-Caveat Lector-

Listers:  Here is an email I sent to someone today -- helping to try and
explain a mind control victim's situations in another country.  Perhaps this
will help other victims...Judith


Good to hear from you -- good to get your update. I am still pleased that XXX
is living back in XXXXX -- just sounds like the best idea.  At least you are
around for her.  Assuming XXXX is dealing still with a crime assault, you
can't expect that she can handle stuff like school problems, lots of people
in the US now are home schooling kids.  Are her parents still alive?  What
happened to the sister?  Did XXXX get any financial help from parents deaths
at all?  Since my trip to midwest, last August, I really learned a lot about
what this thing appears to be now.  And it is phenomenal how this thing plays
out.  Please give XXXX copies, if you can, of any of my emails, encourage her
to write me, if she needs, wants support.  There is a "good luck" scheme
behind these victims of sort, where contacting a victim can give others
benefits with their lives.  She contacting me might help her, and vica versa.
 And your contacting me may give you good luck, help with life.  I know this,
I have watched this occur for years now around me.  And it has to do partly
with a real phenomena.  This is, I believe the wares games stuff.   LIke
XXXX, I believe that some of these implants may be organic -- they may be
small worms in fact, ZZZZZ.  LIke I said before, they may live, even grow in
body -- like eels they may conduct electrical charges.  Which is why when
they are accessed, the person winds up tortured in body.  But, I also believe
that strong antibiotics may kill them and eventually their waste does go.
But during the time that they are in body they may put out chemicals,
constantly dousing the victim with drugs, which are psychotic to experience.
The implants, and/or creatures in body, may also contain small transmitters
which make the asaults upon the person that much worse.  Doctors may not like
to try to remove them because the worms are hard to kill -- hard to get at,
they move fast when doctors go for them and hide in other parts of the body.
And this is considered really seedy stuff -- satanic-cult stuff. Possibly
Wicca cults too (I am not sure).

What is is probably is a satanic cult's assault upon a person they believe
has gone astray, probably from their mother's "covent" plans, or covenant
chain (hidden-secretive social plans of the cult).  The deal is that most
mothers in the world design plans for kids with local cults for the future of
the child. IF the child doesn't get involved in picking up these plans, the
mother's coven group then goes after the child and assaults it.  OR a sister
or relative too might also use the cult to force, the hard way, a child to
behave as they feel it should.  Then the WHOLE community gets involved
against the kid.  Using chemicals on them, local syndicates can begin
assaulting them, etc.  And these specialized, secretive "curmudgeon" couples,
living in all communities everywhere practically now, control the implanting,
 and druggings of victims like XXXX.  The curmudgeons use victims in wares
games -- implanting them with more electric worms and transmission devices --
and then they obtain these wares fish off of the victims in public and
stalking them in their homes.  The wares fishes are seen on the sidewalks,
dead ones, as large black tar spots.  When the fishes are accessed by crime
syndicates and when they get big ones, these are amazing to see arrive or
materialize.  They appear to come through the air, out of nowhere.  The
electrical pull of these worms & transmitters, attracts them, and they appear
as small as a tiny dot or as large as a 5-6" in diameter.  The larger the
better for pimps.  The fishes put off frequency sends which people use to get
favors with--some people carry these things around with them in public in
purses, etc.  The sends attract suitors.  Etc.  Pimps use them with
prostitutes.  And the fishes when they appear have an amazing frequency
charge to them, it is hard to get near them, and they gravitate to people's
hands.  They look like a large lump of black jelly.  They have a halo which
appears at first in the center, a circle of light, and a white pearl in the
center.  They have an eye of sorts and underneath, I think a mouth.  These
are the large ones...which pimps covet.  The pearls give people sends too --
and can get people favors for their lives.  So people pay handsomelyfor them.
 People everywhere have used the system for favors.  They like it because it
had helped them in the past.  And they also appear to liek the tagging system
in this which targets dissidents and so-called "wayward" people in the
community.  Of this last statement, probably nothing could be farther from
the truth.  As I see this as a male game, of assault usually upon women.  And
the women's mothers' cults.  Once someone is targeted in this game, thecrime
groups KEEP adding new implants into someone.  As the eels die, then they add
more into someone.  Strong antibiotics may keep this thing under control.
Police won't help victims because they know that wares victims are owned,
like prostitutes, by pimps in the area IF the victim is not owned by the
mother's cult.  The pimps make sure that the victim is separated from
friends, family and lovers.  Keep this in mind, because I DO believe it --
that XXXXX is being assaulted by pimp crime groups and that they well may be
getting these wares fishes off of her implants.  And that it is the crime
syndicates' assaults upon the victim which are really underlying your
problems with her.  Getting these monkey-rats off her back, getting her
antibiotics, and possibly paying the syndicates TO leave her alone, will
probably work a while.  But this can be costly.  Also, these syndicates
really do USE some supernatural creatures, small rat-like or beast like
animals -- which are invisible to human naked eye on these victims.  This I
believe now.  XXXXX probably has heard these things jump up and down -- near
her physically.  They bounce a bit it seems.  But I am beginning to believe
that they may be quite real.  FBI, CIA (esp.) and even MI5-6 are probably
using these things, as stalking animals -- the rats are probably implanted,
seem pretty intelligent, and trained to carry out the wares games whirlwinds
which surround victims.  My info says that these animals live in well-hidden
nests in houses and Intel agencies probably use them to carry out the
transmissions around victims, for telepathy and min and control work.   When
I heavily bombed the basement with heavy pesticides, immediately the
synthetic telepathy voicing stopped and all electrical assaults upon me
stopped too.  When I sprayed pesticides around me physically when whirlwinds
kicked up, again, things immediately stopped.  The phrase "monkey on her
back" -- can be very real only the beasts are smaller and more rat like.
There are tests she can consider to figure out if these are real -- and ways
to keep them in check.  These rats things may be following a lot of people
around in public -- unknown especially to young people.

Last, most people probably learn about these monkey-rat things and about the
heavy influence of secretive community cults when they get married.  And
women learn to use the cults and these fishes to keep men interested in 'em.
The fishes also carry stuff like drugs on em -- near them.  Women may use
these fishes to encourage sex with men, some of the frequencies emited from
the fishes can be very very high pitched sexual.  And men are attracted to
particular women with particular implants.  Some people are sort of mated
with particular implant set-ups.  The curmudgeon couples can set people up
with BAD implants which turn people against 'em, simply with vibes.  XXXXX'
implant set-up may be compromised now, so you are being shoved off.  The
thing is pretty involved....IF you pay synidcates guys in the neighborhood --
evidently you can learn where the wares game houses are in the area -- and
learn who is behind the assaults upon innocent people in the area.  But you
gotta' have a trusted friend probably in these syndicates or be
cult-connected to have anyone be honest with you.  People are either "inside"
the story or "out" of the story.  People are either underground, escaping
this thing, or above ground playing the wares games sequences -- which
include heavy stalking and physical assaults upon victims.  Unbelievable to
me how a whole community, badly informed, will jump into the assaults,
without even a blink of an eye.  They don't know the victim, they don't care,
they ONLY want the payoffs from the drugs and vibes with these weird fish,
the situation is SO heavily tracked with very very intense violence that
people simply will not cross the system.  Once a family member is staged with
wares games implants, the curmdugeons look to set-up all the victims friends
with wares stories, etc....families are totally shattered overnight.  Family
members may be sacrificed as ritual for the cults if they side with the
victim.  The satanic cult's influences are that badly maligned from normal
human rationale.  Last, these victims, some of them, are being used in
amazingly complex intelligence stalking games worldwide, for one reason their
influence has grown so astronamically since probably about 1980 -- Reagen's
regime and Nixon's regime in the U.S. were probably key to this thing taking
hold in the U.S..  All the Queen's Men were also very very involved in the
UK.  This was a dream to Intel agencies who could use the curmudgeon
syndicate's violence and strategies to control a world.  Whole communities
became involved in stalking victims for the drugs and payoffs with the pearls
and fishes....they followed them hoping to obtain the wares gifts -- like
Santa Claus gifts -- which might establish their lives in short order.  Whole
countries bowed down to the system, as it seemed a panacea for lawmakers and
judges.  Govts have always been insecure -- and considered themselves above
the law.  Govts hate and distrust, inately, their publics.

This past summer while traveling in the midwest, I witnessed, on 6 separate
occasions, the wares fishes being accessed by pimps -- and saw twice HUGE
ones with the pearl and with the halo on them appear a few feet from me.
Unreal things to see appear, ZZZZZZ.  They "flash" into the area -- like
lightning -- seem to be part of the natural environment.  They may come from
underground caverns (I saw thousands of the remains of these fishes in
underground subway systems).  Or possibly the ocean.  But, this is simply
REAL.  It is not a joke.  And in Idaho I learned how the men out there catch
' em, the commands they use to pick them up in public off of people with the
rat-whirlwinds.  And I DID get 3 of these fishes caught in my hand, one in my
car, one in a hotel room, and one at HOME when I got back to east coast.
Then I started catching 'em in my study - at home.  But the ones I caught
were small -- none of them had the huge halos or pearls with them.  The
reason my house may be being broken-into daily is that the local syndicate
comes in to get the fishes -- and find the pearls -- which are probably
caught someplace I don't know of.  But they torture me out of the house daily
to pick this stuff up here.  If I don't leave the house for 2 days or more,
than they loose SOME Of this catch.  The fish "slither" fast and quickly out
of what they sense is harm's way when they appear, down hallways, between
wooden slats, through holes in closet, through walls, and out often window
sills with holes in em.  Syndicates set up the holes in apts and houses.
Syndicates pick them up by using special trigger calls which the fishes
respond to outside and turn the fish/pearls into the local Intel house or
pimp house for payoffs.  Houses where wares fishes are being harvested are
usually dirty because the rats whirlwinds leave behind residues and dirt from
where these dirty creatures live probably.

The rats are very hard to see, very hard to catch because they are so fast,
strong creatures.  Intel trains em.  Uses em all the time on people they
hate...so do the Wicca and satanic mother cults.  Cats can help victims.
They DO kill the rats and can see em better than humans, but syndicates will
also make the  cat ill, set up poisons in dry foods, and even kill the cat if
it gets too many.  Dogs can help -- as they hear these things bounce on the
floors and they will chase them.  Animals know these things are more real
than humans who are too afraid to admit it.  Having two dogs, small yippy
ones, can probably help more than one -- because one needs to stay behind in
house to guard it.  And dogs should probably always be fed from canned foods.
So should cats, fresh cans everyday.  This is the only way I know of to keep
their physical health.  Anyway -- most people have probably been implanted --
to some degree and many are probably being used in the wares games too.
Doctors clean people up on occasion.  And many people are living with some of
these rat-like things around em.  Older people deal with this a lot.  In the
U.S. crime syndicates are running every neighborhood now -- with curmudgeon
couples as back-ups for crime and targeting people considered problems.  I
may not have the whole story reported exactly correctly here -- but I know
that I am on track and that a great many people, especially over the age of
30 are VERY aware of what this is and how to use the cult system for payoffs
against these poor, innocent victims....we are entering into an age of more
assaults I fear...and new high tech uses of implants to harm victims.  As
Intel grapples with ways to cover up it's horrendous involvement in the wares
games -- and the public begins to realize how badly these poor victims have
been used for the whole community's benefits.  IT IS A CHRIST STORY!!!   Of
innocent people martryed -- as a vicious pagan-satanic order has taken hold
to run everything about us I fear.  The U.S. NEEDS a "satanic martyr"
monument -- the tomb of the unknown soldier ain't enough anymore.

Anyway -- hope I don't repeat things too much for you.  I tend to do this
when I have problems here.  Thanks for the Merry Christmas -- same to you.
Am sorry to hear about your Mom.  Let me know any new developments.

My best, Judith

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