-Caveat Lector-

U.S. estimated figure for doctor-caused death is 155,000 persons.

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
Sunday Times 19th Dec. 1999

Blunders by doctors kill 40,000 a year: Lois Rogers Medical Correspondent

MEDICAL error is the third most frequent cause of death in Britain after
cancer and heart disease, killing up to 40,000 people a year - about four
times more than die from all other types of accident.
Provisional research figures on hospital mistakes show that a further
280,000 people suffer from non-fatal drug-prescribing errors, overdoses and
infections. The victims spend an average of six extra days recovering in
hospital, at an annual cost of £730m in England alone.

A pilot study investigating the issue - the first attempt to measure the
problem in Britain - shows that one in 14 patients suffers some kind of
adverse event such as diagnostic error, operation mistake or drug reaction.

Charles Vincent, head of the clinical risk unit at University College
London, who is leading the study, has pioneered efforts to examine the
extent of clinical errors in Britain. His team has so far concentrated on
two London hospitals. The first data from one hospital showed that 32 out of
480 patients in four different departments were victims of hospital

Vincent's estimate of 40,000 deaths comes from studies showing that 3-4% of
patients in the developed world suffer some kind of harm in hospital. For
70% of them the resulting disability is short-lived, but 14% subsequently

"It is a substantial problem," Vincent said. "There is a need to find out
the true extent of error, what kind of things are going wrong and the cost."
He believes the death rate may be even higher than indicated by the
preliminary figures.

Britain's death rate is comparable to that in America, where recommendations
in a report produced by the Kellogg Foundation three weeks ago are likely to
result in the creation of a new federal agency to protect patients from
medical error.

The report drew on studies that examined the records of 30,195 patients and
found a 3.7% error rate. Of those injured, 14% died. Researchers concluded
that 70% of the errors - and 155,000 deaths - were avoidable.

Anne Rogers is the victim of one of these mistakes in Britain. Her husband
Brian, a father of 10, bled to death after Christopher Ingoldby operated on
him for stomach cancer. He is one of 11 patients whose deaths have been
linked to treatment by Ingoldby.

Pinderfields and Pontefract NHS Trust is investigating 40 other cases of
alleged malpractice involving the surgeon, who has been suspended since
January. But Rogers said last week: "There is no point in making an example
of Ingoldby if they are going to allow another one like him to come and take
his place."

Bill Twist, 42, from Essex, lost his wife Sue, 37, through misdiagnosis and
delay in treating her malignant skin cancer. "If people are dealt with
properly, thousands more could be cured, instead of spending vast sums on
litigation and extra treatment for those who are terminally ill," he said.

Department of Health officials are now examining a proposal for a £1.2m
three-year national study of 20 hospitals and 10,000 medical records to
establish exactly how these avoidable deaths occur and how to prevent them.

Graham Neale, former professor of clinical medicine at Trinity College
Dublin, who is a leading expert on medical risk management, said: "In
Britain outside the weekday hours of nine to five, medical emergencies,
which are often the most difficult things to treat, are left to the most
junior doctors.

"It is disgraceful that nothing has been done. There are far too many errors
happening that are nothing to do with NHS understaffing. They are happening
simply because we have not examined how to avoid them."

In a confidential inquiry's report into perioperative deaths published last
month, doctors admitted that 20,747 British patients had died unexpectedly
during operations or shortly after surgery. A study of junior doctors at 20
hospitals in the north of England revealed that 46% admitted they had given
a wrong drug or the wrong dose at least once in the period under
 Copyright 1999 Times Newspapers Ltd.

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