-Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

Subject: Finding your way to The Stargate
Date: Sunday, December 19, 1999 2:01 PM

(Citation and "find-your-way" direction to The Stargate follow, re Dan's
reference to Saul Paul and Farley's forward of "The Stargate Conspiracy"
related quotes, etc.)

(For those not quite up to speed with what Dan Smith's talking about here,
put on your "Star Wars" costume and think "Dark Side of the Force." Or shift
over to the metaphysical, and consider what are pejoratively called "demonic
Entities." Or in a "UFOlogical" modality, perhaps "good aliens and bad
aliens." But for our scientific vernacular, let's think in balanced terms of
"viruses of the mind" & consciousness? This allows even former-Soviets,
Chinese and others into this game, "alien"-wise.)
- - - - +
In a message dated 12/19/99 12:08:00 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  Consider the Boss.  This is the Monster Group.  I have spoken of the Monster
   several times before in this forum.  Jack is afraid of the Monster.  He
   realizes that it makes a shambles of his metaphysics.  Jack hates Plato,
   for the same reason.  Plato believe(s) (sic) in disembodied existence.
   Remember -- Philosophy 101?

   Saul-Paul is Jack's Physics/Math mentor.  Saul-Paul knows all about the
   Boss.  Saul-Paul is a Platonist.  Saul-Paul believes in disembodied
   He does not believe that they rot in the grave, any more than does the
   Monster Group which just happens to be the Boss of all of physics, even of
   Jack's little back-action.  Is anyone in the world besides me keeping
   Does anyone else wonder what is coming down and who is fooling whom and
   Yes, in his own inimitable fashion, Farley wonders.

- - - - +

Here's a little ditty resonant with Dan's emission, above. Actually, I'm not
the only one "wondering."  I'm just a mild-mannered reporter. But then there
ARE "others?"

Excerpting for review and promotional purposes only, quoting from "The
Stargate Conspiracy," (Picknett & Prince, Little Brown & Co.), on Page 245 -
246, from the chapter titled "Behind the Mask": (Ver batim; author's
footnoted refs. in parens.)

"Many people have been impressed by the paranormal phenomena associated with
the Nine, which often converts them to the cause. Another example of this
happened to Saul Paul Sirag, the physicist who took over the
Physics/Consciousness Research Group at Esalen after Sarfatti. He visited
Ossining during the Geller communications, and was later present at Jenny
O'Connor's sessions at Esalen. Sirag records a hauntingly surreal story in
which he asked Geller if it was possible for him to see Spectra. Geller
replied that he only had to look into his eyes. He did so -- and saw the
Israeli's head turn into a hawk's. (143)  This story has particular resonance
because another person involved with the Puharich-Geller group at that time
was Ray Stanford, who claimed extra-terrestrial contact since 1954, and the
beings he saw were also hawk-like. (144)  (In the 1950s Stanford was an
associate of another controversial contactee, George Hunt Williamson, who
was, in turn, a close colleague of the fascist channeller William Dudley

"Hawks run through the Puharich story like wine through water: he himself
claims to have been told by the Nine that he was the reincarnation of the
hawk god Horus, and he often described how hawks regularly appeared around
him and Geller during their travels in Israel and the United States, which he
took as a sign of the Nine's protection. (Incidentally, the Turkey Farm was
in Hawkes Avenue, Ossining.)

"The idea that scientists -- with their traditional contempt for all matters
paranormal -- believe they are in personal contact with extraterrestrial (or
other non-human) intelligences may seem surprising and unlikely, but many of
the Nine's most devoted followers are, as we have seen, physicists. In
response to Sarfatti's description of his childhood telephone conversations
with a computer from the future, ** (Dr.) Brendan O'Regan said he knew of
'several hundred' similar cases, and Saul Paul Sirag stated unequivocally
that over 100 scientists in the United States alone believe they were in
telepathic contact with the extraterrestrial intelligences. (145)  John C.
Lilly, another pioneer in the study of altered states of consciousness and
LSD research, who spent time at the Esalen Institute in the late 1960s,
reported his own experiences of contact with 'intelligences or entities
higher than myself', which he believed were 'a shared organized aspect of the
Universe'. (146)  He speaks of these higher intelligences as 'programmers',
and developed a theory that human beings are really 'biocomputers'. He wrote:
'All human beings... are programmed biocomputers. No one of us can escape our
own nature as programmable entities. Literally, each of us may be our
programs, nothing more, nothing less.' (147)  Although this sounds remarkably
like a mechanistic or behaviouristic concept, Lilly was also convinced of the
existence of higher intelligences -- the 'programmers' -- who, by
implication, program human biocomputers and control the development of
civilisation on Earth. These ideas are strikingly similar to James Hurtak's,
as expressed in The Keys of Enoch." (End quotes.)

 ** DF note: Dr. Brendan O'Regan, deceased, merited some references of his
own in Picknett's & Prince's book, but this one is relevant here (from
Stargate, Page 237):

"Another case of behind-the-scenes agendas in this milieu involved Dr.
Brendan O'Regan, research director of Edgar Mitchell's Institute of Noetic
Sciences and a consultant for SRI, as well as research director for the
scientist-philosopher R. Buckminster Fuller. O'Regan arranged for the
experiments into the strange talents of Uri Geller at Birckbeck College,
London, in 1975 and was also closely involved with the Puharich-Whitmore
circle surrounding the Nine. And, since O'Regan's death in 1992, Jack
Sarfatti has claimed that he was also working with the CIA at this time,

'I was then [1973] simply a young inexperienced 'naive idiot' in a very, very
sophisticated and successful covert psychological warfare operation run by
the late Brendan O'Regan of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the late
Harold Chipman who was the CIA station chief responsible for all mind-control
research in the Bay area in the '70s. (132)

DF note: The referenced footnote #132 reads, "Sarfatti, Quantum Quackery."
This refers to its bibliographical reference: "Sarfatti, Jack, 'Quantum
Quackery,' posting on Sarfatti's website
<http://www.hia.com/pcr/stenger.html  1996."
- - - - +
"The Stargate Conspiracy," by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince. Published in
1999 by Little, Brown & Co., London. ISBN # 0-316-64861-2.
- - - - +
Jacket blurb from "The Stargate Conspiracy" follows:

The Stargate Conspiracy: Revealing the truth behind extraterrestrial contact,
military intelligence and the mysteries of ancient Egypt.  By Lynn Picknett &
Clive Prince.
ISBN: 0-316-64861-2.  Little, Brown and Company (UK); Brettenham House;
Lancaster Place; London WC2E 7EN.   (Price: 18.99 pounds. 230 pages.)

Here's the book jacket "teaser," quoting ver batim, in toto:

"The Stargate Conspiracy exposes the most insidious and dangerous plan of our
times. It involves intelligence agencies, politicians, international
bestselling authors and the world's leading scientists and industrialists.
The authors of this book believe that this conspiracy, centred upon the
eternal mysteries of ancient Egypt, targets and threatens us all.

"Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince highlight a secret agenda which has been
pursued for nearly fifty years and which is emerging in the form of a hybrid
fundementalism on the eve of the Millennium. Tracing the identity of the
groups involved and their pedigree through occult networks and mind-control
experiments, the authors argue that at the heart of this conspiracy is the
belief that the ancient Egyptian gods were -- and are-- real extraterrestrial
beings, that certain key people are in contact with these beings, and that
they are about to return through the 'stargate' between our world and theirs.

"The authors reveal that the background to these ideas can be found within
the astonishingly advanced scientific knowledge encapsulated in the ancient
Egyptian texts, now recognised as a major influence on the development of
European thought. The US-funded excavations that have taken place on the Giza
plateau since the 1970s -- officially denied, but for which Picknett and
Prince produce documented evidence -- now appear to be the direct result of
directives allegedly received through communication with beings of higher
intelligence, who are instructing the conspirators to lay the foundations for
great global changes.

"But are we really being prepared for the return of the gods? And if so, will
we be expected to accept unquestioningly the conspirators as our spokesmen?
Or is this an exercise in mass deception designed to ensure our support of
the conspirators? As the powerful few feed on Millennial tension,
triumphantly persuading us that they alone know how to talk to the gods, The
Stargate Conspiracy serves as a serious warning to mankind."

(End jacket blurb.)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2000.


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