-Caveat Lector-

Thursday December 30, 10:54 AM

John Huang Warned FBI of Plan to Kill Johnny Chung
Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

Star Chinagate witness Johnny Chung wants to know why the Clinton
Justice Department never warned him that Beijing had him marked
for death, despite a tip-off to the FBI about the planned rubout
from another key witness with ties to the Chinese government.

Appearing Tuesday night on Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes,"
Chung complained about an incident on March 20, 1999, where the
FBI arrested an armed man inside the office of his now defunct
fax broadcasting company in what agents told him was an attempt
on his life. The gunman got within feet of the key witness before
the attack was foiled.

"I want to say that I was a little bit angry today," Chung told
Fox. "I recently got public information right here. It said John
Huang's FBI 302 report. And seriously, between February 23 to
March 26, he already talked to the FBI. The Chinese tried to kill

Huang, a former employee of the Chinese-owned Lippo Group who
became a top Democratic Party fund-raiser after working at the
Clinton Commerce Department, is alleged to have laundered
millions of dollars in illgegal Chinese cash for the president's
1996 reelection.

Witnesses testifed in 1997 that Huang had access to classified
Commerce Department material, some of which he is believed to
have shared with his former Lippo bosses, Indonesia's Riady
family. James Riady is a longtime personal friend of Bill

While Huang has told investigators that he knows of no White
House wrongdoing in the Chinagate scandal, Chung has cooperated
fully with federal probers. He recently told NewsMax.com that he
believes President Clinton "is in the back pocket of the Chinese

Documents showing that Huang had warned the FBI about Chinese
plans to kill Chung would be the first public corroboration of
the Taiwanese-American businessman's claim that his candid
testimony placed him in mortal danger.

"Right here, I want to say that why?," Chung asked Fox News
viewers. "At that time, (the FBI) already know. How come they
didn't notify me?"

In November, the star witness revealed that the March 20th
incident prompted the FBI's Los Angeles office to immediately
assign armed agents to protect Chung and his family. But within
48 hours the Clinton Justice Department overuled local FBI
officials and withdrew the security detail. (See: FBI Was
Overruled on Decision to Protect Johnny Chung)

When Chung complained to the US Attorney in Los Angeles, he was
told that if he thought he was in danger he should "call 911".

The key Chinagate witness was recently slapped with $127,000 in
new fines based on his 1998 guilty plea to fundraising abuses and
tax evasion. Chung told NewsMax.com in early December that he is
no longer allowed to publicly discuss his case without first
notifying federal authorites.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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