-Caveat Lector-

A couple exerpts from the NY Daily News Online this morning.....

Is it my imagination, or do I smell Hillary's fetid fingerprints ALL OVER


> Housing Secretary Andrew Cuomo yesterday yanked the city's
> power to spend federal funds for the homeless.......
> The move will make New York the only city in the nation whose
> federal aid for the homeless is controlled directly by the
> Clinton administration.........
> Cuomo — whose father is former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo —
> denied that his motives were political. But when asked about
> the Senate race, he said: "Hillary Rodham Clinton is going to
> be the next senator from New York. You heard it here first."

-- The above looks like it may be part of an emerging pattern of
using federal agency clout to help Hillary ...

Slate Magazine
December 18, 1999, Saturday

Creeping Rodhamism!

By: Mickey Kaus


   Paranoid's Corner: There's a Hillary angle to the previous,
epic-length kausfiles item on the Clinton administration's
decision to promote food stamp receipt. It's this: Is the
president's new emphasis on food stamps an attempt to create an
issue for the first lady to use against New York mayor Rudolph
Giuliani, whose administration has been accused of making it too
hard to get the stamps? ... I'm not saying the White House
suddenly ordered the federal department of Health and Human
Services to champion food stamps as a way to help Hillary's
campaign. The repackaging of food stamps as "critical work
supports" (rather than welfare handouts) has been pushed for
years by influential liberal antipoverty 'advocates' such as
Wendell Primus of the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.
Plenty of career HHS officials undoubtedly agree with Primus. But
Primus hasn't won many battles with the triangulating,
welfare-reforming White House lately. Why did the administration
suddenly now agree to give him a victory by taking a "food stamps
are good for you" line? What tipped the balance? Maybe they were
spooked by Primus' statistical calculations showing some
deterioration in the income of the bottom 10% of single parents,
even though those numbers have been looking a lot better
recently. Maybe... .... If you believe that, you probably believe
it was also just a coincidence that Housing and Urban Development
secretary Andrew Cuomo's press release promoting a fairly dry
national study of the homeless happened to mention an advocacy
group's estimate "that in New York City in 1998 it cost $40,000
per year to jail someone, compared with just $12,500 to provide
affordable housing and a variety of supportive services." This
after Giuliani announced a controversial homeless policy that
involved police officers rousting homeless people, with some
going to jail. ... Michael Kelly already noted the leftward drift
of the waning Clinton administration in a recent column. Kelly
blames both Hillary's campaign and Gore's need for liberal
primary voters. But food stamps are more clearly an issue in
Hillary's race than in Gore's.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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