-Caveat Lector-


I find all this 'new breakthrough' stuff with a team of 25 researchers
worrying ....

a solution to the particle wave duality paradox and new advances in A.I.
well not meaning to be a damp blanket on the comapny from Oz - but
I've been touting a new particle physics solution to that paradox,
free energy theory and the solution to the 5th generation A.I paradox
for at least 10 YEARS now.

As far as I can see - various people before me :
Bruce cathie, Rae Tomes, Townsend Brown, Peter Plichta, some guy from
Vienna that i can't at this time remember, and of course Tesla -

have all come up with the same thing time and time and time again ...

we don't get published, we don't even get reviewed,

Blacklight may be THE official channel for such ideas - maybe they've been
chosen as THE official 'discovery vehicle' ..... BUT ....
I really do not think so.

It may be the time for the establishment to 'officially' discover a
'dangerous version' of antigravity - nothing too usable so that the public
doesn't get its hopes up - and this could be a cover story for a coming
overt colonial exodus - however - there is absolutely NO GAIN to the
establishment to have any discovery or recycled discovery by Blacklight
come out into the public domain.

They need to keep us primitive and ignorant whilst they are ripping us off.
They don't want to have to teach kids how the universe really works and
how easy it really all is - they have a vested interest in putting out
rubbish like superstrings to maintain the 'unreachable mystique' of things
way beyond the intellect of the average person - that way they can keep their
authority and keep control - why if everyone found out how easy it is to
make free electricity - and convert their chevvy into a space craft :)
'THEY' would have absolutely NO CONTROL over what taxpayers spoke to what
aliens ..............
and if mrs smith gets to exchange her old family clock for a gadget that can
read minds - and her kids get to do the grand galaxy tour with the friendlies
what kind of world could we possibly be living in then - with ineffective
fascists and secret police not being able to get the better of us ???

Andrew Hennessey
yet another solver of particle physics, free energy and a.i. paradoxes

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