Greetings, Fellow Peacemakers.

 You are invited to participate in an unprecedented global harmonization effort known as , The Gaia Bella Project.  We are  seeking like minded individuals and organizations that would be willing to collaborate on the beginnings of a Unified Planetary Society.   Today we are a myriad of entities working towards specific causes from environmental issues to peace movements, human rights to holistic health.
Our vision is to join forces so that we may act in concert and, thus, with great influence. We are, after all, working toward the same goal of building an abundant and sustainable   future for all of the citizens and denizens of Earth.
      It is the intention of the Gaia Bella Project to begin facilitating the impetus,  information and communication modalities necessary to the goal of awakening to the reality that we are all indeed part of a single Planetary organism.  This organism involves all peoples, all life forms, the earth and the entirety of the  cosmos.  Anyone can utter the phrase that all of life is interconnected.  However, for this recognition to be of benefit to us we must also live this profound truth.  It is obvious that human
civilization is fragmented,  disjointed and dysfunctional.  Our goal is to seek out the common ground between us and then use it as the foundation for a campaign toward unification.
 This is a call to all who have sought harmony, truth, freedom and beauty in one form or another. The task of harmonizing human civilization is of obvious immensity, which is all the more reason to seriously consider combining our resources.  This proposed link-up would constitute the conscious recognition that we are finally coming together to work and play as a singular entity.  Our single all encompassing  purpose is the creation  of a Unified Planetary Society.

 The beginnings of this unification process at the conscious level starts with the exchange of information and ideas between the different individuals and organizations on how best to organize, plan and execute our objectives.  This means utilizing the tremendous power of cyber-space to begin collaborating with one another.  If we can unify in virtual space then it follows that we can unify in actual space.  To initiate this virtual community, we have created a Website  and a listserver that are open to all interested in manifesting the vision of the Gaia Bella Project. To become a subscriber/participant of our listserver, send an email message to:
  with the word "subscribe gaiabella-act" in the "Subject:" field.
This virtual community is the idea that can then be turned into a living, breathing reality right before our very
eyes. We must come together. The other alternative is to continue  wearing the yoke  of present day civilization.

  We are the one
  We are the many
 We come to beautify and make peace.
 We are the New Earth Movement

Raul Grajeda

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