-Caveat Lector-


Suriviving The Millennium 101: A Crash Course with Human Destiny
http://mrr2001.com (now back on-line)

>From the practical to the paranoid, the history behind the hysteria!
News U Can Use 4 this the 31st day of December 1999 A.D.

0 Days  B~4  the BIG 2000!
128 Days B~4 the BIG 5/5/00!
140 Days B~4 the BIG 5/17/00!

~~~~~~~Millennium Milestones~~~~~~~
December 9931 - EXIT SABBATH YEAR (49)
December 9931 - EXIT AGE OF PISCES
December 9931 - MARS ENTERS AQUARIUS!!!
January     0001 - ENTER AGE OF AQUARIUS
January     0001 - ENTER YEAR OF THE DRAGON
January     0001 - ENTER JUBILEE (50)
January     0001 - Y2K DAY
January     0002 - 11 year solar maxim begins to peak

~~~~~~~Words of Wisdom~~~~~~~

"Enter ye in at the strait gate:for wide is the gate, and broad is the way,
that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because
strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few
there be that find it." ~Jesus, Matt 7:13-14

By: Dr. Rebecca S. Harrison
The following are the more poignant excerpts from a letter exchange with
someone claiming to be Jesus. Due to unusual circumstances of computer
shut-downs, website disruptions and take-downs, files taken from our
computers, we are attempting to get this last warning update out before the
communication "web" is completely taken away from us.
There will be many deceptions, hoaxes, frauds, panic and fear given to the
public in the year ahead. The false christ expose' that follows, will show
you how to spot frauds that will emerge as saviors, messiahs, and Christs.
The following example is possibly just a deception to take the attention
away from the real anti-christ, or for some other unknown reason. The
following letter was written by JAH to me, after an initial letter asking
him why he charged the disciples of Jesus in these end days for his message
of salvation. I hope the general public takes advantage of this, download
onto hard disk or hard copy, to have on hand for future reference in
spotting Jesus impersonators. Click below for News U Can Use Exclusive.

1999 The Year In Review

It has taken a lot of special people to make this interactive newsletter
possible.  To all who were brave enough to RIDE THE WAVE, thank U. U have
taught us a great deal about the potential of Humanity and kindled our faith
in the Human spirit.  You helped turn the ripples into tsunamis and
mountains into molehills! Together we have chopped at some very large trees
in pursuit of truth. U~R activists, heroes, artists, lovers, and warriors
for truth. May love and peace follow you through  Jubilee Year 2000 and
beyond. Regardless of the beginnings, in the END the TRUTH WILL WIN.  R~U
ready 4 the really BIG ONE?

Coming soon 2  http://mrr2001.com
(if'n there's still electricity 'n stuff)

This little pamphlet is for you. It's free, as is all Truth.  Please make
copies and give to everyone you can.  This is news you can use for the days
ahead. Right now, people can't conceive of what is to occur. It hasn't
happened in our lifetime, therefore we can't conceive of it, for there is
nothing to base it on, mentally. That is why this is written out for you, to
have on hand for when it does happen, after the "Web" of communication goes
down, and we become isolated one from another. At best, make as many copies
as you can before copy machines run out of electricity and compliancy. At
least, hand it to someone else that might want to read it. At the very
least, put it in your Y2K survival packs. Click below 4 full story!

POLICY WATCH 2000 - President's Y2K Executive Orders
"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to
restore order;
tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told
there was an outside
threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very
existence. It is then
that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them
from this evil. The one
thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario,
individual rights will
be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to
them by their world
government." a quote from  Henry Kissinger - May 21, 1992

The following Presidential "Executive Orders" have the force of law. All it
takes is an emergency, of any type, to be declared by the President to
activate these Executive Orders which were signed into law in the 1960s
under President John F. Kennedy. The United States of America has been under
a STATE OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY since 9 March 1933, under the War Powers Act.
Think of the possibilities should the President ever decide to act on the
authority Congress and the Senate have already given the Chief Executive /
Commander and Chief. Click below for full story!


Dear Subscribers,

To the thousands who have expressed gratitude and concern during the 40 day
fast of our humble publication, our love 2~U. Publishing on the web hasn't
been the easiest of tasks these days. However,  all is well as we witness
Humanity pass through the birth canal of the 21st Century. The past year has
been filled with rhetoric of the left and of the right, yet nothing has
changed because the left and right remain distractions impeding the People's
right to life, liberty, and the true pursuits of happiness. It is the
challenge of this once great nation to restore true democracy and honesty in
public office. It is the challenge of the People to hold those in elected
offices accountable, but more importantly it is the challenge of the People
to remember they hold these offices in the first place. While apathy makes
victims of us all, it is our duty to ignite apathy with the passion of our
forefathers and of our ancestors to restore the freedoms guaranteed us in a
state of democracy. Divisions by gods, political parties, pigmentations,
orientations, and class keep the People distracted and successfully tricked
into eternal excile - hating and killing each other over money, resources,
and the fear of the other. The difference exists only in our perception.  If
ever there was a time to unite as one mind, one People, and one voice
against the principalities of darkness,  allowing for an instant moment,
one glimmer of light to shine upon the plethora of their shadows; that time
is now. Click below 4 full story!

+++++++SURVIVAL ZONE 101++++++++




EQUIPOISE - The Ergonomic Computer Chair

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~~~~Will U Sink, Swim, or Will U Ride The Wave?~~~~~
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This information is distributed for educational purposes only.
All copyrights remain the sole property of original author.
The Millennium Resource Report (tm) is a publication of Zygote Media
Networks, Inc. in association with The National Organization for the
Advancement of Humanity (NOAH), a nondenominational philanthropic foundation
dedicated to promoting environmental and spiritual preservation and the
active exploration of World Peace and Human Unity in the 21st Century! All
material is copyright 1999©ZMN, all rights reserved. You are encouraged to
share these reports freely with all you love. The views and opinions
expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of The Millennium
Resource Report (tm), subscribing participants, nor
commercial sponsors. Personal spiritual discernment required!! No guarantee
written or implied exist. Zygote Media Networks nor network agents accept
any responsibility for the accuracy of published information. This
information service has been created as a monument to peoples of all
religions, disciplines, and traditions to explore the inherent truths in our
common legacy as we approach the climax of our lifetimes and fulfill our
human destiny in the New Millennium.

Surviving The Millennium 101, The Millennium Resource Report(tm) is a
registered trademark of Zygote Media Networks, Inc. PO Box 332 - Abilene,
KS - 67410, USA, Earth. All rights reserved copyright 1999©ZMN, unless
otherwise noted. 1-785-263-1871

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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