-Caveat Lector-


Thought this was interesting, although, who knows anymore....


WARNING!!! EMERGENCY!!! PLEASE READ NOW!!! > [see comment below] > Date:
12/29/1999 11:11:52 PM Eastern Standard Time > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Daniel & Luellen Carr) > > THIS IS AN ALERT > I have found out from a
former Prophecy Club speaker that trouble iscoming > on the 31st. Al
Cuppett, formerly with the Joint Chiefs, called me towarn > me of some
activity that could effect you. A pastor in Eastern Colorado > (that all the
more specific I can be right now) called Alex and told himthat > a Colorado
police officer told this pastor NOT to go to his church's > moonlight
(candlelight) observance. It could mean his life. Of course,this > made him
ask the obvious question, "why". > > There is a little-known group called
the "no-knockers". This group,funded > by tax dollars, uses people who were
"trained" at a "boot camp" for teenage > prisoners. These former gang
members are now a para-military force to be > watched. This group, being
trained in the Montana highlands, has beenspread > out over the country to
prepare a simultaneous strike against Christians. > > The police officer
told this pastor that these "no-knockers" are going to > strike marked
churches by kicking in the doors and "help the congregationto > commit
suicide" at the top of the hour 12 midnight EST (11 pm CST, 10 pmMST, >
etc.) while the church is taking communion. > > Sound crazy? Not really.
Another police officer has called Alex and told > him that in Jacksonville,
FL, there is a "mass suicide of Christians"planned > at the stroke of
midnight into the new millennium. The same was said for > Knoxville, TN. It
was reported that there is so much carnage expectedthat > the police has
"reserved several freezer box cars to hold all > of the bodies." > > Alex is
convinced that the start of the round-ups will begin with this event. > If
you think about it, the media has spent an awful lot of time and effort >
lately to make Bible believing Christians into crazed zealots who areintent
> on forcing the start of the book of Revelation by brutality, bloodshed (of
> their own or someone else's), or any other means necessary. Remember
howthey > have demonized this "Brother David" and his followers (I'm not
sayingthey're > right, it's just too much of a coincidence) for being in
Jerusalem, readyto > force the start of the end time. > > The Bible states
that Moses didn't go up to the tabernacle on a certainday > because it
wasn't of the Lord and it was dangerous (maybe life threatening?). > Please
give careful consideration and prayer to all of your actions these > next
two days. Please run EVERY action by the Lord for clearance! Don'tgo > into
this bull-headed, you may just get the ax! > > In His Service, > Daniel Carr
> =============================== > > COMMENT FROM DOT BIBEE: Received this
message early this morning - and am > forwarding this to my entire mailing
list for their information. I will > check this out with the Prophecy Club
as soon as I can get through to Topeka. > The MESSAGE I put out yesterday
from the Knoxville News-Sentinel indicated > that the Knoxville (Knox
County) "emergency teams" are prepared for mass > suicides - so there IS a
connection here.....that MUST BE checked out -NOW!! > PRAY that those who
need to get this message will receive it on time.May > the Lord Bless and
Keep us All.... PLEASE FORWARD TO YOUR E-MAIL > LISTS..... and phone those
who are not on e-Mail. As soon as I can findMORE > information, I will post
it to you. > > > FREEDOM NEWS NETWORK > %Dot Bibee ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) >
Knoxville, TN Ph/FAX (865) 577-7011 > > >

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