-Caveat Lector-

Which Piper are you referring to?  This Pied Piper takes exception to
someone thinking that Clinton is typical of the American Person.
It would have been nice if he had learned something at Yale
but I wonder if anyone could learn with a mindset like he
seems to have.  As far as Hilary, her references from working
on the Watergate case against Nixon show a low level of
competence.  They are shells (targets) as well as the Bush
family so who are they shelling for.

Why are they there?
The mortarandm on W.W.II is going out and they are
suppose to keep that information from going out as
well as supporting the original ideas from the Hitler era.
Why do I not say from Hitler?  Because he received a large
amount of financial support from people like Bush, Bush lost
his companies in Germany over that support.  Yet, Bush is
just a go-for himself - So, what / who is the idea of Hitler?

Monopoly, complete control.

Diversity is life and by that those ideas prove that they are
homicidal maniacs with suicidal tendencies.

the previous leader of the Branch Dividians ran for President
Had a shoot out with Karish and Karish took over
Was Karish running a pedophile operation for people like
Bush - convinent, both in Texas, maybe drugs were in it to.
So, it seems as if the "powers that be" might go after the FBI
and the DEA to shut them up.

this mentally fragile life form called human.
some have and idea of "Survival of the Fittest"
or "If you can do it, then it is alright to do"
Basic survival is to survive, eat, and reproduce.
If they are right about it being OK to eradicate humans
and oil is produced by bacteria,

* An extraordinary theory about the origins of
life is causing controversy, says Nigel Hawkes <br>
 ** November 25 1998 "MIND AND MATTER"
-- Nigel Hawkes ** <br>
 ** Is this how life really began? ** <br><br>
This article refers to a Dr. Thomas Gold who <br>
"His track record is impressive. Born in Vienna,
he fled Hitler in the 1930s, took his degree at Trinity
College, Cambridge, and helped to develop radar
for the Admiralty between 1942 and 1946. His
university career has taken him to Cambridge,
Harvard and Cornell, and through research in
zoology, physics, astronomy, radio-physics, space
research and cosmology. He is, says Bondi, one
of the outstanding scientists of our time."<br>
This man has made a hypothesis that - oil is
biogenic.  Be this as it may proof that bacteria
live deep below the surface of the Earth.  These
bacteria use chemical energy and have no need
of photosynthesis.

snails, earthworms and some bacteria are some
of the life forms on the planet
that is male and female in one form.  Organophosphates
mess up reproduction.  Kill all the bacteria that keep us
alive and which bacteria would take over?
During the dark ages there were plagues
so even without the bacteria in oil, we have
the potential of a fight on our hands.
Which bacteria, survival index controls us?  YOU?

animal fats seem to be required for our survival.
Fat soluble vitamins.
Give some beef fat to an animal that has fleas and
see if the fleas die.
Let them eat cake!?  Let them have fat.
Me thinks that phase was taken out of context
1793 France "The king must die," said the lawyer
Maximilien Robespierre, "so that the state may live." (1)
1794 July France The last of the ones that advocated
the ruling house should be guillotined - were guillotined
themselves. The last one to go was Robespierre. (1)

If we stay with this idea of "If you can do it then it is
alright to do" then it is an open door to any bacteria or
anything that wants Earth to take it.
-Also, can anyone that is decent touch us.
We are children that seem to be created from a bacteria
that has a virus (a self destruct mechanism) in it.
Quarantine the planet.
"Beam me up Scotty, No signs of intelligent life on this
Maybe once the other bacteria evolve, You know
once the petrochemicals or whoever takes over.
Yet, has anyone seen pictures of what the other planets look
Still it looks like we will be joining the dinosaurs soon.
Can't hide underground or in space when the very
bacteria that keep you alive might be empathic (telepathic)
prefer trees and want you dead.
Plants can live without us, we can not live without
plants and the bacteria that they have.
If mammals are a failed effort, where would
plants turn to for pollinators?  Ants?
Try hiding from them.
Happy New Year to
the World Trade Organization and
the World Bank
Monopolies that are suicidal.
The Pied Piper

PS Why has China been able to have that population?
Does anyone know that they use or have used
"Midnight Soil" and stayed in touch with the land.
Fertile thought isn't it.
Use organophosphates and things derived from
petrochemicals and you get that back since
plants up take that stuff.  So, which
"Survival Index" is going to be the winner.
Or is the Earth going to look like Mars soon?

Amelia K Edgeman wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Bubba seems to be one of those words that has been given a new meaning over
> time.  I think it was Piper who said Clinton could not be a Bubba as he
> attended Yale and J2's friends call him Bubba, etc.  The word Bubba used to
> mean brother, specifically older brother.  It is the younger child trying to
> call the older child his brother or "Bubba" as it usually came out.  Now it
> seems to mean some beer-swilling, redneck fool particularly of southern
> origins.  Just as southerners never say "ya'll" for singular as in movies
> and on TV (it is sort of a contraction for all of you) there used to be some
> meaning to many of these quaint expressions.  By this definition, Clinton is
> most certainly a Bubba.  J2 probably is not--suspect he is an only
> child--and Mr Shannon thinks all southerners are Bubbas.  Interesting word.
> Amelia

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually you will

Atrocities happen when the people about you - start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
      ---- Thomas Jefferson

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

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