Thanks John for the effort, research and report;


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: ~~~Federal Detention Centers~~~
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 18:30:27 -0800
From: "Deuce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ok. I went down there myself and can confirm that the building does indeed
exist. I also took a few pictures. I'll comment on the different parts of
this email.

> > The building looks like a cross between a prison and a hospital.  It is
> > huge -- about the height of the Federal Murrah Building but twice the
> > depth -- square rather than rectangular with a gray concrete facade
> > punctuated with small, vertical slit windows.  The lower two or three
> > stories are decorated with red brick.

Basically true, though the design of the building is not quite square.

>>The marquee out in front of the
> > building reads "Federal Detention Center" with a UN insignia above it and
> > address number 2425 below it,

False. There is NO UN insignia. Only a US Department of Justice emblem. I
will forward the photo of this marquee when the film is developed.

> > which piqued my interest, inasmuch as word
> > number 2424 in the New Testament lexicon is the word "Iesous" (Jesus).
> > Words> of opposite meaning are very often found next to each other in
> > alphabetic sequence.

No comment.

> > When he was in Seattle recently, my friend drove with a friend of his to
> > this "Federal Detention Center."  They parked in a spot marked for
> > "visitors," went into the reception area and asked when tours were held.

There are no parking spots marked for visitors, and I highly doubt they were
able to just walk right up to the reception area. I parked on the street
after seeing (and taking a photo) of the sign to the only two entrances of
the parking lot that gave clear warning that all vehicles and people are
subject to search. I then walked onto the parking lot and was immediately
met by a guard who told me to put my hands in the air where he could see
them. He then asked me if I had a camera and told me that I was only allowed
to take pictures from the sidewalk along the main roads. I asked him about
tours. He told me I could talk to the PR guy named Lawrence Tubbs Mon-Fri
between 8:00AM-3:00pm. He was friendly, but said he was not allowed to
answer any other questions. I'll follow up if possible with Mr. Tubbs next

<snip> (about the alledged tour inside. I wasn't allowed in, so can't

> > My friend said that every one of the detention center personnel he saw was
> > black and very large in stature.

I saw the one guard who was shorter than me (I'm 6'0) and not all that large
in stature. He was Asian.

<snip> (more about the inside...can't comment)

> > Outside the facility were parked five or six unmarked busses and several
> > white semi trailers.  Upon looking closer, my friend could see that behind
> > the dark tinted windows of the bus were bars.  He showed us photos of two of

> > the buses.  They were like brand new Greyhound Busses, minus any writing on
> > the thick white line background running the length of the bus with a thin
> > red line above it.

I saw two greyhound-type busses that matched the description above. I wasn't
allowed to get close enough to see in the windows, so I can't confirm bars.
There were no semi trucks or trailers. There were a few white vans and small
delivery-type trucks with the Department of Justice emblems.

> > When they asked what a "Federal Detention Center" was for and how it
> > differed from a State or Federal Prison, they were told that these centers
> > were built under the direction of President Clinton for those who committed
> > federal crimes which fit into three basic categories:
> >
> > (1) Gun Violations
> > (2) Crimes crossing state borders
> > (3) Crimes committed on Indian Reservations
> >
> > Apparently there are eight such structures in the U.S.  My friend showed us
> > a photo of another Detention Center under construction in Oklahoma.

The above info doesn't seem to be correct in that these are no different in
nature from other federal prisons. It is listed with a whole host of others
found on the Federal Bureau of Prisons website.

Main page


Here's the info this site gives for what kind of criminals are held in these

Who is a Federal Inmate?
With a few exceptions, only inmates convicted of violating Federal laws
(laws of the United States) are sent to Federal prisons. Individuals
awaiting trial for violating Federal laws are also held in Federal prisons.
The Federal Bureau of Prisons also houses a few state inmates. However, most
inmates convicted of violating state or local laws are sent to state prisons
or city or county jails. If you are not sure whether a particular prison is
Federal, check Directory on this Web page for a complete list.

> > Each one of these are located at the ends of runways of the major airports
> > of the cities in which they are located, where inmates could be loaded and
> > unloaded aboard large transport aircraft.  My friend called them "Transfer
> > Centers," guessing that they were designed for the future movement of
> > dissident citizens from one concentration camp to another after Martial law
> > has been imposed and confiscation of guns enforced.

I think this is stretching the truth a bit. While I don't put anything past
the Clinton Administration, this is mere speculation and in no way can
anyone say that is what this building is for.

The only thing that has me wondering were the flags displayed out in front
on the flag pole. The top one was clearly a US flag. There was a white one
under it, but there was no wind so I can't tell you what it was. I asked the
guard and he said it was a Washington State flag. I'll have to do some more
research on that because the only Washington State flags I've ever seen are
dark green with the state emblem in the center.

While it was a scary place, it didn't appear any more sinister than any
other Federal prison...and there was no UN symbols or emblems.


Additional information posted on APFNetwork Msg. Board

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