-Caveat Lector-

> >
> >  -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > I think the pheremone scenting organ in the sinuses is something that
> > possibly did have a function and use that has been lost (at least
> > since there are those who attribute to it SOME function today).  As for
> > "senses" that have been lost I am in favor of ESP like powers, a sort of
> > HYPER-intuition, which due to civilization, and the proximity of large
> > amounts of human beings and extraneous sensory stimuli which it
> > brings, has been largely lost or at least we have lost touch with how to
> > access it for the most part.
> >
> >
>I don't know about ESP, but I can personally attest to the FACT that we
>DID NOT LOSE the effectiveness of the pheromone sensing organ.
>I had an intense relationship with a woman I lived with for a few years.
>We eventually broke up and she returned a work shirt of mine which she wore
>a lot. Of course she had laundered it first, but I easily detected her
>This may not seem unusual, but I could continue to do that for YEARS
>even after normal usage as a work shirt by me.
>I speculate that the sense is always there and at work, but is overlaid by
>our regular sense of smell.

A quick comment from a lurker on the list.
I tend to agree/assert that the sense has been dulled through time, but I
believe it is still active.
A baby can identify its' mother by scent.
I lived for a time, platonically, with a woman, and could tell about a day
before anything showed up in the bathroom trash can, that she was about to
cycle. I have no idea how, but I always assumed it was some older, or
animalistic sense that was foretelling the event.
Finally, and most convincingly, for me, is that I have my dogs old leather
collar.  He was put to sleep over 8 years ago, having reached 14 yrs old.
He wore the collar for probably 10 of those 14 years of being my loyal
childhood companion.  To this day, I can place this collar under my nose,
and evoke memories of him.  I can smell him through the still strong smell
of the leather.  My sisters dog, whenever he is at my place, will always
find this item, and inspect it thouroghly by scent.  Other items of leather
are left alone by him, yet this item seems to have an additional scent that
intrigues this 2 yr old dog.  I may be imagining the scent I think I smell,
but the dog is certainly sensing something in that collar.
     I like to believe that my old friends scent is still what I am getting
when I sniff the collar.  I think the abilities of this organ are seriously
muted by some mechanism of natural selection, or possibly industrialized
society, removing the need to pay attention to this sense.
     Just my 2 cents of input.

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