omniworld, line-of-supply control-maritime,
aeronautical, and astronautical.

In one way the U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. citizens are in much the same
socioeconomic position. The Communist party which runs the U.S.S.R. consists
of about 1 percent of their total population, while the U.S.A. is controlled
by about the same 1 percent, who are the LAWCAP strategists of the great
U.S.A. corporations.

The U.S.A. is not run by its would-be "democratic" government. All the latter
can do is try to adjust to the initiatives already taken by LAWCAP's great
corporations. Nothing could be more pathetic than the role that has to be
played by the President of the United States, whose power is approximately
zero. Nevertheless, the news media and most over-thirty-years-of-age U.S.A.
citizens carry on as if the president had supreme power. All that he and the
Congress can do is adjust to what the "free-enterprise system" has already
done. They are riding on the snapping end of the power-structure dragon's

If I had not been studying and working for a half-century on the assumption
that this present state of affairs would come about at about this moment in
history, I would have to be very pessimistic now about the human affairs of
the 7 percent of the world's population situated within the national
boundaries of the U.S.A. let alone critically threatened omnihumanity. But,
in fact, I have been studying and working anticipatorily throughout all those
intervening fifty-three years, and I know what I am talking about.  The world
now has an option to become comprehensively and sustainingly successful-for
all-and that is what this book is about: How to do so . . . and do so
expeditiously enough to succeed within the time limit. "How to do so" is
implicit in the chapters that follow starting with the manner in which I came
to discover the critical options and the individual self-disciplines that
came naturally to disclose the grand strategy of human survival and
successful functioning.

Only cosmic costing accounts for the entirely interdependent electro-chemical
and ecological relationships of Earth's biological evolution and cosmic
intertransformative regeneration in general. Cosmic costing accounts as well
for the parts played gravitationally and radiationally in the totality within
which our minuscule planet Earth and its minuscule star the Sun are
interfunctionally secreted. Cosmic costing makes utterly ludicrous the
selfish and fearfully contrived "wealth" games being reverentially played by
humanity aboard Earth. Fortunately, the Sun does not demand payment for all
the energy that it delivers by radiation to Earth in the overall cosmic
scheme, which is trying to make humanity a success despite our overwhelming
ignorance and fear.  The stars are trying to tell humanity to awake and
prosper and to consciously assume the important cosmic responsibilities for
which it was designed.Since realization and fulfillment of that
responsibility involve evolutionary discovery by humanity of the cosmic
stature of its mind and the inconsequentiality of its muscle, the planting of
humans on Earth may not bear fruit. When Universe is developing important
functional interdependencies, she does not put all her embryos in the same
proverbial "basket," (or fiscus). So poor is the probability of
self-discovery by humans of the infinite potential of the mind and the
relative triviality of human musclepower (which is not even as capable as a
grasshopper's) great nature must have planted a myriad of
human-function-equivalent seedlings on a myriad of planets. In order to
succeed as local-in-Universe critical information-gatherers and
local-in-Universe problem-solvers in support of the integrity of eternally
regenerative scenario Universe, the human-function equipment for local-
in-Universe information-gathering will be as variable as the varied
environments in Universe. Rarely will they have the appearance of human
organisms—such would be employed only under environmental conditions similar
to those of planet Earth.

The first manifestation that humanity may make good on this planet will be
the serious introduction of cosmic costing into the mainstream deliberations
of Earthians.Cosmic accounting completely eliminates the economic validity of
bankruptcy accounting, except when humans make the mistake of trying to hoard
or withdraw critical "capital" assets from production functioning. Withdrawal
of capital assets is akin to attempting to withdraw one of the stars from the
celestial system. Into what Universe, other than the cosmic totality, may the
star be transferred? Every atom and electron is an essential part of the
eternally regenerative—ergo, totally inexhaustible (but always locally ebbing
and flooding)—.pulsative Universe.


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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